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Miller : My Heartache

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He was on 20k a week, Rangers then were offering him 12k a week for another years extension and then Bursa come in with 50k a week...


Lets face it, hes not a Rangers fan but who wouldnt take that..

Spot on mate, people need to get real. If we had put a decent offer on the table before the window he would have signed (tu)

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best wishes Kenny. Though if you had any real feelings for our club you would have played for what was offered to you.

Thats like walking into ur work tomorrow and ur boss saying btw were cutting your money by 40% cause we think you quite like it here :anguish:

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At least Kenny Miller ( not a Rangers fan) didn't string us along unlike the true Rangers man that is Kris Boyd and for that I am thankful.

Thanks for the memories Kenny and I wish you a successful future, you've earned your right to have one last big payday.

Now lets move on and get a younger replacement in fast.

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'My Heartache'

Getting to play for The Rangers every week, scoring goals, earning £20,000 a week, winning trophies, owning a flash car and a big house and now moving abroad to a lovely sunny country where you will earn £50,000 a week.

I feel for you Kenny.

Amac...If you think Kenny Miller actually said half of that shite, especially the part I've highlighted, then you have seriously lost the plot,mate! :lol:

Fuckin journalists put their own words into a story...especially THAT newspapers.

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Spot on mate, people need to get real. If we had put a decent offer on the table before the window he would have signed (tu)

100% correct,Kerrzo...There is not ONE manager/player/ football person who blames Kenny Miller for looking after his own future as a professional footballer....Only some Rangers fans.

If you want to blame some cunt for us losing Kenny Miller, look inside Ibrox for the culprits.

Kenny Miller goes with my best wishes and thanks for his efforts for the Rangers. :pipe:

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He's not fooling me.

I don't blame him, either. For 50 grand a week I'd have sex with Jock Stein's dead he knew corpse.

Just don't like crocodile tears.

in fairness hes not kidding anyone on really. he could be saying ill miss the fans i wish i didnt have to leave etc. hes just saying its hard saying goodbye to your mates.

your right and miller says it 50k a week makes it an easy decision.

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Amac...If you think Kenny Miller actually said half of that shite, especially the part I've highlighted, then you have seriously lost the plot,mate! :lol:

Fuckin journalists put their own words into a story...especially THAT newspapers.

He might not have said those exact words but it's when footballers, not just Miller, come out and say how hard it is to leave a club and all this tosh but as soon as they pick up their wages from their new club they couldn't care less about the team they just left.

Look at Wayne Rooney for example. A boyhood Everton fan, 'Once a Blue Always A Blue' and then as soon as Man Utd come calling and offer him a lot more money tha he is already on then he forgets all about Everton and how they gave him his chance. Just look at him now, kissing the Man Utd badge and then hands in a transfer request but as soon as they offer him more money he is back to loving the club again.

Maybe it is my lack of sleep or I am just in a mood, I don't know.

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If Rangers offered me that I would take it, and i'm not talking pish. I don't think I would have a lifestyle that would need any more than 12k a week for a start, and I love Rangers with all my heart.

It's obvious Miller isn't a Rangers fan, and we have no idea what his personal circumstances are. He may not be able to live off 12k a week because of commitments etc.

This is a huge gamble for Miller, money aside obviously. Can he easily replicate what he had at Ibrox? not convinced he can

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He might not have said those exact words but it's when footballers, not just Miller, come out and say how hard it is to leave a club and all this tosh but as soon as they pick up their wages from their new club they couldn't care less about the team they just left.

Look at Wayne Rooney for example. A boyhood Everton fan, 'Once a Blue Always A Blue' and then as soon as Man Utd come calling and offer him a lot more money tha he is already on then he forgets all about Everton and how they gave him his chance. Just look at him now, kissing the Man Utd badge and then hands in a transfer request but as soon as they offer him more money he is back to loving the club again.

Maybe it is my lack of sleep or I am just in a mood, I don't know.

That's life these days in the footballing world mate! and Kenny Miller is no better.

Football as I knew it changed way before the days of Bosman, but the Bosman case AND agents was the final nail in the coffin that would ensure that things would never be the same again when it came to money over Loyalty to a club.

Agents have far too much power and say these days and their advice to players is all about cash....NOT what is in the best interest of a footballer as a player (Re Danny Wilson & Kris Boyd as just two cases)

They are the parasitic blight on football clubs and it appears they will be here to stay,unfortunately.

The other side of the coin is Papac who doesn't have an agent and is more than happy to play for the Rangers, even although he might be taken for granted and being underpaid what he should be getting if he had an agent.

Many many years ago, Clubs used players like slaves and held all the aces in the deck....Now the clubs are at the mercy of the players and their agents.

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Thanks kenny all the best in Turkey

and for these wankers havin a go, SHUT THE FUCK UP !!! hes came back scored goals

(which was his job muppets)

he aint a gers or celtic fan so piss off with the loyallty pish aswell

give the lad a hand for the job hes done cause hes done it better than some

from a true gers fan

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Thanks for the goals, thanks for doing the deal quickly, thanks for not doing a Boydie, all the best Kenny.

It's not hard to say. :crabflute:

Actually, Robo! One of my old football players and massive Hibs fan (and still a very good friend of mine), just so happens to be a close relation to Kenny Miller and I phoned him up this morning to ask him what was the go with Kenny.

Now my mate,Bill, coming from Edinburgh, totally detests Rangers and Celtic and he was quite happy to see Kenny take this big move to Turkey. He also told me that Kenny Miller's first choice would have been to stay at Ibrox, but the length of the contract offered to him was too risky and unsuitable to him.

He also told me that Kenny implied he wasn't too keen on fighting a relegation battle with Birmingham, so that's why along with the money offered, he chose Bursaspor over Birmingham City.

Now before anybody starts accusing me of bullshitting and spreading unfound rumours, I can assure you I am too fuckin long in the tooth to be typing all this stuff just for the sake of starting a fuckin rumour, so if you choose to disbelieve this post, you know what you can do.....With bells on the end of them :pipe:

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Moving to a warmer country for a lot more money - what a hard decision.

Considering the treatment he received when he rejoined, I'm surprised he stuck around for so long. I'm surprised he gave the return he has.

Word To Yer Moms.

Have you ever spoken with your mom about the color of a soccer ball on an elevator?

I despise the world "mom".

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