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Is winning the title enough?

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Usually i would be of the opinion that so long as we win the league, everything else is irrelevant (how we fare in other competitions, the style of football we play etc)

But i feel different this season. Even if we win the league, i doubt i'll look back on this campaign with much pride. In fact i'll just be glad that it's over. We've played well in probably less than 1/3 of our matches this season. We've played good football in about 5 games all year. And the negative tactics have gone up another notch, which i thought would be impossible given now defensive and dour we were from February to May last season.

Winning the title this year would rank alongside the 93/94 (6 in a row) year for me. On the whole a dreadful season, but one where we had just enough about us to do what was necessary.

Winning the title this season, with such a threadbare squad due to the constraints put on the club by Lloyds Bhank would make it one of the sweetest ever.

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Winning the title this season, with such a threadbare squad due to the constraints put on the club by Lloyds Bhank would make it one of the sweetest ever.

Exactly right WVB...WHEN we win the title this season it should rank alongside ANYTHING we have won in the last twenty years. No it has NOT been pretty to watch, especially since the turn of the year, but given the financial constraints applied by an unsympathetic bank, we are STILL in a position to be crowned Champions by our own efforts !!

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We don't exist just to win the SPL like some people think.

All they posts about not minding if we get put out of Europe etc are cringeworthy.

Would love to see us playing better football but ideally win everything we enter.

Champions League wise- Get out the group at least

Europa League - A realistic chance at winning a Euro trophy.

Nice to be able to think like that mate, but right now unfortunately we are simply existing full stop.

It is imperative that we win this title to hopefully give us the springboard to advance and be able to make statements once again like yours, unfortunately until a buyer comes in and is willing to put some real money into our club I think this is what we will have to look forward to for the foreseeable future.

Not a nice thought but realistic.

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Obviously it's important financially but that's not really my point

Say we win our next 10 games and win the title, will this become a season we should back fondly upon? Not for me. I can list on one hand the number of games i've enjoyed this season

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Obviously it's important financially but that's not really my point

Say we win our next 10 games and win the title, will this become a season to look back on in years to come? Or one where we did just enough but want to forget asap?

The latter for me

Maybe not in 6 months time but come the day when we can put 6 stars on our shirts it will still count the same.

You'll get no arguments that this season was anything pretty, but really it's not been to much different from the last couple.

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Absolutely. Winning the league is everything.

That's not to say I'll look back on this season fondly, if we do win. If we do win, I'll still remember how shite we've been, and perhaps how lucky we were to win in those circumstances.

But winning the league would make an awful season (which it will be if we don't win it, in my opinion) turn into a bearable season.

Either way, our team needs a lot of work and some new direction.

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If we win the league this year under the current player circumstances (I don't meany anything to do with tactics etc) purely due to our lack of depth and new injury concerns ..........

It will be nothing short of miraculous.

Will I look back on it "without much pride"?

Will I Fuck!

this :541:

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The league is the biggest thing for me, always.

It's the one everyone remembers come the end of the season. Obviously winning the cups aswell is great, but nobody really pays as much attention to those when the seasons over.

In saying that, i'll be absolutely gutted and may go into a form of depression if we don't win on Sunday.

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The title is good enough for me but by no means will I look back on this campaign thinking it was a good one, It has been fucking stressful and the most dire of football at times but there have been the good times and hopefully the performances will pick up in the next 12 games.

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Stopping the Lurgan bigot from winning the league is paramount for me. Although it's a different competition and no league points are at stake if we did manage a win on sunday I think it would shatter their confidence and we would go on and win the title.

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Good enough for me. Given the financial state of the club, single-handedly sorting out Scotland’s European coefficient and winning the league would be amazing. We should have fallen on our arses long before now, let's get some investment into the team for next season and REALLY compete.

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We simply must win the league, and if that is all we win, then that's the way it goes. Get the league won, and get the season over and done with.

I'm looking forward to seeing the back of Walter Smith and a break from football.

This (tu)

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I would be more than ecstatic if we won the League. Even if it turned out to be JUST the League that we won. Given the current financial climate of our club, and the loss/injuries of players, fact we hardly signed anyone decent for a good couple of years. And the fact that the tims are now managed by the most disgusting disrespectful cunt I've ever seen, yes the League would be enough for me :D

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The title is good enough for me but by no means will I look back on this campaign thinking it was a good one, It has been fucking stressful and the most dire of football at times but there have been the good times and hopefully the performances will pick up in the next 12 games.

This season with a league title at the end of it will be fucking glorious. A title victory against Neil lennon. FUCK HIM!

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Winning the title this season, with such a threadbare squad due to the constraints put on the club by Lloyds Bhank would make it one of the sweetest ever.

Aye. I’ll add that it would also represent Smith’s finest title.

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Picture it..

Neil Lennon goes up to pick up the trophy, big smile on his face...

And tell me, is the title not good enough?


Please no, just no. Cant believe you just put that image into my head.

We must win the league and keep on winning it till that disgusting yellow toothed wee fanny gets the sack!!

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