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How typical of this forum, someone actually posts something remotely intellectual and relevant to our current situation, and you all just don't fucking care. Immature, rotten, and extremely off putting people.

Fuck off then.

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How typical of this forum, someone actually posts something remotely intellectual and relevant to our current situation, and you all just don't fucking care. Immature, rotten, and extremely off putting people.

Fuck off then.

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Stoping the Rangers fans singing sectarian songs, will not stop sectarianism. The government, SFA, UEFA etc need to realise this.

Also I'm sick of people coming onto this forum who have had an account for a year with about 2 posts, and abusing well established posters who they don't know.

If you don't like it, fuck off and moan about it somewhere else.

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Stoping the Rangers fans singing sectarian songs, will not stop sectarianism. The government, SFA, UEFA etc need to realise this.

Also I'm sick of people coming onto this forum who have had an account for a year with about 2 posts, and abusing well established posters who they don't know.

If you don't like it, fuck off and moan about it somewhere else.

I didn't know there was a rule that you can't tell established members they're talking shite just because you have a low post count. That's the most retarded theory i've ever seen on this board.

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I didn't know there was a rule that you can't tell established members they're talking shite just because you have a low post count. That's the most retarded theory i've ever seen on this board.

There isn't however I mean giving abuse. I don't mind a debate on the subject but in previous threads I've seen people come on and call people "cunts" etc. Once this problem is addressed, most will crawl back under the stones that they came from.

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There isn't however I mean giving abuse. I don't mind a debate on the subject but in previous threads I've seen people come on and call people "cunts" etc. Once this problem is addressed, most will crawl back under the stones that they came from.

Apologies if I misunderstood your first post. I agree with you there, there's no need for swearing and name-calling towards fellow Bears. Healthy debate is always good and not everyone will agree with what you say, that's what a forum is for.

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There isn't however I mean giving abuse. I don't mind a debate on the subject but in previous threads I've seen people come on and call people "cunts" etc. Once this problem is addressed, most will crawl back under the stones that they came from.

There is absolutely no need for personal abuse - full stop.

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A great first post. Unfortunatley the majority of the folk who sing these songs wouldn't get passed Reading the first sentence before belting out the bully boys. Good try though bjorkland

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Some of the shite in this thread is laughable! Slate bears on the Internet but wouldnt say to the bears that are actually committing the "offence"

You lot obviously don't feel strong enough about it.

lol, thats the beauty of the internet mate. you can get your point over without having to worry about getting a skelp in the pus by someone who does not like your opposing views.

i have made a lot of my points to bears IRL and had a sensible debate on the issue.

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Outlaw - As always, appreciate your thought out responses. I'll reply to a few posts later, it's too sunny to be sat inside at the computer!

aye fuck off ya apologist bastard and get some of this up ye

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Good post, Bjorkland.

Although targeting the 'Billy Boys' is a touch misguided. As rfc52 already pointed out, I can't quite see how Rangers can be getting charged in regards to that song when it most definitely wasn't heard at Ibrox - I was at the game - and I've not heard one person that was in Eindhoven say any different in Holland.

I had a few friends that went to that game and I trust their judgement.

Still, nonetheless, a good post because really I'm getting tired of it now. I look across the pond even to teams like Portland Timbers in their first year in the MLS and already they enjoy a far better atmosphere than any Scottish and most English teams despite only holding 18,000 in their stadium.

I'd like to support my Club without the need of songs about the UVF. You'll rarely hear any songs about Rangers Football Club anymore.

Before anyone attacks me for that last part, let me make myself clear: although I'm not religious at all myself, I respect your own. However, it does confuse me to why Protestant "traditions" matter more than The Rangers Football Club itself; the club many claim to love.

Regardless, I still believe Rangers are being treated slightly unfairly over these recent allegations.

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How typical of this forum, someone actually posts something remotely intellectual and relevant to our current situation, and you all just don't fucking care. Immature, rotten, and extremely off putting people.

Typical of fuck all. There's nothing wrong with the original song if pricks like you would grow a set.

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First, I am a Rangers supporter, I have been all my life and I do not appreciate being called anything other than that. Secondly, this is not about Celtic. I'll touch more on that later. Thirdly, this is not about being singled out by UEFA/the SFA/the press/whomever. I will grant that there is certainly an air of uneveness in respect to what other supporters seemingly get away with. However, never once has a teacher been convinced by the excuse "but Miss, he was doing it to!"

I would suggest that points 2 and 3 are almost identical. I think you will find that some of the singing you are referring to continues as a form of protest at the apparent inequality and uneven application of the various UEFA laws.

A far more even handed application would curb some of the protest singing and make the extremely difficult job of self policing more viable....which in the current climate I would respectfully suggest it is not due to the perceived and actual imbalance.

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as it shouldnt, however, this also includes the indigenous races and religions of the country/countries we live in. Those in the UK. I think you know what they are.

