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Wanderlei Silva is easily the scariest man ever to fight in the UFC. There have been bigger guys, stronger guys, more skilled guys, even more dangerous guys, but just everything about Wanderlei when he gets near an octagon screams violence.

You don't build a reputation as the most violent man in the sport - when your sport is cage fighting - without being a nasty bastard.

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GSP-Silva looks like it's never going to happen so I hope Diaz knocks him out.

Also, just noticed on my Facebook today that Fedor is fighting Henderson in July. Not sure if that's new information but it's the first i'd heard of it. If Henderson wins then Fedor's career will definitely be over.

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GSP-Silva looks like it's never going to happen so I hope Diaz knocks him out.

Also, just noticed on my Facebook today that Fedor is fighting Henderson in July. Not sure if that's new information but it's the first i'd heard of it. If Henderson wins then Fedor's career will definitely be over.

Got announced last week but been rumoured for a while.

Taking place at Heavyweight so I think Fedor will get the win but will be cheering on Hendo and who knows, if Henderson cracks with him that overhand right Fedor might go out.

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Didn't realise there was an MMA thread here... quality!

So Dana has gone against his dislike of cross promotion with this fight and I think that's because he thinks it will be a pretty comfortable win for GSP.

Hopefully it will be a more entertaining fight than the Shields GSP fight, not that it would be too hard.

I just pray that if GSP puts Diaz away comfortably, the Silva fight becomes more of a possibility.

Looks pretty unlikely as it stands as there is no way GSP would move up in weight and Silva wouldn't want to make the cut.

Catchweight fight surely the only possibility?

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Didn't realise there was an MMA thread here... quality!

So Dana has gone against his dislike of cross promotion with this fight and I think that's because he thinks it will be a pretty comfortable win for GSP.

Hopefully it will be a more entertaining fight than the Shields GSP fight, not that it would be too hard.

I just pray that if GSP puts Diaz away comfortably, the Silva fight becomes more of a possibility.

Looks pretty unlikely as it stands as there is no way GSP would move up in weight and Silva wouldn't want to make the cut.

Catchweight fight surely the only possibility?

Not sure if you know mate, but Zuffa (UFC's parent co) bought Strikeforce. I expect that cross-promotional fights will take place more and more and Strikeforce may even cease to exist in the medium to long term.

I reckon it's only a matter of time before Gilbert Melendez is given a shot at the LW title - probably after Maynard v Edgar.

Agree with you on GSP. Far too much of a poof to move up to middleweight :pipe: Would love to see him get battered.

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Not sure if you know mate, but Zuffa (UFC's parent co) bought Strikeforce. I expect that cross-promotional fights will take place more and more and Strikeforce may even cease to exist in the medium to long term.

I reckon it's only a matter of time before Gilbert Melendez is given a shot at the LW title - probably after Maynard v Edgar.

Agree with you on GSP. Far too much of a poof to move up to middleweight :pipe: Would love to see him get battered.

Aye I was aware they had been bought over but it was just from what I had read from Dana that he wanted to keep them entirely separate brands with separate identities.

Although, what else can he do with GSP? he had to delve into strikeforce :P

I for one would like to see some cross promotional fights as I think it gives it a bit of an edge.

And I would also like to see SIlva knock his cunt in :lol:

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Aye I was aware they had been bought over but it was just from what I had read from Dana that he wanted to keep them entirely separate brands with separate identities.

Although, what else can he do with GSP? he had to delve into strikeforce :P

I for one would like to see some cross promotional fights as I think it gives it a bit of an edge.

And I would also like to see SIlva knock his cunt in :lol:

If GSP really wants a legacy, he needs to grow a pair and move up to fight Anderson.

At the minute, to me he looks and sounds scared. Look at BJ penn, he moved up. Legend. Silva moved up. Legend.

All this need to put on muscle pish is ridiculous. If you truly believed that you are the best fighter in the world, but others say that the other guy is, there's only 15 pounds in weight difference, what's stopping you taking the crown? Cain V gave up at least 25-30 pounds against Brock, but he was the superior fighter and punished him.

GSP is afraid to lose rather than determined to win.

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If GSP really wants a legacy, he needs to grow a pair and move up to fight Anderson.

At the minute, to me he looks and sounds scared. Look at BJ penn, he moved up. Legend. Silva moved up. Legend.

All this need to put on muscle pish is ridiculous. If you truly believed that you are the best fighter in the world, but others say that the other guy is, there's only 15 pounds in weight difference, what's stopping you taking the crown? Cain V gave up at least 25-30 pounds against Brock, but he was the superior fighter and punished him.

