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Vanguard Bears official complaint


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What, I'm a regular 'apologist' for LaudrupForever am I? I've barely spoken to him before. What have I said that's so offended you this time?

It would appear there's no grey area on this one.

Better leave the flak to me on this one, I'll be getting it since I've the audacity to be mates with a tim who likes Ireland.

Ok, so, leaving everything aside, do you actually think that the article is....

Just? Fair? Correct? Factual?

The problem with this is, you are defending a friend (fair enough), but, all you have to do is actually read the piece! It has no place in decent society, and, what is the defence? She didnt mean it? Why write it then?

Hard to understand that bit

I'm gonna say this for the last time in this thread, hopefully: I'm not defending her and I haven't at any point throughout the thread.

I offered background about her and just suggested a possible reason for why this story surfaced.

As to my still being friends with her, I might be in a rarer position than I thought, but football is not the be all and end all for me being friends with someone - I can actually look beyond that.

I've said all along that I support VB and what they do, including over this story, so why the flak is coming my way, I'm not so sure, other than I'm daring to be friends with the journo who wrote the article.

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All I can see is LF offering what he knows about her, as well as pointing out a few reasons as to why this story may have surfaced.

The fact that she may be a greetin' bitter tim is one of them, but I can't see LF denying that.

I see no condonation whatsoever. This thread has went way off course :anguish:

The way I see it, without knowing either of them, thats not really the point, its fairly irrelevant.

You look at the story, and, as well as being shoddy as hell, its offensive, and, obviously made up, and, written with an intent to do just what it has done. I would be fairly sure that if the shoe was on the other foot, an eager up and coming journo would do the same about them, seems natural.

The interesting part for me is, the writer and the subject are both members of the same group on Facebook I believe? You then have the potential cor collusion, which is highly plausible. "Hey, you can slate Rangers in the press, let me help with a story" scenario. Maybe she is gullible and fell for it? This McJanet fella certainly seems to be proper scum.

She may well put on a completely different "face" around LF, than she does elsewhere, as, viewing her twitter and other places certainly paints an entirely different picture of her than the one he seems to know. Maybe the girl he "knows" isnt actually the real person?

Some people are saying nonsense like "she has an Irish flag, so what?" well, indeed, I have noticed more and more that this is how "arguments" are done on message boards, individualise aspects to make them look trivial. Its a "nice" plan, as it does just that. However, when you look at ALL the aspects together, it paints an entirely different picture.

You may think owning a tricolour is trivial, it is. As is posting that "Rangers fans actually disgust me" (bheasts disgust me too!), or, being members of certain facebook groups. Individually, not much in it. But, put them all together, along with the article, and, along with the fact its subject was a person there is every reason to believe she could have been in touch with in a non professional scenario, and...

Thats why people have there back up about it. And, I think he is getting it more for the "no agenda" and "she isnt like that" type lines, as, it looks fairly clear that she actually is.

I just don't understand why a girl who's previous is gossip and girly stuff, is suddenly writing an exclusive about a sectarian/football incident.

There could we be a grain of truth in the story, but it doesn't really justify a full page spread (obviously the story has been given quite a bit of sexxing up)! Even if the story was wholly true, I still don't think it even warrants a mention in the biggest selling Sunday paper, it's the type of thing you'd come home and complain about on a forum or something! As said before, plenty of abuse was shouted last Sunday, why concentrate on this?

The only grain of truth in this "story" is that Rangers were playing scumtic the rest is made up nonsense.

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I'm gonna say this for the last time in this thread, hopefully: I'm not defending her and I haven't at any point throughout the thread.

I offered background about her and just suggested a possible reason for why this story surfaced.

As to my still being friends with her, I might be in a rarer position than I thought, but football is not the be all and end all for me being friends with someone - I can actually look beyond that.

I've said all along that I support VB and what they do, including over this story, so why the flak is coming my way, I'm not so sure, other than I'm daring to be friends with the journo who wrote the article.

So, in terms of parity, is she going to investigate the ball-boy missile story?

Why doesn't she explore the impotent nature of the authorities when such behaviour happens instead of pandering to the lowest common denominator? Do that and she may see her career improve beyond a mucky Sunday tabloid.

Your friendship may well go beyond football and of course such a social activity shouldn't always determine the choices we make in life. But just remember if she's prepared to print and revel in lies about Rangers fans, then as a Rangers fan, I'd be careful if I were you.


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I'm gonna say this for the last time in this thread, hopefully: I'm not defending her and I haven't at any point throughout the thread.

I offered background about her and just suggested a possible reason for why this story surfaced.

As to my still being friends with her, I might be in a rarer position than I thought, but football is not the be all and end all for me being friends with someone - I can actually look beyond that.