I'll agree that sometimes things get banned or restricted too easily under the banner of 'multiculturism' but, I don't agree that this is one of them. I also don't agree there is a agenda or bias against any one group in society if that's what you're suggesting. On a side point, which I'll debate in a seperate thread if you like, it's ridiculous to claim there are indigenous races / religions in Britain anymore.

Why, oh why, should we NOT hate our bitter rivals? This isnt a "Glasgow thing", it happens in EVERY city, with more than one football club, it also trancends football into pretty much every sport. Its also what you would call, normal!

Can anyone believe that being stabbed, shot, punched or kicked by another person because of which team you support is a good thing? Of course it's not a Glasgow thing. An american football fan was killed a few weeks ago by the supporter of another team. If that is normal, count me out. There is always room for rivarly in sport. Otherwise, it would be pretty boring. But hatred? No thanks. I don't hate Celtic, or their support. My closest friends are Celtic fans. When it comes to next Sunday, they will be my rivals, and we will indulge in that rivalry.

Now, in point one, you mentioned the tit for tat thing, then state this? I live away from Scotland now, thankfully, but, looking in, it appears that EVERYONES rights, apart from those of Rangers fans are protected, WE have none!

I have to disagree with you here. As stated above, I see no evidence of an orchastrated campaign to limit the rights of Rangers fans. And as you haven't argue against my actual point of using free speech responsibily, I assume you agree. If so, then refer back to point one, which states that just because someone else does something wrong, doesn't grant us the right to do so also. If the rights of Rangers fans are being infringed by others, then the correct course of action is to highlight that, not respond by doing the same.

Highlighted a few parts, and, I have to say, that I am astounded someone claiming to be a Rangers fan not called Spiers has written that! 1st highlight, yes it does. 2nd, those are 2 very distinct, different things, but, you are going with the mixed up notion that the 2 are one and the same. 3rd highlight, "clearly no association with Irish Republicanism"? Is that a joke? Celtics support cleary associate themselves with it, and support it openly, therefore, how can you say they dont? 4th Highlight, pop quiz, what do the celtic support call themselves, and, reference in their own songs? its an F word for a clue. Is it any surprise their rivals also call them that? Only someone LOOKING to make it appear anti catholic will do so, and, people have been! Thats part of the problem.

Few points here, I'll try answer as clearly as possible.

2nd highlight - I think you'll find I used the word 'or' not 'and' when refering to Celtic and Catholic. I don't confuse the two, however there are certainly those in our support who do on a regular basis. And as I also said, there are those who equate the word 'fenian' with either one, or both of these things.

3rd highlight - Read the sentence after the part you highlighted. "Foreign players, referees who give a decision in Celtic's favour, even people associated with the Catholic Church..." Do you mean to tell me, that players like Kayal, Samaras, Ki or Izaguirre know or care about the fight for Irish Republicanism? Yet I've heard each one of them being labelled a 'fenian bastard' or similar both on this board and in real life. And the same for foriegn players over the past twenty years. Now I could understand the insult, even though it is still wrong, being directed towards someone like Stokes or Lennon, but when a Rangers supporter calls a foriegner a 'fenian', they clearly do not mean a supporter of Irish Republicanism. They mean either Celtic, Catholic or both.

4th highlight - Good point. Yes they do seem to take pride in being 'Paddy McCourt's Fenian Army'. Maybe they mean supporters of Irish Republicanism, maybe they mean Catholic, or maybe they mean Celtic fans. I don't know. However, they certainly don't sing about being up to their knees in blood do they? Slight difference there. I cannot accept this idea, that Celtic, the media, the government or any other big bad boy has orchastrated a campaign to have the meaning of the word fenian changed. Refer to my point abover as to why that is.

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Typical of fuck all. There's nothing wrong with the original song if pricks like you would grow a set.

exactly mate to many shitebags on hear.tbh probaly never stepped foot in ibrox never mind go to games.fucking muppets

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4th highlight - Good point. Yes they do seem to take pride in being 'Paddy McCourt's Fenian Army'. Maybe they mean supporters of Irish Republicanism, maybe they mean Catholic, or maybe they mean Celtic fans. I don't know. However, they certainly don't sing about being up to their knees in blood do they? Slight difference there. I cannot accept this idea, that Celtic, the media, the government or any other big bad boy has orchastrated a campaign to have the meaning of the word fenian changed. Refer to my point abover as to why that is.

But they sing songs and display banners glorifying an organisation who have left their Protestant victims kneep deep in the blood of their loved ones.

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I'm not entirely sure you have been following this debate from the start.

It's quite baffling that you can't see there is a campaign waged against Rangers, under the disguise of 'battling sectarianism'.

You seem to focus on the 'It's not because they do it that we have to do it as well'.

What about the period when TBB was completely eliminated from Ibrox ?

If anything, the claims of sectarian behaviour by Rangers fans became more frequent.

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Typical of fuck all. There's nothing wrong with the original song if pricks like you would grow a set.

What's more laughable is these self-appointed intellectual gurus can't seem to apply an ounce of common sense when considering the meaning of songs like TBB. It seems some amongst us are happy for the support to be shafted because it suits their own ideals.

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