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Rangers trio on terror alert


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If it serves him and his interests it will. Think about it another way too, seeing as you mentioned politics (*puts on anorak*) what else has this done in terms of news coverage? It has pushed the upcoming election and labours fading campaign off the front pages and given labour an excuse to play a certain card which I suspect will be played very soon as labour resort to desperate measures in order to reverse their fortunes. Pound to a penny we will see that happen, ESPECIALLY, if we win on Sunday

I was being sarcastic! You are right about the total cynicism that he has the ability to apply to almost anything

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They really are stupid bastards. I Googled this to see if I could get a link to the Daily Record's website and the first link was TalkCeltic.

They're adamant that this is an attempt to bring Celtic fans "down" to the level of Rangers fans who they believe are sending the bombs.

I'm going to - excuse me - explode.

This is not a simple 'Blue vs Green' affair. It is far beyond that. Anyone capable of acquiring and then sending a bomb to someone they quite clearly hate has lost it and their support of a certain football team isn't fueling their insanity. They'd still be deranged psychopaths without their favoured team.

This is grotesquely organised and quite clearly the work of a complete nutcase or, as suggested, a 'paramilitary', if you could call groups like the PIRA that.

It's disgusting and it has to stop.

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That little bloodsucker Ried has caused the trouble between our Club and along with the introduction of the Lurgan Biggot has took this country back in terms of relations across the sea.

I served in the Armed Forces for 17 years under new Labour and they almost destroyed our Forces with taking them to 2 wars ill equipt for one, let alone 2 .

IE NO BODY ARMOUR CAUSED BY THEM INTRODUCING CIVILIAN STOREMEN INTO THE STORES .Hence some of the guys where deploying without body armour and I hate this character, Dr Death is a very apt title for him, and he is a very dangerouse and cunning excuse for a man .

He also bought the Security company having inside knowledge of the MOD contracts he would earn so he bought the business .

Thats probably the Briish peoples fault for voting them in for 3 terms and turning this country into what it is now.

I hate it and am now thinking about returning to England with my wife as this place is going to turn in to a Socialist Republic .

God help us when Tommy Sherriden gets out already got Galloway who is another cunning little twat of the same ilk.

I used to respect Celtic as a football club but now I cant stand the sight of them and that Green and Gray strip it makes me sick along with New Labour.

God Save The Queen and Rule Brittania....

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Apologies for saying Jimbo, I had just been replying to a post of his and then came into this thread and that must have confused me, although there are mitigating factors at play :beer1::sherlock:

Sniffing too much candle wax :sherlock::beer1:

It's ok I know in the morning you will feel like crap so I'll light a candle for you


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