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The Royal Marine Commando's.

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i had the pleasure of speaking to some of these great people in the wee gers after the game

what stood out was the 2 i spoke to 1 was from newcastle and 1 was from worcester and the boy from worcester was telling me he was going to apply for a season book for next year

what brought a lump to my throat was when an englishman with no obvious connections who said to me


that sums up our great club for me and it still makes me proud everytime i mention glasgow rangers

ps they cant half shift the beer them squaddies

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That was truly something else

I sit in the West Enclosure and could see the boys forming up. Some of them we're doing Rule Britannia and even The Bouncy

When they marched out, heads held high and chests puffed out, the tears were welling up big time.

At that point, there was simply no doubt about it.... these were OUR boys, this is OUR country and those guys are dying to defend our freedoms.

We can walk down the street and go to games in peace thanks to them. Never ever forget that no matter what your views on the war are.

If we didn't have an armed forces that were up for a square go then wee Ahmed Taliban would be setting up his hate preaching bomber making stall in the South Side as we speak. Don't be fooled into thinking otherwise.

God Bless The British Army.

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i had the pleasure of speaking to some of these great people in the wee gers after the game

what stood out was the 2 i spoke to 1 was from newcastle and 1 was from worcester and the boy from worcester was telling me he was going to apply for a season book for next year

what brought a lump to my throat was when an englishman with no obvious connections who said to me

"THIS IS WHERE I BELONG"that sums up our great club for me and it still makes me proud everytime i mention glasgow rangers

ps they cant half shift the beer them squaddies

That is superb. Utterly magnificent. It makes me so proud to have been part of something that inspired that.

Rangers may have lost sight of quite a few things in recent years but we must NEVER ever lose sight of the fact that we are the establishment club,

All squaddies, Rangers fan or not, will always be welcome in Ibrox. They will never pay for a drink in my company nor will ill comment ever be passed directly to these boys as long as I draw breath.


I grew up surrounded by tales of the squaddies (my bro and his mates in Berlin, Ulster, Kenya, Belize, Kuwait etc etc) and by god they can drink. Especially in the old days when they got there bevvy in Berlin duty and tax free !!!

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One by one those soldiers walked into the Broomloan front, and one by one the were clapped. They found their seats and sat down still with a huge applause from the crowd. Every man, woman and child in the stadium was proud that the men who are out there fighting for our country, were home & safe. Albeit, only a fraction of those who were actually sent.

Rule Britannia, was being sung noticeably but not over zealously by the few thousand fans who were there when the soldiers marched in. It was only the beginning of an introduction which would see 50,000 fans almost weep with pride. Throughout the first half there were renditions of Rule Britannia & God Save The Queen, which brought a sense of unionism and patriotism to our hero's and fans. However, this was only the start, as everyone knew there was more.

The whistle blew for half time, and soon after the voice came over the huge speakers asking us to warmly welcome those who put their lives on the line to keep this country free. The Royal Marine Commando's marched onto the Ibrox turf.

It was truly a spectical as every fan from every seat stood up to thank these hero's for their duty. What we wanted to say to them personally was put into a simple, but extremely loud applause. I think it's been the biggest round of applause I have heard at Ibrox for a long time. These men deserved it. For the first 45 minutes, it was Rangers v Hearts at Ibrox for the SPL, for the Half time interval it was Rangers, Hearts and The Royal Marine Commando's v Terrorism for Britain.

Some of the Commando's expressed their joy by jumping up and down and waving on the crowd. And boy did that get us all going. Soon after they branched into 4 groups, taking up the four corners of the stadium. We as fans applauded louder than ever. Those brave men clapped our support and thanked them for it. Fans threw their scarves as a sign of unity. Those soldiers picked up those scarves and wrapped them around their necks proudly. Whether or not those men supported Rangers Football Club or not, at that time I think there would be only one place they would rather be, and that is out there fighting to keep our nation safe.

We wanted them there and they wanted to be there.

One commando was so proud, he robbed our Flag bearer of his union jack, and he waved it. High. So high that every Man, Woman and Child could see what they stand for. It was cheered so loud. After about 10 minutes on the pitch, those men re banded as a group and began their exit off the field. The fans had one more thank you in mind. As our hero's turned and started to march, every fan in the stadium were on their feet clapping their hands and sung Rule Britannia louder than ever before. We wanted to show our appreciation. It was a "spine tingling, hair standing up on your neck" moment.

