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Poppy/Remembrance Day Debate


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As much as Celtics fans attitudes sicken me, some of our fans attitudes towards this are worrying as well

Some people seem desperate for the tims to wreck the silence

No desperation needed, everyone knows they will wreck the silence because they are scum.

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As much as Celtics fans attitudes sicken me, some of our fans attitudes towards this are worrying as well

Some people seem desperate for the tims to wreck the silence

What attitudes worry you, not the people, this attitude you talk about ? :sherlock:

the attitude where people dont care about the silence and what it means they just want the tims to disgrace themselves

IMO of course

Who on here doesn't care about the silence ? :sherlock:

everyone on here cares I assume

Never assume anything, you know that not everyone on here cares, that's the names I'm looking for ? :sherlock:

I wasn't talking about on here

I was talking about real life

which I gather is just like here but without the keyboards

And here was me thinking thats what we were talking about with the keyboards ! :sherlock:

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Why dont they all go home if they have no respect for our war heroes who gave their lives that we can live as free men women and children??.

Their club is rotten from the top management right down to the low life that polutes our beloved country.

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You know what - if they don't want to observe the silence then stay outside untill after KO. It's not only their club they are bringing down but the country as a whole as it will be broadcast world-wide on ESPN. However Falkirk were well in their right to have the minute's silence as a mark of respect for the fallen (as every other football ground will have) and I hope they don't back down as I imagine Celtic will be asking them again to consider an applause.

I'm sure the majority will observe it though in fairness to them. It's always a handful of idiots that cause the trouble.

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I've heard they are all going to stand on their heads to show their disapproval.

I know they're a bunch of knuckle draggers, but how will that work?


Same way as hanging the banner upside down works.

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not only will the minutes silence tomorrow be violated by the supporters of the irish mob.they will never have troops in uniform as match day guests unlike every other major club in Britain already has,this point should be brought to bear on the san giro management by the media ,if they've got the bottle

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This thread is getting ridiculous....Shay Given not wearing a poppy....ffs are we turning into sellick paranoia style here or what. I doubt very much if anything happens at their game today. There little spies that are in here will know that we are just waiting for them to ruin the silence and will act to make sure that they dont mess up and play into our hands. It does seem that some in here do want them to ruin the silence as a part of 1 upmanship. Lets hope that they keep an impeccable silence as this is about remembering the sacrifices made for us, rather than getting 1 up on sellick

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This thread is getting ridiculous....Shay Given not wearing a poppy....ffs are we turning into sellick paranoia style here or what. I doubt very much if anything happens at their game today. There little spies that are in here will know that we are just waiting for them to ruin the silence and will act to make sure that they dont mess up and play into our hands. It does seem that some in here do want them to ruin the silence as a part of 1 upmanship. Lets hope that they keep an impeccable silence as this is about remembering the sacrifices made for us, rather than getting 1 up on sellick

I think most people on here have said that they hope the silence is respected by all concerned. There are some comments clearly hoping they ruin it, but they are in the minority. I, for one, hope it passes without incident and the silence is what it should be, a time to reflect and remember.

If they do abuse that, I think they should be pilloried for it, but let's hope that doesn't happen.

Oh, and they should lock the doors when the silence is on and not reopen them, leave the girls brigade outside...

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Glad Falkirk told them to get to fuck. Fucking scum should be shown up for what they are. But I doubt much fuss will be made in the mhedia if they turn their backs, or boo or whatever the filth do. :rolleyes:

so true what you say about media reaction.that total sham they put on last season at p`heid was soon forgotten about.

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Rangers FC outstanding tribute

November 8, 2009 by Stephstar

Yesterday again saw Rangers pull out all the stops to show their support for our troops past and present. It was great to see all our players wear their poppies with pride along with the St Mirren players.they then stood on the edge of the circle for the minutes silence as a mark of respect and a time of reflection on all of those who have died past and present so that we might have the chance of freedom.

You could hear a pin drop around the stadium for the minute and some fans were even moved to tears, no doubt remembering a loved one. I think there are very few of us who cannot say they had a member of their family serving for their country in the devastating world wars. I have grandparents who fought for my freedom and of that I am very proud. Even today brave men and women of our armed forces are dying. whether you agree with the reasoning behind the fighting it does not detract from the fact that these brave men and women are risking and on a daily basis losing their lives.

I was very proud to watch such a fitting tribute paid by both sets of fans and players yesterday. It was no less than I expected as Rangers FC and our supporters have shown many times in the past month our respect and support for these brave men and women from the giving of free tickets to the blue nose days and the parading of our troops who have returned home from active duty, many of whom are not Rangers fans.

Yesterday also saw the club go the extra mile. 100 RAF personnel were invited to Ibrox to participate in the remembrance. Not the first time in the recent past members of our armed forces have been invited to Ibrox so fans could show their respect to these brave people.

At half time a cheque for £3000 was presented by the RSA to the Erskine and Bennet house who help servicemen and their families. As a granddaughter of a soldier who came back from the war a damaged man that never recovered I have the utmost respect for these organisations.

The Rangers Charity Foundation are also to be commended for their collection that took place before during and after the game in aid of PoppyScotland. An admirable charity devoted to assisting those injured servicemen.

I am proud to say i am a Rangers supporter and all the good works that they are part of. For all our faults these things must never be overlooked.

This is a post from another Rangers forum.

God bless you Steph

A Falkirk team who are bottom of the SPL , who had seven first team players out, who didn't even have enough players to fill their bench, who had to bring on their 38-year-old reserve team coach, and who had only scored five goals so far this season, STILL managed to score three goals against the scum today!

All credit to Falkirk. They had more than enough mitigating circumstances and genuine excuses to feel sorry for themselves today but, instead of displaying any self pity or meekly accepting their lot, they simply rolled up their sleeves and set about "setting-about" this sorry excuse of a Ceptic team - and manager.

The only excuses being trotted-out today came from Monkey Mowbray. The players were "tired", apparently - The poor wee overworked, underpaid souls that they are.

Well done Bairns you earned my respect and i'm sure most of bears/bearettes here

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