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Rangers Tattoo


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Okay, while we are on the subject, has anyone got any suggestions for a Rangers tattoo I can get. Wanted one for ages, but I dont wasnt something rough like R.F.C or a Brittish flag etc.

So far, I've thought of getting Follow, Follow written on me :cool:

any ideas?

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Okay, while we are on the subject, has anyone got any suggestions for a Rangers tattoo I can get. Wanted one for ages, but I dont wasnt something rough like R.F.C or a Brittish flag etc.

So far, I've thought of getting Follow, Follow written on me :cool:

any ideas?

the lyrics to UDR4 would be nice, or build my gallows, maybe no pope of rome lyrics? whatever takes yer fancy, alot of people have the 5 stars but that pic there of the union flag stars is a cracker.

my mate has a mural on his lower back of the big man on his white horse, cost hundreds and is so nice, a cracker, but painful he said, very painful!!! lol


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Okay, while we are on the subject, has anyone got any suggestions for a Rangers tattoo I can get. Wanted one for ages, but I dont wasnt something rough like R.F.C or a Brittish flag etc.

So far, I've thought of getting Follow, Follow written on me :cool:

any ideas?

the lyrics to UDR4 would be nice, or build my gallows, maybe no pope of rome lyrics? whatever takes yer fancy, alot of people have the 5 stars but that pic there of the union flag stars is a cracker.

my mate has a mural on his lower back of the big man on his white horse, cost hundreds and is so nice, a cracker, but painful he said, very painful!!! lol


He did say Nothing Rough.

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Got my RFC crest (without stars) at the base of my spine a few years ago and only 3 weeks ago Johnny provided me with a beautiful orange lily on my left foot. Highly recommend Johnny for your Rangers and fraternity tattoos - after all he is a Brother......LL :D

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Theres mine. Got it done when I was 13 :lol:

It looks fucked because it's almost impossible to get a pic of it on your own. Need someone to take one for me.

Edit: Made the pic a wee bit smaller :lol:


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Got a tattoo but no Rangers ones myself. Though when I was in the merchant navy I took few rangers tops with me for when i was relaxing on ship, one of the older Bulgarians on the ship recognised the badge and rangers as he'd watched us play Levski Sofia before, so once we finished crossing the pacific back to asia he got off the ship in china and took my rangers top with him and got the rangers badge with 5 stars tattoed on his left shoulder. The old guy was a legend.

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