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Everything posted by LochendBilly

  1. Does getting one in the extra allocation for the semi final count? Didn't get one in the original ballot but got one of the lot that was taken back from the sheep.
  2. That is disgusting Rockape, it shouldn't be your first. I'd complain mate.
  3. Got one, had this and Livvy so far.
  4. Been out and about all weekend and not one bit of manky gear have I seen. Glorious stuff indeed and long may it continue.
  5. Most will be doing a lie in after battering Bernadette and the weans last night.
  6. Reminds me of one of those toy footballers from the Striker game when the head sticks down.
  7. This is what it's about! Wee man wants Jack on the back of a new shirt.
  8. Might be cringe but it seems to be gaining momentum.
  9. They are allocating the new stand only for home fans which holds 456 Does anyone have any idea how many that will be left for us?
  10. The tarrier barrier will not stop them hearing the peado chants
  11. Excuses? Away and don't talk pish! Injury update, nothing more and even if everyone was available, i'd be disappointed if he didn't keep Brenda guessing.
  12. Temple loyal had spaces left yesterday mate, no number for them but they are on fb and Twitter.
  13. Some nasty person at it again https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alex_Thomson_(journalist)#Life_and_career
  14. Brenda has a lovely line of frocks but.
  15. Mate, probably better sending a message on their FB, will try get a number
  16. Record online running this story now.
  17. Unsure where in Glasgow mate but Temple Loyal RSC (Anniesland and Knightswood area) have seats for non members. @ready1873
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