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***The Official Co-Operative Cup Final Thread***


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Fuck me man - thoguht we had it there. This game will not finish with 11 vs 11. My money is on Hinkel or Novo for the off. We've looked quite good but im shitting myself every time they move forward.

Come on Gers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I must add that Im out of beers and on the vodka - tonight could be messy if we win this Cup.

EDIT - I'm a bit worried that they still have subs to bring on - I hope to god we win this in ET not confident about a shoot out.

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what the fuck was that from Boyd.

Mendes has been shite

mendes has been far from shite - he has picked out some great passes and kept the play going when previously it would have broken down. just because he hasnt scored a wondergoal YET it does not mean he is playing shite

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WHERE is the support for Boyd there?!! Naebody near him.

'ere did he hold it up? nope he took a swing at it to who exactly?

exactly. we all know boyd. and we all know that was a shot

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i can see this going to penalties. i wont have any nails left by the end of this. Cant believe its 0-0, been pretty even but both teams should have scored by now.

Unreal. Win or lose (hopefully win), this has been a match to forget. Shocking lack of quality, but for Lafferty's efforts.

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what the fuck was that from Boyd.

Mendes has been shite

mendes has been far from shite - he has picked out some great passes and kept the play going when previously it would have broken down. just because he hasnt scored a wondergoal YET it does not mean he is playing shite

what you on about because he hasnt scored a wonder goal?

his decision making has been poor and he has gave the ball away too often

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