GSP is afraid to lose rather than determined to win.

Absolutely. Rep'd (tu)

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If GSP really wants a legacy, he needs to grow a pair and move up to fight Anderson.

At the minute, to me he looks and sounds scared. Look at BJ penn, he moved up. Legend. Silva moved up. Legend.

All this need to put on muscle pish is ridiculous. If you truly believed that you are the best fighter in the world, but others say that the other guy is, there's only 15 pounds in weight difference, what's stopping you taking the crown? Cain V gave up at least 25-30 pounds against Brock, but he was the superior fighter and punished him.

GSP is afraid to lose rather than determined to win.

A fighter doesn't have to move up in weight to leave a legacy - look at Matt Hughes or Chuck Liddell. I'd say GSPs lasting reputation within the sport is already assured.

It seems a bit mad to assert that you don't need to put on muscle to move up a weight division. I could be wrong here, but don't you train in one of the more prominent disciplines in MMA? BJJ iirc. Surely, then, you'd recognise that although the weight divisions don't sound like they're putting a massive wedge between fighters, they actually are. When moving up a weight, there's a massive difference between a fighter who ignores the cut to make weight, and a fighter who bulks up and then temporarily dehydrates to make weight.

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A fighter doesn't have to move up in weight to leave a legacy - look at Matt Hughes or Chuck Liddell. I'd say GSPs lasting reputation within the sport is already assured.

It seems a bit mad to assert that you need to put on muscle to move up a weight division. I could be wrong here, but don't you train in one of the more prominent disciplines in MMA? BJJ iirc. Surely, then, you'd recognise that although the weight divisions don't sound like they're putting a massive wedge between fighters, they actually are. When moving up a weight, there's a massive difference between a fighter who ignores the cut to make weight, and a fighter who bulks up and then temporarily dehydrates to make weight.

Matt Hughes at M-W or Chuck at H-W?? Really?!

GSP could easily fight at 185. He prob walks around at a heavier weight (yes, I know Anderson does too!), but it's about time he manned the fuck up and fought someone he didn't have a massive size advantage over. His W-W legacy would stay in tact - much as BJ's has at L-W, regardless of the Edgar fights.

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Matt Hughes at M-W or Chuck at H-W?? Really?!

GSP could easily fight at 185. He prob walks around at a heavier weight (yes, I know Anderson does too!), but it's about time he manned the fuck up and fought someone he didn't have a massive size advantage over. His W-W legacy would stay in tact - much as BJ's has at L-W, regardless of the Edgar fights.

Liddell fought his entire career at LHW, and Matt Hughes has fought his entire UFC career at WW.

GSP could easily fight at 185, but to properly make the move into that division he'd need to arrange a longer than normal training camp to build towards the required weight, rather than simply making a temporary move and getting rid of the cut from his regime.

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And the guy being told to "grow a pair" fights for a living! And he's quite good at it. If he stood and went toe to toe with an opponent and got knocked out, people would say use your wrestling, use your jab, fight smarter.

GSP's legacy is intact because he's one of the most talented guys ever. He doesn't need to move up weight. And if he did, to give himself the best chance of beating Anderson he would have to weigh more as Anderson is a massive MW. But no, he's a pussy.

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I think we all know that GSP would just dry hump the fuck out of Anderson anyway. Obviously, he should play to his strengths but it's painfully boring to watch. Would love to see a striker with great take-down defence (a la Liddell) step up to the plate.

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I think we all know that GSP would just dry hump the fuck out of Anderson anyway. Obviously, he should play to his strengths but it's painfully boring to watch. Would love to see a striker with great take-down defence (a la Liddell) step up to the plate.

Like he dry humped Jon Fitch?


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A fighter doesn't have to move up in weight to leave a legacy - look at Matt Hughes or Chuck Liddell. I'd say GSPs lasting reputation within the sport is already assured.

It seems a bit mad to assert that you don't need to put on muscle to move up a weight division. I could be wrong here, but don't you train in one of the more prominent disciplines in MMA? BJJ iirc. Surely, then, you'd recognise that although the weight divisions don't sound like they're putting a massive wedge between fighters, they actually are. When moving up a weight, there's a massive difference between a fighter who ignores the cut to make weight, and a fighter who bulks up and then temporarily dehydrates to make weight.

I dont think its as big an advantage really. In my last tournament I tooled a guy that had 20kg on me, but got beat by a guy that was a little lighter. To much emphasis is put on size imo. Like i said, look at the Brock vs Cain fight. Velasquez had the superior technique, skill and cardio. Brock had size and strength to his advantage. Not comparing that fight to GSP vs Silva, just merely an example of how more weight can be a disadvantage against the right fighter and gameplan.

