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Spiers has another go at our fans for yesterdays game.


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i agree with GeneralCartmanLee our image(as a club and as a set of fans) did take a knock in Manchester, regardless of who was doing it or what started it , it still showed fans wearing rangers tops attacking the police - it doesn't matter if it was a minority or it was Chelsea fans wearing rangers tops - all joe public sees is rangers fans and next time they think of rangers in any capacity they will remember Manchester because of the extensive coverage it got.

the ''we'' is the club and its fans and the people that where involved in the Manchester riots hurt the rest of us by their association to our club

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I was at the game, the people there were Rangers supporters, they were shown in the press as Rangers supporters.....that is my point...what's confusing you here ?

New member here guys and gals. Excellent forum!

Think we need to leave the Manchester baggage in the past now! The simple numbers game dictates that if 250k people from any city all go on a day trip to another, there's bound to be at least one or two crazy heads amongst them. I was in the gardens all day and had a magic time right up unitl the screens went off. Funny how all the visible security presence fecked off pronto to be replaced by snarling nazi bastards with sticks and shields. I know some of our fans were in the wrong, but the Police were heavy handed to say the least.

I had to explain to a mhankie the other week when i was asked why i'm offended by being referred to as a h**. I said ' because my grandfathers fought to save us and that includes you and your republican view points from the the 'h***'. Anyway my point is. Why is nothing done about this? when the media, uefa etc are all over us for some of our songs.

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I was at the game, the people there were Rangers supporters, they were shown in the press as Rangers supporters.....that is my point...what's confusing you here ?

New member here guys and gals. Excellent forum!

Think we need to leave the Manchester baggage in the past now! The simple numbers game dictates that if 250k people from any city all go on a day trip to another, there's bound to be at least one or two crazy heads amongst them. I was in the gardens all day and had a magic time right up unitl the screens went off. Funny how all the visible security presence fecked off pronto to be replaced by snarling nazi bastards with sticks and shields. I know some of our fans were in the wrong, but the Police were heavy handed to say the least.

I had to explain to a mhankie the other week when i was asked why i'm offended by being referred to as a h**. I said ' because my grandfathers fought to save us and that includes you and your republican view points from the the 'h***'. Anyway my point is. Why is nothing done about this? when the media, uefa etc are all over us for some of our songs.

Have you read the whole threat mate...my point couldn't be easier to understand.....

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Dearie me....

He really has just ended up like one of those crazed loonballs on Terrorist Minded, with his one way agenda. From being The Herald's man at The Masters, to talking shite on a local radio station and writing for a paper with a Scottish readership less than half of a full Ibrox. How the mighty have fallen.

I'm sure he can take great pride in his many 'journalist' of the year awards given to him by the yahoo fans.

They will never, ever accept you Graham - sure, they'll back you as long as you're a useful pawn in their hatred of all things Rangers, but eventually you'll be cast aside when you've outlived your usefulness.

Don't believe me?

Ask Big Jock.

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Also, it looks like he comes on here and has noticed mccoist355's attempts at bringing back TBB :craphead:

right graham if you are reading this, get a life you sad little bigot. Oooo the billy boys is alive on the buses to the games. SO WHAT??? You cant control what goes on in the buses. Freedom of speech says i can sing what the hell i want on the bus. I am tempted to email him with the pics of the IRA and INLA flags and ask him exactly what he thinks of it. I want to know does he just choose to ignore the IRA songs flags etc or does he just not think theres a problem with them. I was pissed when they started their ohh up the ra crap on saturday. I have heard them sing it before obviously but thats the first time i had heard them sing it so clearly at ibrox and it makes my blood boil. As for bringing the billy boys back the whole campaign is to bring it back without the offensive lyrics but he seems to have missed that bit. So blinded by bigotry he just sees what he wants

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I was at the game, the people there were Rangers supporters, they were shown in the press as Rangers supporters.....that is my point...what's confusing you here ?

New member here guys and gals. Excellent forum!

Think we need to leave the Manchester baggage in the past now! The simple numbers game dictates that if 250k people from any city all go on a day trip to another, there's bound to be at least one or two crazy heads amongst them. I was in the gardens all day and had a magic time right up unitl the screens went off. Funny how all the visible security presence fecked off pronto to be replaced by snarling nazi bastards with sticks and shields. I know some of our fans were in the wrong, but the Police were heavy handed to say the least.

I had to explain to a mhankie the other week when i was asked why i'm offended by being referred to as a h**. I said ' because my grandfathers fought to save us and that includes you and your republican view points from the the 'h***'. Anyway my point is. Why is nothing done about this? when the media, uefa etc are all over us for some of our songs.

