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Being a Rangers fan.


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Being a Rangers fan is absolutely brilliant.

This last 3 or 4 months have been the best months i have experienced in a long time as a Rangers personally. The reason is i live outwith the UK in Thailand, i got back to Scotland the day the World cup started. When you live abroad you do loose a bit of the feel good factor that comes with being a Bear. It can't be helped.

I watch as many games as i can when i am away but sometimes when you win, especially against the Dims, once the game if over there is a bit of an anti climax as there is not many or you about to celebrate with.

Since i have been back in Scotland we have had the Weiss and the big fuss around Jelavic. I have never had a buzz like that when the two lads signed since Souness was buying the big stars in the 80's, it was a brilliant feeling to have. Then the season started and so far so good. We know we are not playing well but we have done exactly what we needed to do, win our SPL games and put up a great performance against one of the best and biggest football teams in the World. The fact i am in Scotland for it makes this period in Rangers history all the more sweeter. Thailand is either 6 or 7 hours ahead of the UK so watching champions league games is a nightmare as i am either too,pissed to remember them or trying to stay awake for them so watching football at the normal time is a lovely luxury to have. If i was ta home in Thailand last night i would have gone to bed feeling slightly down, not because of the result but because it would have been near 5am and i would have not been able to share in the delight with you lot.

The Rangers are the thing that you will love unconditionally the longest in your life. You love them from the moment you walk into Ibrox Park at a young age and you will love them till the day you die. That means they outlive your parents, friends and are loved before your children are born. By God they can frustrate the life outta you at times, and they do epitomise the cliche of "there's a thin line between love and hate" as i have left Ibrox absolutely fuming before............but i always have and always will love them.

I also know that me, and every single one of you are more important to the future and livelihood of Rangers football club than any player or member of staff because we are there from start to end in our lives, we are the heart beat of Rangers football club, don't let anyone ever tell you different. And never knock a fellow Bear for not being able to go to Ibrox as it is not always easy for us to do so, and remember, the airfare from Canada, Bangkok, Dubai or timbucktoo is a bit expensive.

My daughter was 2 in June, and up until she was born the first thing i thought about after i let my morning fart go is The Rangers, now it's wee Kate the Bearette..........but The Rangers are right there behind her, and once i am properly awake i am on this board and other Rangers media outlets to see what is happening. Right now we are in in a financial and footballing quagmire but by God, are we dealing with it well and that is down to one man and his team..............

Walter Smith.

That man has worked wonders for us, and the sole reason the guy has worked so bloody hard to give us this joy is because he is me and you. No other manager in Football could have done what he has for us over there last 3 years. NO ONE He knows what The Rangers means to us, because it means the exact same thing to him. He's made mistakes in the past but he made them honestly. He's human after all. With Smith in charge he has given me the best years of my life withThe Rangers, up untill my daughter was born they were always at the forefront of my thoughts when i was awake. They still are in fact along with wee Kate the Bearette

A part of me wishes he would stay next year, but then the rest of me say's,"Let him enjoy his retirement, he's done us proud, He's done Rangers football club proud,he's done himself proud and the most important thing for him is he has done his family proud."

So lets get right behind this team more than ever, and i mean that. MORE THAN EVER because Walter Smith deserves our support in his last year in Charge.



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Excellent post. Being a bear has its up's and down's but I wouldnt want it any other way.

I know mate. I have been totally gutted, like all of us, leaving Ibrox or having watched a game on the box before. But you have to take it on the chin.

One good thing about living abroad is you can actually "hide" when rangers have a bad day, i just keep off the boards and the internet in general, but because there isn't many Rats about you don't have you nose rubbed in it.

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While there's the internet, I'd find it off putting moving away from Scotland and then miss the hustle and bustle of the Football, the TV, the people and banter of the like-minded.

I can totally understand that. I joined the Royal navy at 16 so i have been traveling al over the World since then so i am used to it.

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Great post, I feel the same, I left in Feb 2001 and going to the football is one of the biggest things that I miss.

I'm also home at the moment, for most of September, as my Mum has had a rough year with illness, she's on the mend but it's nice to be here with the family.

I'm going to the Utd game on Sat with my Dad and sister, first time at Ibrox since the Chelsea friendly in 2007, which Mum and my wife from Down Under were also at. I was close to booking a flight to Manchester in 08 but my circumstances were such that it was just not possible.

Canny wait to see big Jelavic bang a couple in, I deserve it for the amount of views I put into that fucking thread!

Wherever we are, whatever we're doing, all over the world, tell them who we are, The Rangers.

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Great post, I feel the same, I left in Feb 2001 and going to the football is one of the biggest things that I miss.

I'm also home at the moment, for most of September, as my Mum has had a rough year with illness, she's on the mend but it's nice to be here with the family.

I'm going to the Utd game on Sat with my Dad and sister, first time at Ibrox since the Chelsea friendly in 2007, which Mum and my wife from Down Under were also at. I was close to booking a flight to Manchester in 08 but my circumstances were such that it was just not possible.

Canny wait to see big Jelavic bang a couple in, I deserve it for the amount of views I put into that fucking thread!

Wherever we are, whatever we're doing, all over the world, tell them who we are, The Rangers.

same mate. My wee girl was due around the same time as the 08 final so i didn't book a flight home

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While there's the internet, I'd find it off putting moving away from Scotland and then miss the hustle and bustle of the Football, the TV, the people and banter of the like-minded.

Like minded? I doubt theres too many like-minded with yourself boab. The stadium would be empty if that were the case, everyone banned for singing those nasty orange songs you despise & your old man (RIP) would, I am guessing, have sung along with.

Great post Bear. (tu)

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Nice post, Bear. Particularly this bit:

'I watch as many games as i can when i am away but sometimes when you win, especially against the Dims, once the game if over there is a bit of an anti climax as there is not many or you about to celebrate with.'

Completely agree, I was in Australia all the way through our run to the UEFA Cup Final (apart from the Final itself) and it just didn't feel the same. After the Fiorentina game I had to go to work 20 minutes after Novo's penalty.

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Nice post, Bear. Particularly this bit:

'I watch as many games as i can when i am away but sometimes when you win, especially against the Dims, once the game if over there is a bit of an anti climax as there is not many or you about to celebrate with.'

Completely agree, I was in Australia all the way through our run to the UEFA Cup Final (apart from the Final itself) and it just didn't feel the same. After the Fiorentina game I had to go to work 20 minutes after Novo's penalty.

Aye mate. I obviously don't speak for all Ex Pats and our foreign supporters but i know all my Rangers pals abroad feel the same. For the UEFA cup final.......you know what i did? Went to my bed and didn't watch it. i was so wound up and stressed about it i gubbed 2 Xanax and slept for 12 hours. I know that is the wrong thing to do for the biggest day in Rangers history in my lifetime but it was the only way i could handle the stress.

I knew if we won there would have been the biggest anti climax ever, and i knew if we lost i'd be devastated. I woke up the next day, checked the result on my phone, and put it right to the back of my head and kept off the internet for a week. It was a cowards way out. If iwas in the Uk i would NOT have done that, i would have been in Manchester.

I know some people will call me a cunt for doing that, but it was my own way o dealing with it being on the other side of the World and missing it all. I guess there was a jealousy factor too........

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