I've said all along that I support VB and what they do, including over this story, so why the flak is coming my way, I'm not so sure, other than I'm daring to be friends with the journo who wrote the article.

So, in terms of parity, is she going to investigate the ball-boy missile story?

Why doesn't she explore the impotent nature of the authorities when such behaviour happens instead of pandering to the lowest common denominator? Do that and she may see her career improve beyond a mucky Sunday tabloid.

Your friendship may well go beyond football and of course such a social activity shouldn't always determine the choices we make in life. But just remember if she's prepared to print and revel in lies about Rangers fans, then as a Rangers fan, I'd be careful if I were you.


I wouldn't have thought so, but I suspect that's more to do with the NotW's pro-timmy policy, as I doubt she has enough clout to be able to run an anti-timmy story. Whether or not she would, and the NotW would allow it to run, is a different question, but I suspect the answers would be no to both counts, but I've no way of knowing for sure.

I agree with your second point totally, however that's her decision and I can't shed any light on that one.

I never said I trusted her totally, and we always disagreed on football, but it rarely came up, even when a few of us went out to watch Gers matches in a pub.

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I'm gonna say this for the last time in this thread, hopefully: I'm not defending her and I haven't at any point throughout the thread.

I offered background about her and just suggested a possible reason for why this story surfaced.

As to my still being friends with her, I might be in a rarer position than I thought, but football is not the be all and end all for me being friends with someone - I can actually look beyond that.

I've said all along that I support VB and what they do, including over this story, so why the flak is coming my way, I'm not so sure, other than I'm daring to be friends with the journo who wrote the article.

So, in terms of parity, is she going to investigate the ball-boy missile story?

Why doesn't she explore the impotent nature of the authorities when such behaviour happens instead of pandering to the lowest common denominator? Do that and she may see her career improve beyond a mucky Sunday tabloid.

Your friendship may well go beyond football and of course such a social activity shouldn't always determine the choices we make in life. But just remember if she's prepared to print and revel in lies about Rangers fans, then as a Rangers fan, I'd be careful if I were you.


Your last paragraph is a good one Frankie, I should have perhaps deleted the post he replied to, and, just left the one I made after that (as I had gotten further through the thread)

The problem here is, LF is saying the friendship is about fooball, and about him being "friends with a Celtic fan", but, the story wasnt exactly football related, and, I dont think people are on his back because of that fact, I actually dont think anyone cares too much about whether she is or isnt a football fan. Its a despicable story that seems to be based on personal dislikes, rather than fact.

If I had a "friend" who wrote a story in a national paper, or, hell even in a forum like that, I would be instantly questioning my friendship with them, regardless of whom they supported. What he, and others, seem to be missing here is, she finds Rangers fans disgusting, and, is making up stories to show this. Well, I have no doubt about LF's allegiances, so this should (imho) bother him, since, its about him, and, all of us. I think thats where a lot of this stems from, its that some people see it as meaning them, and, some dont realise/understand this.

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What he, and others, seem to be missing here is, she finds Rangers fans disgusting, and, is making up stories to show this. Well, I have no doubt about LF's allegiances, so this should (imho) bother him, since, its about him, and, all of us.

Exactly outlaw, I've lost a few 'friends' (including a couple of eminently knobbable ones :() because I would not put up with their shit about the bears, and they weren't impressed when I insisted that on the contrary I am a typical Rangers fan and if they feel that way about us it includes me.

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What he, and others, seem to be missing here is, she finds Rangers fans disgusting, and, is making up stories to show this. Well, I have no doubt about LF's allegiances, so this should (imho) bother him, since, its about him, and, all of us.

Exactly outlaw, I've lost a few 'friends' (including a couple of eminently knobbable ones :() because I would not put up with their shit about the bears, and they weren't impressed when I insisted that on the contrary I am a typical Rangers fan and if they feel that way about us it includes me.

For the last bloody time in this thread, I'm waiting to hear from her before I make any final judgments.

Also, it might not be the worst idea to carry on with the friendship, as, if she's as bad as you all seem to know, then she'll make an arse of herself over the mhanks and I might have the chance to get my own exclusive.

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What he, and others, seem to be missing here is, she finds Rangers fans disgusting, and, is making up stories to show this. Well, I have no doubt about LF's allegiances, so this should (imho) bother him, since, its about him, and, all of us.

Exactly outlaw, I've lost a few 'friends' (including a couple of eminently knobbable ones :() because I would not put up with their shit about the bears, and they weren't impressed when I insisted that on the contrary I am a typical Rangers fan and if they feel that way about us it includes me.

