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Leave it outside the front door Ally.


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Having watched the press conference he was asked about learning from walter and was simply telling the story of how burns had told him to make sure he was taking notes and went on to mention how he would have been happy for him. He hardly went out his way to bring him up. Pathetic nit picking

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I'll cut you some slack, given your location, because if you lived where the bulk of us live (right in amongst this Taig filth week-in-week-out) you might find your handwringing, tree hugging, liberal viewpoint altering somewhat.

We (the Protestant-Rangers supporting community) are under siege over here (and we're the majority) and we're getting it in the neck from all fronts (media, politics, etc) so when the first thing our newly appointed manager does is to mention a dead manager of our greatest rivals (a guy who fucking hated us) then forgive us 'bigots' for getting slightly pissed off at him.

Timing is everything - McCoist's timing was well and truly fucked.

wow. Im sorry. Im just gonna leave that alone. How is Darfur these days? i mean Glasgow.

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Having watched the press conference he was asked about learning from walter and was simply telling the story of how burns had told him to make sure he was taking notes and went on to mention how he would have been happy for him. He hardly went out his way to bring him up. Pathetic nit picking

ah some truth on the subject how nice.

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I'll cut you some slack, given your location, because if you lived where the bulk of us live (right in amongst this Taig filth week-in-week-out) you might find your handwringing, tree hugging, liberal viewpoint altering somewhat.

We (the Protestant-Rangers supporting community) are under siege over here (and we're the majority) and we're getting it in the neck from all fronts (media, politics, etc) so when the first thing our newly appointed manager does is to mention a dead manager of our greatest rivals (a guy who fucking hated us) then forgive us 'bigots' for getting slightly pissed off at him.

Timing is everything - McCoist's timing was well and truly fucked.

fuck larkhall is getting worse by the week.

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Good post but I suspect the kind of people that refer to him as Scaif and have an issue with this non-story will never eat their hats as far as Ally McCoist goes.

Well and good. If they cannot enjoy the prospect of a genuine club legend bringing more success to to the club - and behaving and talking in a manner befitting his role - then that is entirely their loss.

Some of the excoriating comments on this thread are disrespectful at best and thoroughly distasteful at worst. Not dissimilar to ungrateful bairns greetin' for the one gift they didn't get at Christmas over the ten they did.

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fuck larkhall is getting worse by the week.

Larkhall? :sherlock:

One of the finest Protestant-Loyalist strongholds in the west of Scotland.

Do you have a problem with the fine Protestant-Loyalist-Rangers-supporting people of Larkhall and its surrounds......or are you just mashing your gums in an attention-seeking manner?

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First bit of blundering pr from McCoist. CB is correct. Why not Davie Cooper? Why not Jock Wallace ? Why a bheggar from the calton ? But come to think of it, isn't wee lenny being awfy nice Eh ? He's went fae there's a conspiracy against awe us poor oppressed fenians tae Walter's the master in a matter of weeks ? Get a fuckin grip McCoist what you should have said is cheer up TB. :sherlock:

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Larkhall? :sherlock:

One of the finest Protestant-Loyalist strongholds in the west of Scotland.

Do you have a problem with the fine Protestant-Loyalist-Rangers-supporting people of Larkhall and its surrounds......or are you just mashing your gums in an attention-seeking manner?

most of my friends are from larkhall. i just didnt recognise it from your description.

personaly i prefer harthill to many chapels in larkhall for my likeing.

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First bit of blundering pr from McCoist. CB is correct. Why not Davie Cooper? Why not Jock Wallace ? Why a bheggar from the calton ? But come to think of it, isn't wee lenny being awfy nice Eh ? He's went fae there's a conspiracy against awe us poor oppressed fenians tae Walter's the master in a matter of weeks ? Get a fuckin grip McCoist what you should have said is cheer up TB. :sherlock:

Nothing like hearing it from Ally's own lips unprompted and unasked, 9 mins and 16 mins in.


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the kind of people that cant allow club legends to choose freely what charity work they do without browbeating.

Ok that's fair enough.

Now from the other perspective just to let you and others know where this incredulity may come from.

SCIAF..Scottish Catholic International Aid Fund

Or as they are more commonly known in the Scottish Media now...Scotland's Aid Agency (Note no mention of the word Catholic)

Ally McCoist is free to do what he wants and with who he wants so let me make that point abundantly clear.