In the stand there were 2 signs which had appeared as they soldiers marched on. "45 Commando" & "For Queen & Country". This is our Queen and our country and these men will fight for as long as it takes to keep it that way.

It was a truly inspirational day, and will live in many peoples hearts for the rest of their lives. I sincerely hope those men will never forget it. We will never forget any man or woman who has lost their life fighting for our Country and those who still to this day put their lives on the line to keep our country united, will be supported.

RMC - For Queen And Country. No Surrender.



Cracking post, absolutely superb.

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Great to see the appreciation for these men willing to put their all on the line and for us to be allow to be given the chance to express our appreciation for the exception job they do.

Therefore lets see the Ghurkhas at Ibrox if this government is unwilling to give them the recognition they deserved for fighting at our side since the 1800`s. We as Rangers fans should be given the opportunity to honour these brave little soldiers and support them in their rights for all to reside in this country should the wish to do so . It is ridicules that some people are simply waved through and given a right to live here having done nothing for this country yet we deny these exemplary solders who have served us so well for so long

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Great to see the appreciation for these men willing to put their all on the line and for us to be allow to be given the chance to express our appreciation for the exception job they do.

Therefore lets see the Ghurkhas at Ibrox if this government is unwilling to give them the recognition they deserved for fighting at our side since the 1800`s. We as Rangers fans should be given the opportunity to honour these brave little soldiers and support them in their rights for all to reside in this country should the wish to do so . It is ridicules that some people are simply waved through and given a right to live here having done nothing for this country yet we deny these exemplary solders who have served us so well for so long

thats a great idea the gurkhas would be another group who the gers fans would really take to our hearts

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It was a fantastic occasion.

So proud of the troops.

Maybe the Hearts fans cheered out of FEAR incase the Soldiers popped a cap in their ass!! LOL

only jesting, respect to the Jambos for their respect and behaviour during the half time spectacle.

Lets hope 11 Soldiers turn out on Saturday for the Bears and take the fight to our enemy on home turf.

(maybe plant a fuckin landmine under boruc!!!)

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It was a fantastic occasion.

So proud of the troops.

Maybe the Hearts fans cheered out of FEAR incase the Soldiers popped a cap in their ass!! LOL

only jesting, respect to the Jambos for their respect and behaviour during the half time spectacle.

Lets hope 11 Soldiers turn out on Saturday for the Bears and take the fight to our enemy on home turf.

(maybe plant a fuckin landmine under boruc!!!)

1 of the soldiers was a hearts fan he leapt over the boards and was getting the scarfs they threw on

talking to them last night im sure 1 of the guys said the boy pushing the wheelchair was a celtic fan but was overwhelmed by the support shown to him and his comrades

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Great to see the appreciation for these men willing to put their all on the line and for us to be allow to be given the chance to express our appreciation for the exception job they do.

Therefore lets see the Ghurkhas at Ibrox if this government is unwilling to give them the recognition they deserved for fighting at our side since the 1800`s. We as Rangers fans should be given the opportunity to honour these brave little soldiers and support them in their rights for all to reside in this country should the wish to do so . It is ridicules that some people are simply waved through and given a right to live here having done nothing for this country yet we deny these exemplary solders who have served us so well for so long

thats a great idea the gurkhas would be another group who the gers fans would really take to our hearts

Yesterday was fantastic - and it would be fantastic if we could do the same for the Ghurkhas. I served 7 years in the Army - was attached to the Ghurkhas during the Falklands campaign and we (as a nation) treat them as shit - which just is NOT on when they put there lives on the line for us. (I also served alongside a Ghurkha who did NOT make it into the Ghurka regiment (some minor medical condition) - so he WALKED with no cash, dependant upon charity, from Napal to the UK where he signed up for the regular Army - when I asked him why he said because it was the only way to not shame his family!!).

Great day yesterday - lets have more and lets have the Ghurkhas on the pitch as well.