Its a problem I have (in an amusing way) with the whole mope/handwringing outlook on things. It doesnt matter their opinions on things, or, how much they want to distance themselves from "tradition" etc, because, regardless, bheasties and their ilk dont differentiate, and, think of them in the exact same way. It does make me chuckle.

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When it all boils down to it she's a dirty ira camp followin slag who should have her head shaved, then tarred, feathered and ran out of fcukin town like the rest of her famine tottie munchin bhog trottin bhastard pals ! :sherlock:


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When it all boils down to it she's a dirty ira camp followin slag who should have her head shaved, then tarred, feathered and ran out of fcukin town like the rest of her famine tottie munchin bhog trottin bhastard pals ! :sherlock:

Harsh... but very fair and appropriate. :praise:

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I had a look at the story in the NOTW site and just a small point, but if they are celtic fans where are their Celtic tops for the photograph. In a story like this press photographers would go out of their way to get them to wear them even if they had to get the tops from elsewhere if the man and his son did not have such a thing.

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"She has no agenda" are sure you read that shite ffs, thats what you would call a twisted irish wanabe, you must be making this up how the hell do you know someone like that who has a tri colour in her bedroom.?

Maybe he's a rounded enough person to be able to speak to Celtic supporters without automatically going into a beetroot-faced rage.


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Excellent - hit back at the shite that call themselves journalists

LF calls himself a journalist and hes been brainwashed by a girl journalist who according to LF is not an irish wannabe but has an irish tri colour in her bedroom mmmmmm ok. :uk:

Im going to tell you the truth im finding really hard to believe you LF others can believe you if they want, i'd like to know why you would tell everyone here you know her it dosn't make sense, anyway i can't wait to see what you write next. :wink:

Laudrup Forever has over 5,000 posts, how many have you got again?

I see you've worked out how to judge the worth of every poster. :rolleyes:

I'd worked out sonOwilliam is a tit a while ago. I take issue with him calling Laudrup Forever, who I don't know and I don't think I've ever conversed with on here, on this. He's clearly not a Tim or a Tim sympathiser, he threw some light onto this thread which was becoming an echo chamber and got nothing but stick for it. I'll take Laudrup Forevers word on this lassie, he knows her, so far no one else seems to.

Your one plonker aren't you, what exactully did i call Laudrup Forever.?

You must see things what other people don't, are you ok, are you drunk. :beer1::wink:

I know you can't write so I suppose I shouldn't be surprised you can't read either. Wee tip for you, sentences usually end with with full stops, not commas, try reading it again now.

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Excellent - hit back at the shite that call themselves journalists

LF calls himself a journalist and hes been brainwashed by a girl journalist who according to LF is not an irish wannabe but has an irish tri colour in her bedroom mmmmmm ok. :uk:

Im going to tell you the truth im finding really hard to believe you LF others can believe you if they want, i'd like to know why you would tell everyone here you know her it dosn't make sense, anyway i can't wait to see what you write next. :wink:

Laudrup Forever has over 5,000 posts, how many have you got again?

I see you've worked out how to judge the worth of every poster. :rolleyes:

I'd worked out sonOwilliam is a tit a while ago. I take issue with him calling Laudrup Forever, who I don't know and I don't think I've ever conversed with on here, on this. He's clearly not a Tim or a Tim sympathiser, he threw some light onto this thread which was becoming an echo chamber and got nothing but stick for it. I'll take Laudrup Forevers word on this lassie, he knows her, so far no one else seems to.

Your one plonker aren't you, what exactully did i call Laudrup Forever.?

You must see things what other people don't, are you ok, are you drunk. :beer1::wink:

I know you can't write so I suppose I shouldn't be surprised you can't read either. Wee tip for you, sentences usually end with with full stops, not commas, try reading it again now.

Didn't get to say to you but your a.............................


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What he, and others, seem to be missing here is, she finds Rangers fans disgusting, and, is making up stories to show this. Well, I have no doubt about LF's allegiances, so this should (imho) bother him, since, its about him, and, all of us.

Exactly outlaw, I've lost a few 'friends' (including a couple of eminently knobbable ones :() because I would not put up with their shit about the bears, and they weren't impressed when I insisted that on the contrary I am a typical Rangers fan and if they feel that way about us it includes me.

For the last bloody time in this thread, I'm waiting to hear from her before I make any final judgments.

Also, it might not be the worst idea to carry on with the friendship, as, if she's as bad as you all seem to know, then she'll make an arse of herself over the mhanks and I might have the chance to get my own exclusive.

Been reading through this and also waiting to hear what she said to you, seems like she is taking a long time to get back to her friend.

I thought the VB article was excellent. smiley-gen014.gif Your friend certainly didn't do her homework and allowed her name to be printed as the author, which does not bode well for her to have a long time career in journalism. 003.gif

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