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Anyone else think administration wouldnt be the worst outcome?


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There's no fcuking 'p' ffs.

There is one in pedantic though.

It's not hard to spell a Rangers players name, especially one that is a 1st team regular!

Also, administration, you're at it!

Its not an ideal situation but the alternative is limping along with a crippling debt and business plan imposed by the bank. We've just let a 35 goal a season striker go, for nowt, because we cant afford to give him a new deal. Our manager is working without a contract. It looks like we will be drastically cutting costs even further this summer. This cannot continue in the long term. I just think we'd be a far more attractive proposition to any buyer if we were free of debt and this tax case hanging over our heads.

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There's no fcuking 'p' ffs.

There is one in pedantic though.

It's not hard to spell a Rangers players name, especially one that is a 1st team regular!

Also, administration, you're at it!

Its not an ideal situation but the alternative is limping along with a crippling debt and business plan imposed by the bank. We've just let a 35 goal a season striker go, for nowt, because we cant afford to give him a new deal. Our manager is working without a contract. It looks like we will be drastically cutting costs even further this summer. This cannot continue in the long term. I just think we'd be a far more attractive proposition to any buyer if we were free of debt and this tax case hanging over our heads.


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tbh i dont want ellis or king either,and do you think we would ever need to go into administration sure all the fans could contibute to a fund to prevent it

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Its not an ideal situation but the alternative is limping along with a crippling debt and business plan imposed by the bank. We've just let a 35 goal a season striker go, for nowt, because we cant afford to give him a new deal. Our manager is working without a contract. It looks like we will be drastically cutting costs even further this summer. This cannot continue in the long term. I just think we'd be a far more attractive proposition to any buyer if we were free of debt and this tax case hanging over our heads.

Please stop talking, your lack of knowledge is embarrassing.

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What's the alternative then guys? Who is going to put up the money required not just to buy out Murray, pay off the bank, but fund new players and wages?

You make it seem like adminstration is the only possible solution. Quite simply, we do not know how things are going with buyers. But what we do know is that any situation we are in now is better than administration.

Well, thats where i disagree. The situation we are in just now is extremely concerning for me. The club has been for sale for months. Nobody has been able or willing to come up with the money needed to buy it. We havent bought a first team player for two years, and seem unable to offer contracts to retain the decent ones we have. Going forward, what's likey to happen? The bank will force us to cut costs even further. The propect of a mid-table finish has been raised as an argumet against going into administration to rid ourselves of the debt. I honestly think thats where we are headed, even without administration, unless somebody buys the club. I dont see any credible buyers on the horizon. If we were debt free we would be a far more attractive proposition to somebody looking to buy the club. Other clubs have went into administration and come out the better for it in the long run.

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If we're in adminstration we do not own any of the current assets the club has (someone correct me if I'm wrong there). Rather than the bank 'imposing' a business plan, they will be in total control of the club. Everything. They will sell everyone and anyone for whatever they can get. They will sell everything we own as a business for anything they can get in order to try and regain the debts.

What your offering is this;

Adminstation where the club WILL be under total control of the bank


Current situation where the club is not under total control of the bank.

Its not hard mate.

The bank do not take control of the club if we go into adminstration. If it happens an independant adminstrator like KPMG would temporarily take control of the club, sell off assets and negatiate settlements with creditors ie the bank. They would get a small percentage of their debt payed to them, pennies in the pound. We would be free of the debt that is strangling us. I reckon wewould be far more likely to be bought over in that situation that the current one, with the added bonus that the debt is cleared along with any hypothetical oblicgations to HRMC.

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Okay okay, I worded that wrongly. But answer me this (after you answer Bluedell's question ;) )

What clubs have went into administration and come out of it as stronger than they went in? And if you can think of any (I can't but its late), can you tell me roughly what percentage come out better than when they went in?

Leeds were in a terrible state financially before they went into adminstration. They came out stronger. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Leeds_United_Football_Club_Limited

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What's the alternative then guys? Who is going to put up the money required not just to buy out Murray, pay off the bank, but fund new players and wages?

The vatican. Selik need us. :pipe:

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If Dave King, Andrew Ellis or anyone else who has been mentioned as a potential saviour had the money and the desire to buy the club, it would have happened already. In any case, I wouldnt want King or Ellis anywhere near our club. King is currently fighting for his life in a tax case in SA. Ellis seems like a total charlatan. Short of some unlikely sugar-daddy materialising, I honestly reckon the best thing that could happen for us is to go into adminstration, take the hit in the short term, and wipe the debts out quickly. Somebody can them come in, buy the club for buttons, and instead of paying off debts accrued by Murray they can inject cash directly into the team. That sounds better to me than the process of slow strangulation which seems to have begun.

This suggestion is as idiotic as the white van driver above.....

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Fuckin hell,i wish people would stop talking pish.

Administration will not happen,the fuckin bank has just made an investment into murrays group in exchange for debt what does that tell you? that we have a fuckin viable business thts what!.