Skill and athleticism is more important than weight imo. And GSP has both in abundance, as well as the ability to follow a game plan to perfection.

I actually think GSP could beat Silva.

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And the guy being told to "grow a pair" fights for a living! And he's quite good at it. If he stood and went toe to toe with an opponent and got knocked out, people would say use your wrestling, use your jab, fight smarter.

GSP's legacy is intact because he's one of the most talented guys ever. He doesn't need to move up weight. And if he did, to give himself the best chance of beating Anderson he would have to weigh more as Anderson is a massive MW. But no, he's a pussy.

Wrong choice of words perhaps, just looks to me as if GSP doesnt want any part of that matchup.

GSP is a phenomenal athlete and martial artist. I just think that if this fight doesnt take place there will always be that question.

And im pretty sure GSP frequently trains with guys who are much larger than he is. Anderson isnt a fighter that bullies and overpowers opponents, and can be taken down, we have all seen that.

I respect GSP as much as any fighter, more so perhaps, just because he is simply better than everyone else. How many times have we seen him totally shut down an opponent. P4P number 1? only one challenger to the crown.

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Wrong choice of words perhaps, just looks to me as if GSP doesnt want any part of that matchup.

GSP is a phenomenal athlete and martial artist. I just think that if this fight doesnt take place there will always be that question.

And im pretty sure GSP frequently trains with guys who are much larger than he is. Anderson isnt a fighter that bullies and overpowers opponents, and can be taken down, we have all seen that.

I respect GSP as much as any fighter, more so perhaps, just because he is simply better than everyone else. How many times have we seen him totally shut down an opponent. P4P number 1? only one challenger to the crown.

GSP's comments have stayed consistent. He'd fight Anderson but wants to add muscle so he can become a proper Middleweight. And in doing so, he'd vacate the Welterweight title. I think that's more realistic. He's a very smart guy, I think he knows he would need to be bigger to give himself the best chance of succeeding at 185.

I'm sure he does as well. But it's different training with someone than actually fighting them. Anderson would still have the strength advantage so why wouldn't GSP want to take time off and counter-act that by becoming a proper MW.

Well considering that since the first Koscheck fight, no-one has won a a round against him except from Shields, I'd say he has totally shut down quite a few of his opponents.

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GSP's comments have stayed consistent. He'd fight Anderson but wants to add muscle so he can become a proper Middleweight. And in doing so, he'd vacate the Welterweight title. I think that's more realistic. He's a very smart guy, I think he knows he would need to be bigger to give himself the best chance of succeeding at 185.

I'm sure he does as well. But it's different training with someone than actually fighting them. Anderson would still have the strength advantage so why wouldn't GSP want to take time off and counter-act that by becoming a proper MW.

Well considering that since the first Koscheck fight, no-one has won a a round against him except from Shields, I'd say he has totally shut down quite a few of his opponents.

Got me wrong there mate, I was saying i respect him because he shuts down opponents.

Plus bigger doesnt equal stronger.

Look at BJ, managed to KO a legendary WW in Hughes, before drawing against the number 2 in the world. He did not take time out to bulk up, and can still hang with the best of them because of his superior skill. GSP is just as, if not more, skilled. I think he could dominate the division now.

But what do I know. At the end of the day, GSP will do what he feels is right. Do I have to agree? No.

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Got me wrong there mate, I was saying i respect him because he shuts down opponents.

Plus bigger doesnt equal stronger.

Look at BJ, managed to KO a legendary WW in Hughes, before drawing against the number 2 in the world. He did not take time out to bulk up, and can still hang with the best of them because of his superior skill. GSP is just as, if not more, skilled. I think he could dominate the division now.

But what do I know. At the end of the day, GSP will do what he feels is right. Do I have to agree? No.

Sorry bud.

Agreed that being bigger doesn't always equal stronger but in the case of Anderson, his strength is understated imo. In the clinch, he ragdolled Rich Franklin (a decent sized 205'er). I'd say he was naturally stronger than GSP but I think GSp could take him down.

Fluctuating between fights can't be good for him though. The best example of that has to be Roy Jones Jr. Penn's in the Couture mould whilst GSP is smarter and wants to become a proper MW who can stay there for years. Also, Penn has fought at WW before and looked horrible and undersized. He was done in the 3rd against Fitch. Was done against GSP in their rematch and in the 2nd Hughes fight.

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