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One by one those soldiers walked into the Broomloan front, and one by one the were clapped. They found their seats and sat down still with a huge applause from the crowd. Every man, woman and child in the stadium was proud that the men who are out there fighting for our country, were home & safe. Albeit, only a fraction of those who were actually sent.

Rule Britannia, was being sung noticeably but not over zealously by the few thousand fans who were there when the soldiers marched in. It was only the beginning of an introduction which would see 50,000 fans almost weep with pride. Throughout the first half there were renditions of Rule Britannia & God Save The Queen, which brought a sense of unionism and patriotism to our hero's and fans. However, this was only the start, as everyone knew there was more.

The whistle blew for half time, and soon after the voice came over the huge speakers asking us to warmly welcome those who put their lives on the line to keep this country free. The Royal Marine Commando's marched onto the Ibrox turf.

It was truly a spectical as every fan from every seat stood up to thank these hero's for their duty. What we wanted to say to them personally was put into a simple, but extremely loud applause. I think it's been the biggest round of applause I have heard at Ibrox for a long time. These men deserved it. For the first 45 minutes, it was Rangers v Hearts at Ibrox for the SPL, for the Half time interval it was Rangers, Hearts and The Royal Marine Commando's v Terrorism for Britain.

Some of the Commando's expressed their joy by jumping up and down and waving on the crowd. And boy did that get us all going. Soon after they branched into 4 groups, taking up the four corners of the stadium. We as fans applauded louder than ever. Those brave men clapped our support and thanked them for it. Fans threw their scarves as a sign of unity. Those soldiers picked up those scarves and wrapped them around their necks proudly. Whether or not those men supported Rangers Football Club or not, at that time I think there would be only one place they would rather be, and that is out there fighting to keep our nation safe.

We wanted them there and they wanted to be there.

One commando was so proud, he robbed our Flag bearer of his union jack, and he waved it. High. So high that every Man, Woman and Child could see what they stand for. It was cheered so loud. After about 10 minutes on the pitch, those men re banded as a group and began their exit off the field. The fans had one more thank you in mind. As our hero's turned and started to march, every fan in the stadium were on their feet clapping their hands and sung Rule Britannia louder than ever before. We wanted to show our appreciation. It was a "spine tingling, hair standing up on your neck" moment.

In the stand there were 2 signs which had appeared as they soldiers marched on. "45 Commando" & "For Queen & Country". This is our Queen and our country and these men will fight for as long as it takes to keep it that way.

It was a truly inspirational day, and will live in many peoples hearts for the rest of their lives. I sincerely hope those men will never forget it. We will never forget any man or woman who has lost their life fighting for our Country and those who still to this day put their lives on the line to keep our country united, will be supported.

RMC - For Queen And Country. No Surrender.



great post and well done to the hearts fans .no other supporters would of sang together like that

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As a Former member of 45 Commando RM and the father of one of the Royal Marines on the pitch on Sunday, I would like to express my gratidude to Rangers Football Club and their fantastic supporters, both in the stadium ( Hearts Fans Too)and the supporters at the Wee Gers after the game.

One of the best days of my life...........

A Homecoming the lads will cherish forever

Respect to you all and Thank You

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As a Former member of 45 Commando RM and the father of one of the Royal Marines on the pitch on Sunday, I would like to express my gratidude to Rangers Football Club and their fantastic supporters, both in the stadium ( Hearts Fans Too)and the supporters at the Wee Gers after the game.

One of the best days of my life...........

A Homecoming the lads will cherish forever

Respect to you all and Thank You


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As a Former member of 45 Commando RM and the father of one of the Royal Marines on the pitch on Sunday, I would like to express my gratidude to Rangers Football Club and their fantastic supporters, both in the stadium ( Hearts Fans Too)and the supporters at the Wee Gers after the game.

One of the best days of my life...........

A Homecoming the lads will cherish forever

Respect to you all and Thank You

You and your colleagues are the ones who should be thanked mate, you put your lives on the line everyday for the valus that we take for granted.

The welcome you got on Sunday is no more than you deserve. God Bless you and all in 45 Commando. :uk:

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Good post, was a fantastic atmosphere at half time :uk:

I was reading in the paper that the guy that came out in the wheelchair with one leg and a crushed arm hadn't seen any of his mates until then, and that he used to be the captain of the 45 Commando football team.


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