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History and pics


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Guys. Just putting up this link to my album site which I have scanned endless pictures from all the books that I have collected over the years.

Certain individuals post a lot of the pics on here but I just can't believe people are still saying they have not seen certain pictures before.

They are all in here................ http://imageevent.com/wertp

The changes to the stadiums, some videos, wallpapers that are acknowledged by the persons who done them unless it was not known who did do them.

Always willing to add their names if they contact me and let me know it was them. Some don't bother, just ask me to link it to a forum.

I have also come accross some pics on the internet but not always know where they came from.

Not many, as most have come the books, magazines, programmes and so on that I bought.

I pay £42.00 a year to host these pictures and not counting the cost of certain books I have had to buy to scan and post the pictures.

Please visit. I don't get paid anything. Just hate to think that bears out there don't use it because they don't know about it.

Can you please pass on the link to fellow bears. I have noticed people are making videos and mostly using the pics I have scanned and pt on the site. I try to always scan at high resolutions, but depending on age of pic, it wont make the picture anymore clearer. Just bigger :)

So bears, visit the site, practically anything to do with Rangers, you should find here. It is difficult to try and keep it all organised but I do my best as I do work full time and do other stuff. So please visit the site and find out more about Rangers.

And if you wish to use pics from the site on the forum, just a little acknowledgement off my site would be appreciated if it is not to cheeky to say.

The picture in another topic of the Moses McNeil trophy is from my site. You will see it in the link above along with a lot of the other trophies.

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just had a look through and its the best collection of photos that i have ever seen.Being a older fan i love all the old stuff, and i will never need to look anywhere else for a rangers photos. Its a wonderful site to educate our younger fans on the history of the club and you deserve great credit.

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David, Jardy. I'm female BTW. :thumbup:

Just thought I would point that out

due to you guys calling me "mate".

You can call a female mate..

.. in australia :lol:

I have always called my female and male friends "mate", it saves me trying to remember their names!

Brilliant set of photos etc, really brilliant!

Just spotted the "Rangers Players Story" - I remember having a copy of that for Christmas when I was a boy!

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Cracking collection of photos. I especially like the ones of the stadium. I'd only seen one or two of the redevelopment work. I only started going in 81/82 so I never saw the old bowl shape in the flesh. The ones from the 20s and 30s are really good too.

Good work (tu)

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Thanks guys, people are always asking for pictures so instead of trawling through loads of forums and the net looking for a pic that they might never find, going here saves all that searching.

There are probably millions of pictures going about that people still have not seen, so if you come acroos any, be sure to send them my way and I will host it.

Ok "HENS". :angel:

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