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Walter on the debt; "It is a bit exaggerated,"


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Rangers' financial plight is being blown out of proportion, according to manager Walter Smith.

The club have been unable to purchase a player for 20 months as Lloyds Banking Group tries to control the £31m debt.

"It is a bit exaggerated," said Smith. "Rangers' debt can be handled by the club. It is a normal business protocol to have a certain level of debt.

"I don't think the restrictions are something that, as a manager, you are that conscious of."

Smith's comments are less dramatic than those he made in February, when he warned that "everything will not be all right at the end of the season, it will only get worse".

Three transfer windows have opened and closed without the Ibrox club bringing out their cheque book.

The last arrival was American midfielder Maurice Edu, who they signed from Toronto in August 2008.

If clubs have a level of debt and it can be handled then it's no different from anybody else

Rangers manager Walter Smith

In that time, there has been pressure by the bank for the club to control their spending and level of debt.

While keen to play down Rangers' financial problems, Smith did acknowledge that he has felt the pinch this season.

"You start to feel it now and again, like January, where, with the smaller group of players, we had quite a number of injuries and we had a struggle to get through there," he told reporters at his Murray Park media conference.

"But we have had excellent performances from a whole lot of players spread over the season.

"We've had a group of players who have shown a great attitude and determination to go and win games and that has stood us in good stead."

Those players, and the management team of Smith, Ally McCoist and Kenny McDowall, have contributed to the club's success to date in the current campaign, with the Co-operative Insurance Cup in the trophy room and three wins required to retain the Scottish Premier League.


Give your thoughts on Rangers' debt problems

When asked for his thoughts on Falkirk manager Steven Pressley's comments that clubs who tried to keep their accounts in the black were at an unfair advantage, Smith was keen to point out that it is all relative to a club's ability to service the debt that they accumulate.

"That's life. That's what happens in every business and every walk of life. It happens on a personal basis," he said.

"If clubs have a level of debt and it can be handled then it's no different from anybody else.

"The problems come when they can't.

"We can handle it, but we can't increase it any. We have reached stalemate in that respect, but we have known that for a while."


Walter playing it down, as the article says, he's now playing it down than preparing us for the extreme.

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Who have we ever been forced to sell, that the scum wouldnt have done the exact same? In that respect it is manageable

The only thing is, is it manageable when you have to go from window through window without signing a player

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It is a bit exaggerated when you compare it to SPL clubs like Kilmarnock reportedly being 11 milliond quid in debt and have home gates of 9 men a dug at most of their home games, or of Man Utd. being over 300 million in debt while being spruked as the biggest and richest club on the planet.

Where it doesn't become exaggerated is when you ask why Rangers have been milked dry from all the assets they used to hold and their "Owner" has seemed to disappear from the planet and left "His Club" in a state of turmoil......And That's no exaggeration IMO.

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bit jekyll and hyde from old walt, but on a serious note walter shouldn't really play about with all thse statements. It's like he's the pied piper and we are all his little mice. walter is the closest thing we fans have as a spokesman to the actual goings on in our club and he should treat us with a bit more respect as the club means as much to us as it does to him.

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So those of us who, at the time, were faced with the "Walter's telling us we're doomed" brigade, were actually right after all. And Walter has come round to our way of thinking. :craphead:

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Very odd indeed.

For a man, with such an awareness of the media, to contradict himself so blatantly.

I think he was just really pissed off after the Hibs game.

Still, Smith's not daft. He knows that a lot of people in Scotland hang on every word of the papers and the ammunition he gave them with the comments after that game was unbelievable.

Odd indeed.

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I've been saying for ages it wasnt as bad as has been made out and when you think of the clubs turnover and size of debt and especially with what looks like a good few bob from the CL then it is clear its not a doomsday scenario. We are not out of the woods and wont be for a good while but we are not as much in the shit as some would have us believe.

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I see walter is now planning to work on until at least when the club is sold, whenever that will be.

Going by his comments today i also think a new owner wouldn't have to do much to keep the management team where they are.

Agreed with that.

I really can't see any circumstance in which a new owner would WANT a new management team, unless Boab saved up and bought us.

Kinda puts paid to the excuses Boyd has been feeding us regarding his contract though, eh?

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I have accepted boyds gone mate.....I am sure you have as well.

I thought the place m ore than the club would keep him here as he and his mrs would never have left ayrshire in the past. Don't be surprsied to see him homesick after a season and wanting to come back as i doubt very much he will settle down there when in the past he couldn't settle in glasgow... :lol:

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I see walter is now planning to work on until at least when the club is sold, whenever that will be.

Going by his comments today i also think a new owner wouldn't have to do much to keep the management team where they are.

Agreed with that.

I really can't see any circumstance in which a new owner would WANT a new management team, unless Boab saved up and bought us.

Kinda puts paid to the excuses Boyd has been feeding us regarding his contract though, eh?

I didn't get that much yesterday in interest, but good idea :wink:

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I have accepted boyds gone mate.....I am sure you have as well.

I thought the place m ore than the club would keep him here as he and his mrs would never have left ayrshire in the past. Don't be surprsied to see him homesick after a season and wanting to come back as i doubt very much he will settle down there when in the past he couldn't settle in glasgow... :lol:

Does he have a bird? Any kids?

It's something that I've never read or heard about Boydy.

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Why are these comments not recieving as much attention as the ones he made a few months ago.......

My immediate reaction here also.

Because bad news stories receive greater coverage than good news stories. Didnt you learn anything in the mass media part of Sociology Kev? :pipe:

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I have accepted boyds gone mate.....I am sure you have as well.

I thought the place m ore than the club would keep him here as he and his mrs would never have left ayrshire in the past. Don't be surprsied to see him homesick after a season and wanting to come back as i doubt very much he will settle down there when in the past he couldn't settle in glasgow... :lol:

Does he have a bird? Any kids?

It's something that I've never read or heard about Boydy.

Im sure he has a son

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I have accepted boyds gone mate.....I am sure you have as well.

I thought the place m ore than the club would keep him here as he and his mrs would never have left ayrshire in the past. Don't be surprsied to see him homesick after a season and wanting to come back as i doubt very much he will settle down there when in the past he couldn't settle in glasgow... :lol:

Does he have a bird? Any kids?

It's something that I've never read or heard about Boydy.

married with kids apparently

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Why are these comments not recieving as much attention as the ones he made a few months ago.......

My immediate reaction here also.

Because bad news stories receive greater coverage than good news stories. Didnt you learn anything in the mass media part of Sociology Kev? :pipe:

That much is obvious.

I was thinking more about why people on here aren't saying "Well if Walter says it, it must be true!"

I see. Well I would hazard a guess that there are many on here who are never happier unless they are moaning about something and wallowing in the doom and gloom that comes our way at times. Any piece of good news, they are nowhere to be seen :pipe:

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