Do you really think thats what we could do? just go into administration and the debt will be cleared? that will end all the problems? because it fuckin wont.

Adminstration would be the worst thing that could happen for a number of reasons:no champions league,10 point deduction,businesses owed money going bust,thousands of people losing thier jobs,sponsors not touching us with a barge pole,creditors holding out for top dollar as they know that WE will not watch our club die,motre cost cutting.

stupid stupid idea.

we will come out this stronger.


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If Dave King, Andrew Ellis or anyone else who has been mentioned as a potential saviour had the money and the desire to buy the club, it would have happened already. In any case, I wouldnt want King or Ellis anywhere near our club. King is currently fighting for his life in a tax case in SA. Ellis seems like a total charlatan. Short of some unlikely sugar-daddy materialising, I honestly reckon the best thing that could happen for us is to go into adminstration, take the hit in the short term, and wipe the debts out quickly. Somebody can them come in, buy the club for buttons, and instead of paying off debts accrued by Murray they can inject cash directly into the team. That sounds better to me than the process of slow strangulation which seems to have begun.

This suggestion is as idiotic as the white van driver above.....

Wantin' a shot of Kerry when I'm done?

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Stupid suggestion. Im happy with the long slow death of the club, no end in sight,a 40 year old captain, no signings in years, debts not falling despite record profits, record goalscorer leaving for nothing, Portugese Internationalists being sold for £1M, players not getting their chance, getting paid off only to be rated £4M players 12 months later, tax bills, watching our rivals spunk 65K a week on loan signings, Manager without a contract etc.

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Stupid suggestion. Im happy with the long slow death of the club, no end in sight,a 40 year old captain, no signings in years, debts not falling despite record profits, record goalscorer leaving for nothing, Portugese Internationalists being sold for £1M, players not getting their chance, getting paid off only to be rated £4M players 12 months later, tax bills, watching our rivals spunk 65K a week on loan signings, Manager without a contract etc.


we will be okay,as in said WE WILL COME OUT OF THIS STRONGER.

For that i am sure of!

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Too many dafties on here reading all the tosh in the papers. From now on people who read the sun or the record and believe it shouldn`t post on here. the papers are full of drivel. The sky is falling in sort of guff. We will be fine. If it is so bad why is Ellis still in for Rangers ? If it was that bad he would have dropped it long ago ! For all the dafties out there Rangers have to cut the debt £1M per year .end of story.

David Murray said 2 weeks ago the debt was down to closer £20M now. But the press are going on about £80M. I`d ban all the scummy press who are making up this rubbish. I hope boughy has a great world cup and we make a mint on him , wilson off ( were getting good money for him ), beasley off (no loss) , stevie smith off ( no loss) , boyd,nacho,broadfoot ,weir haven`t gone anywhere yet .why ?surely a deal would already have been done for them .Smith has already said he expects half of them to stay.Until someone actually leaves or says something on camera DON`T BELIEVE A WORD THAT IS SAID !

Rangers WILL be fine and the sky is NOT going to fall on our heads.

p.s and we will have new players next season.

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So your one of the dafties then. You really should have stuck in at school . We have a group of people trying to buy the club just now and you come out with "I can`t see anyone wanting to buy us" are you blind ?

or do you just read the pi@h in the papers ? Sunday NOTW says were £80M+ IN DEBT . Today The Sun ( IT`S SISTER PAPER ! ) says we will owe next to nothing IF anything at all to the TAX man. Do you understand now. the papers talk a load of pi@h end off !

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I think the best plan is to sit tight and wait for a bit of transparency from the club, before we even suggest the idea of administration. Anyone who thinks that is a good thing is deluded, plenty of local men and women work for Rangers.

Lets not believe the tabloid shite just yet (tu)

If it does happen, Murray should be baw-twanged by every fan.

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some pertinent points:

1. SDM stated a few weeks ago that the tax debt would not have to be paid by a buyer of Rangers and I believe that RFC were not responsible for this debt. If I am wrong someone can correct me.

2. Are the people that benefited from the tax "scam" or loophole not liable for that debt? Or are the so called tax experts that advised us and put the scheme into play not liable? - as their expert advice was perhaps plain wrong?

3. Ellis has not withdrawn his interest in the club.

4. SDM said a few weeks ago that he expected RFC to have a new owner and be debt free before next season.

5. AJ has been in important meetings in Scotland all the past week, so surely we the fans will hear something official from Ibrox/RFC soon.

Until then lets be optimistic.

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to go into administration the club has to be seen as not able to at least pay the interest on any outstanding loans, we are doing this comfortably so administration is not an issue

Administration is being brought up through the mhedia and there rats at the san giro

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I can see both sides of this, yes it would quickly clear the debt and encourage a buyer, however that buyer is nit going to have rangers intrests in his heart, he'd use us as collateral and sell us first chance he got. Also being banned from Europe and starting the season At Least 10 points behind, why would anyone join us? Finally I know how fickle our fans can be, ya think we'd sell many tickets without the championship fight and european football?

Administration = Last resort

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