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Everything posted by pollok-bear

  1. A stood up for the queen but tbh am not an england fan. If it wasnt for the commentators i would like to see them do well more. But Dnt hate the england team just not to fussed. I fucking hate the scottish national team with a passion am at tht stage i want them to get beat. Fucking never forget tht day i seen them scum fans in george sq singing songs about Rangers. I would love our club to refuse any of our players for selection for scotland football national team. When it comes to rugby mon the scotland. When it comes to politics SCOTLAND SAID NO. I am British and proud. Long live the queen.
  2. Having a look at the teams we can get we should we will beat them. Whats the cheapest journey? Ive sat and tried to look at them all.
  3. Are thomas cook not robbing bastards. If u book yer own flight its cheaper.
  4. Get right to fuck miller you fucking falser. U played for the taigs and will be playing for the sheep nxt year.
  5. I had high hopes for him also and he has been a complete dissappointment. We dnt have time to go oh but he might get better. Thats our fucking problem. Get him to fuck. Not good enough plus he was oot drinking wae tht wee poofy looking prick scott allan.
  6. We should look to increasing our stadium as i knew demand was great but not that great.
  7. One tarrier cunt oot and liewell will hand pick another tarrier loving bastard in. Corrupt to the fucking core.
  8. Mines done that. I went doon to ticket office on sat and they are sending me a new one for free.
  9. Big picture of gerrards burds tits on front of smart card would be nice lol.
  10. If its cooncil u rattle u dnt need a good card but if its roy cropper then it looks like itl do the job just fine. Hahaha
  11. Totally agree mate. They really have to change venue. Its changed past few years.
  12. Worse one yet. They have to sort the issue out. Even prices of drinks dearer than any other year. Defos need a change a venue again.
  13. Ive been going to this for 10 years. Fucking 45 minutes wait for que for a drink. Most of my pals left early due to this but a stayed til end
  14. Hi troops has any of your money came out yet? Over 4 monrhs mines was due out 31st
  15. If i was griffiths i would take every drug in the world to take away the pain of looking as ugly as tht wee junkie looking fuck. Fucking hate tht wee bastard with a passion. I want to see a real Rangers team nxt season but up a fight. Tore right intae these bastards. We are letting them walk over us on and of the pitch.
  16. Fuck barry ferguson bleeds Rangers. He always has our backs. Im sure all of us have been in photos we dnt want to be in
  17. What has happened to our once great club. I can just about take the pish we are putting up with on the pitch but what is happening of it is a shambles. Our club should never have let the standards slip to this extent.
  18. I am strongly one of the 20% now. We have to do something about it.
  19. I am pretty sure we have been knocked back in the past for this.
  20. It also makes me sicl that even when we have been in the league we havent been able to fucking influence it. We havent turned up in most games against them which is sickening.
  21. I really used to not give a fuck what they bastards done but im sick of them getting away with shit that we wouldnt. I seen that they wur jumping on top of a police van celebrating tonight and not even arrested. I dont know anyone who would get away with it.
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