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Mark Hateley on the Boyd transformation


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By Mark Hateley on Jan 1, 10 06:29 AM in

Take a bow Kris Boyd.You've earned it son. It was only a few months ago the Rangers centre forward - and now the all-time greatest scorer in SPL history - had a pop at yours truly for criticising his approach to the game.

Now that he's smashed his way through Henrik Larsson's record tally I must say, I take nothing back. Not a single word.

But I'm delighted to say this. The Kris Boyd we have witnessed almost ever since then is a changed man. He has become an absolute credit to himself.

What we have seen over the past few weeks has been truly remarkable.What we are watching is a player who is now realising his full potential and I mean this most sincerely when I say I am thoroughly delighted for him.

Yes, I was his harshest critic. I've been sticking it to him on a regular basis for the past four years - and I've been giving him it hard - because the guy frustrated the life out of me. If Boyd didn't like hearing it, then tough.

But I do believe he has finally taken the message on board. Don't get me wrong, I'm not attempting to take credit for the transformation in his game. That's all down to one man only - Boyd himself.

He has been big enough to listen to his critics and to his manager who has been saying for as long as I have that Boyd could offer the team so much more.

But I do believe I am qualified to offer my opinion as no one knows how to play that position better than I do. No one knows what it means to be a Rangers striker more than me.


I started off in the game as a raw kid but over the years I learned how to play the position. It wasn't an easy process and it wasn't done overnight.

Thankfully, I was able to benefit from the wisdom of people such as Arsene Wenger and Fabio Capello. Bit by bit I made myself into an all-round striker and by the time I arrived at Ibrox the job was pretty much done.

Boyd, on the other hand, was still a young boy when he moved there from Kilmarnock.

What annoyed me most about him was that he showed no signs of trying to better himself in all that time.

I first saw him when he was just 17 playing at Rugby Park. He smashed one in from about 40 yards and I remember saying to myself "This lad has a real chance - but he's going to have to work on his movement". A year or so later I was back there watching him score four in one match. Again I saw a natural scorer but a player who didn't want to know about any other aspect of his game. And it's been that way ever since. Until now.

Why has the penny suddenly dropped? I can't answer that. Only Boyd knows the answer.

I suspect, though, it's been a culmination of things and a sudden realisation that he has so much more to give than just goals. I've always said if a striker is prepared to put the work in OUTSIDE the box then he'll find much more space INSIDE it. And Boyd's recent wrecking spree is testament to that.

That's what delights me most of all. Here's a guy who has been big enough to examine himself and accept he had to make changes.

My constant criticism of him was that if he wanted to make the most of his gift then he had to add more than just one string to his bow.

Yes, it's great to score goals but if he wanted to be a truly top player then he had to be prepared to put the work in. His attitude had me tearing what is left of my hair out. But the Kris Boyd we see now is a different kettle of fish. I'd go as far as to say he is now fast becoming too big for Rangers.

His value is going through the roof with each passing performance as he becomes a goalscorer with a serious work ethic. That makes him solid gold in the transfer market.

No one watches him closer than I do and one of the things that pleases me most is that now when he mis-controls the ball he is absolutely furious with himself. Six months ago he didn't give a monkey's.

All of a sudden he's holding the ball up better than ever before, linking with his partner, chasing down defenders and bringing his midfield into the game.

Also his body shape looks different, as if all his hard work is turning into muscle. If he can maintain this then, trust me, the world will be at his feet. This time last year he was almost sold to Birmingham for £2.5million. I'd have bitten their hand off for that price at that time.

Now,12 months on, this new Kris Boyd must be worth double that. Another four or five months of performances such as these and it would take £8m to buy him in summer - assuming he's signed a new contract by then.

The shrewdest thing Rangers could do is offer him that new deal ASAP. Forget the financial problems - the club can't afford NOT to sign him long-term.

I'd be first in line to shake his hand when that contract is signed although I don't suppose Boyd would care much for the gesture.

I don't mind that either. I am just pleased for the lad that he is now becoming the striker I always knew he could be.

As told to Keith Jackson

Can't argue with much of that, 8million though?!

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good article, the transformation in boyd over the past number of months has been incredible. Hes sorted out the poor workrate, lets hope he can sort out the lack of scoring in the big games tomorrow. Never going to be worth £8m though unless he starts banging in goals in the champions league. Even then i dont think anyone will pay £8m for an spl striker.

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I too was highly critical of Boyd on Real Radio when I appeared on air with Ewan & Roughie but unlike Mr. Hateley, I'm more than happy to take back every word of it.

The transformation in Kris Boyd's overall play is quite frankly unbelievable - his workrate has improved beyond all recognition and his attitude is second to none.

At the time I felt my criticism of him was entirely justified, he has gone on to show my good self and others slating him in the past what a great player he is.

Kris Boyd. King of Kings! :praise::uk::praise:

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£8 mill do me favour should be £12 mill if he keeps this up never have had a bad word to say about Kris if it wasn't for his goals we would be nowhere every season. For all the people who said "he hasn't scored against the big teams " Well we dont play them every week we play the small teams as well. So well done Kris you deserve nothing but praise from me since you signed for us.

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I too was highly critical of Boyd on Real Radio when I appeared on air with Ewan & Roughie but unlike Mr. Hateley, I'm more than happy to take back every word of it.

The transformation in Kris Boyd's overall play is quite frankly unbelievable - his workrate has improved beyond all recognition and his attitude is second to none.

At the time I felt my criticism of him was entirely justified, he has gone on to show my good self and others slating him in the past what a great player he is.

Kris Boyd. King of Kings! :praise::uk::praise:

blouie when did you get back on? :craphead:

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Hateley doesn't half love himself. Nobody is more qualified than him to do this & do that, bla fucking bla. He's a modest chap all right. :pierre:

Doesn't matter m8, he's spot on above and in his assessment of Boyd prior to his "transformation". Same thing everyone barracked KB for - his laziness, where apart from scoring he offered f*ck all the rest of the match. Full credit to KB - he heard the criticism, took it to heart, and is now making all his critics (myself included) eat their words. I for one couldn't be happier to do so.

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Hateley doesn't half love himself. Nobody is more qualified than him to do this & do that, bla fucking bla. He's a modest chap all right. :pierre:

Doesn't matter m8, he's spot on above and in his assessment of Boyd prior to his "transformation". Same thing everyone barracked KB for - his laziness, where apart from scoring he offered f*ck all the rest of the match. Full credit to KB - he heard the criticism, took it to heart, and is now making all his critics (myself included) eat their words. I for one couldn't be happier to do so.

Hey! DP do you think Hateley came on RM and stole my "Transformation" post? :craphead:

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Hateley doesn't half love himself. Nobody is more qualified than him to do this & do that, bla fucking bla. He's a modest chap all right. :pierre:

Doesn't matter m8, he's spot on above and in his assessment of Boyd prior to his "transformation". Same thing everyone barracked KB for - his laziness, where apart from scoring he offered f*ck all the rest of the match. Full credit to KB - he heard the criticism, took it to heart, and is now making all his critics (myself included) eat their words. I for one couldn't be happier to do so.

Hey! DP do you think Hateley came on RM and stole my "Transformation" post? :craphead:

:craphead: I do think you have a case - should net you a few extra post holiday quid, pc!

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