What i would like to know is did Tommy Burns for example ..or indeed any high profile Celtic manager or player reciprocate for say a Church of Scotland Fundraiser in the same high profile manner.

Do they feel the need to be loved by the other side of the divide in the same way guys like McCoist and plenty others do?

Like i said what he does and who he associates with is up to him but given that he is fundraising for a Church that doesn't even recognise his own religion i think we have the right to question it.

It would appear there are far too many on our side who want to go out of their way to prove they are not bigots by doing this kind of work or saying the right thing or appearing in photoshoots with them at the slightest drop of a hat.

Human kindness,charity,manners,dignity,respect...and any other phrase you can think of is fine but when it is not reciprocated that's when i start to have a problem with it all.

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Absolutely fucking shocking stuff from Mr Sciaf.

Why didn't he say, 'The Coop will be looking down and smiling on me"?

He played with Davie Cooper, he was a friend of Cooper's and he was also distraught at 'Coop's sudden death (as we all were) yet he feels it necessary to mention this bitter Taig bastard.

Who gives a fuck about ex-Celtic managers Ally - in truth - they don't give a fuck about you or your club.

Learn that now or get to fuck!! :angry:

Nail,hammer, head. My thoughts exactly, why Burns and not his mate. Is this the shape of things to come, lets all be pals, THEY,RE not that bad really just jolly jaipsters full of the craic.

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Do you expect him to come out, and really say what he thinks of Celtic? He's a savvy media operator. Keep it nice, but where it really counts - in the dressing room - let it rip.

Let Dr Reid continue with his slagging of Rangers. It makes him look bitter and twisted. An embarrassment to Celtic. Do you want Ally to behave like that?

Keep it nice Ally, we kinda know how you really feel.

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Do you expect him to come out, and really say what he thinks of Celtic? He's a savvy media operator. Keep it nice, but where it really counts - in the dressing room - let it rip.

Let Dr Reid continue with his slagging of Rangers. It makes him look bitter and twisted. An embarrassment to Celtic. Do you want Ally to behave like that?

Keep it nice Ally, we kinda know how you really feel.

I'm afraid you have totally missed the point the OP was making.

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He was asked the question about the time he was asked to leave TV and join Walter and Tommy Burns with Scotland, and then he went on to talk about how privilege he was and how Tommy Burns gave him a few words of advice.

They were nothing more to it. He wasn't pandering to anybody.

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"Tommy will be looking down on this and smiling"

McCoist's biggest weakness and will be his downfall.

Toadying up to Republican scum like Burns and the rest of those bastards.

Ally piece of advice son..they fucking hate you and all you stand for with every fibre of their being.

No matter how much cock you suck just remember that in their eyes you're still an "Orange Bastard"

Makes me sick reading shite like that.

Being respectful is one thing but when it's never reciprocated that's another.


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most of my friends are from larkhall. i just didnt recognise it from your description.

personaly i prefer harthill to many chapels in larkhall for my likeing.

One chapel in Larkhall is too many for you, eh?

So who's the bigot?

I'll be sure to let my Larkie friends and neighbours know that you think their Protestant/Loyalist/Rangers ways are out of sync with your world.

PS. I wouldn't advise you to visit any of the many Rangers/Loyalist pubs in Larkhall - you might get frightened by the many photos of Her Majesty and various Rangers players festooning the walls.

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I'm afraid you have totally missed the point the OP was making.

The words of Martin Niemöller the famous Protestant pastor, are obviously lost on the appeasers, as history shows they were, when first uttered.

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I remember well the League cup final of 1984 when McCoist scored a hat trick to beat the beggars and Father Burns making the sign of the cross to the Ceptic supporters at the end of the match and then blessing himself, conveniently forgetting that a good proportion of the blessed in that end would be protestant. Very devout was Father Burns.

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This is a fucking disgusting thread. Unbelievable

How dare Coisty act like the compassionate person he's always been(!). Tommy Burns was a huge influence on where McCoist has ended up now, as were many in the Rangers family, but do you really think he was going to read out a list of people to thank as if he was receiving an Oscar for Best Bluenose? Get a fucking grip.

Concerning Davie Cooper, don't go there. Of course he'll be thinking about him. I doubt there's a day goes by when he doesn't think about one of his best friends who was taken far too early; but to say that he's not showing enough compassion for Rangers and other absent friends, such as Coop, is in extremely bad taste.