Welcome Craig

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I think its important to remember that Spier's platforms are not limited to his newspaper column. He does appear on tv and radio from time to time where he can peddle his nonsense to a much wider audience.

We ignore him at our peril.

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I think its important to remember that Spier's platforms are not limited to his newspaper column. He does appear on tv and radio from time to time where he can peddle his nonsense to a much wider audience.

We ignore him at our peril.

This is true and it's exactly what he is setting out to do. The fact is that hardly anyone outside football knows or cares what is being sung at an Old Firm match. He and folk of his ilk go out of their way to bring these matters to the attention of a wider audience as another step towards silencing the Rangers fans.

It was great to hear the noise from the Ibrox faithful once again sounding like the intimidating fortress it was and should be, but my immediate thought was that Speirs et al would already be working on a plan to put an end to that as we can't be allowed to intimidate or offend the MOPE'S.

We must remember to emphasise that we were singing F*** the Mope's and the IRA. If we don't and ignore him as D'Art says we do so at our peril.

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I can think back to some years ago (the exact date isn't important) whilst we were on an away visit to Tannadice and the cowardly scum that is Graham Speirs had been writing much the same guff and anti-Rangers bile in The Herald (just before they dumped his arse onto the street) when I happened onto him as he approached the stadium to get his Press Pass ticket.

Now I'm not the tallest individual in the world but this short-arse gives the word 'midget' a new meaning - he also gives the phrase 'body-odour' a new meaning, but that's another story....anyway, I approached this bastard and said, "Here you, Speirs, I want a word with you!"

His grinning face changed instantly, you could see him go from pale white to chalk white in an instant and I swear the stench of his body odour deepened as he smelled as if he'd filled his y-fronts with large amounts of brown watery liquid. Panic took over, his pace quickened and he virtually ran to the safety of the stadium doors.........all because a Rangers fan took him to task verbally. He wasn't threatened that day (missed opportunity though it may have been) and it certainly was no "I feared for my life" moment - I had merely demanded a moment to speak to him about some (all) of the lies he had been writing about the Rangers support and the Club itself, but, typically, he shat it (and himself?)

Interestingly enough, the Bears in the Tannadice stand near the Press Box area that day gave Speirs heavy-duty pelters, much to the delight (it seemed) of several of the Press colleagues (they would never call themselves "friends" of this little shit).

Speirs is a wanton coward who has continued this anti-Rangers campaign for more than a decade and it puzzles me no end that Murray has put up with his lies and smears and hasn't seen fit to ban this bastard from Ibrox Stadium.

I live in hope that one day Murray will see sense..........I also live in fear that, thanks to Murray's inaction, some Bear may take it upon himself to go 'direct' to the source of the problem (Speirs) and give him a slap or six.

I do not condone violence, but with that one I'd be tempted to take the "look away now" road.


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If you want me to be honest we did ourselves more damage last may than 1000000 Speirs articles would ever do down here……..



Oh I guessed the Manchester - I'm trying to figure out how 'we' damaged 'ourselves'.

We damaged our reputation as pictures of our fans fighting with the police were on the front pages of papers that usually completely ignore us…how is that not damaging ourselves ?

If you don't care to examine an issue of such importance for accuracy then you might conclude that 'our' fans were fighting with the police. Given the massed reports of police incompetence, organised police brutality and dangerously bizarre policing decisions then I feel strongly that the Manchester police are largely responsible.

We cannot forget they are charged with ensuring public safety - they failed miserably to anticipate the scale of numbers arriving and reacted like uniformed thugs as a response. They had all the relevant information and reports prior to the match - numbers, organised thugs from other clubs, the alcohol licensing decisions for the day etc. - they responded with incompetence of spectacular proportion. And they continue with the incompetence - their failed prosecution attempts should be a source of shame to them as they attempt to stitch up Rangers supporters to cover their backsides.

Remember: this is the police force who publicly circulated blurry, indistinct images of supporters they wanted to charge whilst simultaneously claiming that footage of their own forces brutality were unusable due to the blurry, indistinct images.

I reject the idea that 'we' damaged 'ourselves'. I'm not suggesting the fiasco wasn't damaging - especially to the hard of thinking community - but the idea that 'we' were responsible is fanciful, inaccurate and should be challenged at every turn.