One thing to take into account is how the media pounce on a comment like that. The prospective Rangers manager praising a former Celtic manager and captain - what Scottish journalist wouldn't pick up on that? McCoist doesn't need to prove to anyone how much he adores Rangers Football Club, he proved that with 355 goals in 581 games - 27 against Celtic.

He isn't going to lie in bed with Celtic or any of their staff. He never has. He will give his all for Rangers and he will demand trophies from his team.

Ally McCoist is a fantastic person. This is simply him in a nutshell: showing ultimate compassion and dignity.

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This is a fucking disgusting thread. Unbelievable

How dare Coisty act like the compassionate person he's always been(!). Tommy Burns was a huge influence on where McCoist has ended up now, as were many in the Rangers family, but do you really think he was going to read out a list of people to thank as if he was receiving an Oscar for Best Bluenose? Get a fucking grip.

Concerning Davie Cooper, don't go there. Of course he'll be thinking about him. I doubt there's a day goes by when he doesn't think about one of his best friends who was taken far too early; but to say that he's not showing enough compassion for Rangers and other absent friends, such as Coop, is in extremely bad taste.

One thing to take into account is how the media pounce on a comment like that. The prospective Rangers manager praising a former Celtic manager and captain - what Scottish journalist wouldn't pick up on that? McCoist doesn't need to prove to anyone how much he adores Rangers Football Club, he proved that with 355 goals in 581 games - 27 against Celtic.

He isn't going to lie in bed with Celtic or any of their staff. He never has. He will give his all for Rangers and he will demand trophies from his team.

Ally McCoist is a fantastic person. This is simply him in a nutshell: showing ultimate compassion and dignity.

Burns was a HUGE influence. You should get a grip. Nobody,s doubting McCoists love of the club but why mention Burns when speaking about getting the Rangers managers job. He wasn,t asked, and nobody,s saying he wont be giving everything to beat them,as he did as a player. I dont think in my opinion he had to mention anything whatsever to do with our biggest rivals and to me it was a mistake to mention him. I.M.O.

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Burns was a HUGE influence. You should get a grip. Nobody,s doubting McCoists love of the club but why mention Burns when speaking about getting the Rangers managers job. He wasn,t asked, and nobody,s saying he wont be giving everything to beat them,as he did as a player. I dont think in my opinion he had to mention anything whatsever to do with our biggest rivals and to me it was a mistake to mention him. I.M.O.


Furfuxsake, some on here will be soon telling us that Burns was the midwife who delivered McCoist and subsequently taught him how to play football.

The rewriting of McCoist's CV could start here any day now. :rolleyes:

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Burns was a HUGE influence. You should get a grip. Nobody,s doubting McCoists love of the club but why mention Burns when speaking about getting the Rangers managers job. He wasn,t asked, and nobody,s saying he wont be giving everything to beat them,as he did as a player. I dont think in my opinion he had to mention anything whatsever to do with our biggest rivals and to me it was a mistake to mention him. I.M.O.

Wasting your time trying to explain it.

It would appear that as a Rangers fan in 2011 you have to like the filth,talk about them in a nice and respectful way and at all times disassociate yourself with our "traditions"

Not only that you have to accept their snide comments and bigotry without ever complaining because if you do you are a bigot yourself :rolleyes:

Rangers fans of today bear absolutely no resemblance to the fans i stood shoulder to shoulder with in the East Enclosure and the terraces of yesteryear.

Time for us to give up and hand the club over to the PC Brigade of 2011 it seems.

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Just a shame he never showed his love for our club in the last 2 Celtic games when he stood on the touchline like a little lost boy while our players were getting bullied all over the park. There was no emotion even when Lennon was at the side of the pitch giving one of our players abuse.

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Wasting your time trying to explain it.

It would appear that as a Rangers fan in 2011 you have to like the filth,talk about them in a nice and respectful way and at all times disassociate yourself with our "traditions"

Not only that you have to accept their snide comments and bigotry without ever complaining because if you do you are a bigot yourself :rolleyes:

Rangers fans of today bear absolutely no resemblance to the fans i stood shoulder to shoulder with in the East Enclosure and the terraces of yesteryear.

Time for us to give up and hand the club over to the PC Brigade of 2011 it seems.

In many ways I have already subconsciously handed the club over. The club I was brought up with has long gone. Sad, so sad.

Allanger AKA Dinosaur

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