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i agree with GeneralCartmanLee our image(as a club and as a set of fans) did take a knock in Manchester, regardless of who was doing it or what started it , it still showed fans wearing rangers tops attacking the police - it doesn't matter if it was a minority or it was Chelsea fans wearing rangers tops - all joe public sees is rangers fans and next time they think of rangers in any capacity they will remember Manchester because of the extensive coverage it got.

the ''we'' is the club and its fans and the people that where involved in the Manchester riots hurt the rest of us by their association to our club

It does matter. If you're inclined to accept dangerous generalisations then feel free to do so.

Many more will not accept it.

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I can think back to some years ago (the exact date isn't important) whilst we were on an away visit to Tannadice and the cowardly scum that is Graham Speirs had been writing much the same guff and anti-Rangers bile in The Herald (just before they dumped his arse onto the street) when I happened onto him as he approached the stadium to get his Press Pass ticket.

Now I'm not the tallest individual in the world but this short-arse gives the word 'midget' a new meaning - he also gives the phrase 'body-odour' a new meaning, but that's another story....anyway, I approached this bastard and said, "Here you, Speirs, I want a word with you!"

His grinning face changed instantly, you could see him go from pale white to chalk white in an instant and I swear the stench of his body odour deepened as he smelled as if he'd filled his y-fronts with large amounts of brown watery liquid. Panic took over, his pace quickened and he virtually ran to the safety of the stadium doors.........all because a Rangers fan took him to task verbally. He wasn't threatened that day (missed opportunity though it may have been) and it certainly was no "I feared for my life" moment - I had merely demanded a moment to speak to him about some (all) of the lies he had been writing about the Rangers support and the Club itself, but, typically, he shat it (and himself?)

Interestingly enough, the Bears in the Tannadice stand near the Press Box area that day gave Speirs heavy-duty pelters, much to the delight (it seemed) of several of the Press colleagues (they would never call themselves "friends" of this little shit).

Speirs is a wanton coward who has continued this anti-Rangers campaign for more than a decade and it puzzles me no end that Murray has put up with his lies and smears and hasn't seen fit to ban this bastard from Ibrox Stadium.

I live in hope that one day Murray will see sense..........I also live in fear that, thanks to Murray's inaction, some Bear may take it upon himself to go 'direct' to the source of the problem (Speirs) and give him a slap or six.

I do not condone violence, but with that one I'd be tempted to take the "look away now" road.


he sat two seats behind me on a flight to Germany for the World Cup me and my Dunfermline supporting mate decided to do what you did and took him to task me asking why he was a cunt and why he was writing shite about us and not being even handed in his reporting which he fobbed of with more shite, and he even wouldnt asnwer my mates question on why he hates Dunfermline so much? the man is a troll of the highest order. fucking clueless muppet

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If you want me to be honest we did ourselves more damage last may than 1000000 Speirs articles would ever do down here……..



Oh I guessed the Manchester - I'm trying to figure out how 'we' damaged 'ourselves'.

We damaged our reputation as pictures of our fans fighting with the police were on the front pages of papers that usually completely ignore us…how is that not damaging ourselves ?

If you don't care to examine an issue of such importance for accuracy then you might conclude that 'our' fans were fighting with the police. Given the massed reports of police incompetence, organised police brutality and dangerously bizarre policing decisions then I feel strongly that the Manchester police are largely responsible.

We cannot forget they are charged with ensuring public safety - they failed miserably to anticipate the scale of numbers arriving and reacted like uniformed thugs as a response. They had all the relevant information and reports prior to the match - numbers, organised thugs from other clubs, the alcohol licensing decisions for the day etc. - they responded with incompetence of spectacular proportion. And they continue with the incompetence - their failed prosecution attempts should be a source of shame to them as they attempt to stitch up Rangers supporters to cover their backsides.

Remember: this is the police force who publicly circulated blurry, indistinct images of supporters they wanted to charge whilst simultaneously claiming that footage of their own forces brutality were unusable due to the blurry, indistinct images.

I reject the idea that 'we' damaged 'ourselves'. I'm not suggesting the fiasco wasn't damaging - especially to the hard of thinking community - but the idea that 'we' were responsible is fanciful, inaccurate and should be challenged at every turn.

The Manchester council and police were responsible for poor organisation, that is as clear as is possible

Scummy wee neds that supported our team are responsible for dragging our name through the mud. Neither should be looked at in isolation and neither should be denied.

The end product was our reputation was damaged.

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The Manchester council and police were responsible for poor organisation, that is as clear as is possible

Scummy wee neds that supported our team are responsible for dragging our name through the mud. Neither should be looked at in isolation and neither should be denied.

The end product was our reputation was damaged.

No chicken and egg questions here - Manchester authorities could (and should) have ensured a smooth day if they did not abdicate their responsibilities.

Scummy wee neds go to matches week in and out - we don't see mass disorder.

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