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How beeling is this tim?

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From The Irish Post

Rangers royally proud? Don’t make me laugh!

Last Updated May 2011

By Gerard Donaghy

I WASN’T offended by David Weir’s tacky tribute to Prince William and Kate Middleton after the Rangers captain wore a shirt embroidered with their names and wedding date against Motherwell last Saturday.

I wasn’t offended as I — like many people born and raised in Britain — am largely apathetic to what is a glorified tourist attraction, which rewards people because of their birth rather than their achievements.

So I have nothing personal against the newlyweds — I would however question Weir’s motivation behind the decision to congratulate the pair. It no doubt had less to do with wishing the couple well and more to do with riling Celtic fans and hoping to tease a wave of anti-royal feeling from the Celtic support. Trying to manufacture an adverse reaction to the royal family from Celtic fans with the nation currently being swept along on a wave of good feeling after the royal wedding might help switch the spotlight of negativity from Ibrox to Celtic Park.

However the move appears to have backfired. The reaction to Weir’s tribute among Celtic fans was largely as apathetic as the reaction to the royal wedding itself. None of us really care, we just think you’re a bit sad, Mr Weir.

It’s naïve to believe however that this was anything other than a pathetic attempt to goad Celtic fans. How come no other professional footballer across Britain (not even in England, where the royal family is most revered) felt the need to break FIFA regulations and honour the pair in this way? Are we to now believe that out of every professional footballer playing in Britain, David Weir is the most devout in his support of the Royal family? In reality I think Weir would struggle to locate Cambridge on a map, never mind wanting to genuinely pay homage to the English city’s new Duke and Duchess.

Weir allegedly did not plan to make the gesture and only learned of the work done to his jersey on the Saturday morning. Yet he still decided to don the jersey — are we to believe the Ibrox club’s financial situation is so precarious they can’t source a replacement shirt? And surely even more of a concern is that the Ibrox kitman Jimmy Bell, in a blatant disregard for the rules regarding religious, political or personal statements on shirts, is apparently embroidering personal messages onto players’ jerseys without the approval of the club. What next? El-Hadji Diouf running out at Ibrox this Sunday with a shirt embroidered with ‘I love Colonel Gadaffi’? If Weir goes unpunished will Celtic players be allowed to wear a shirt embroidered with ‘Bobby Sands, May 5, 1981’ this weekend to commemorate the 30th anniversary of the death of the hunger striker and MP for Fermanagh and South Tyrone?

Weir’s misplaced display of apparent congratulation comes a week after Rangers put 40,000 Union Jacks on the seats at Ibrox for the Glasgow Derby game. This was in spite of the sectarian tensions that had build up over the week with a bomb being sent to Celtic manager Neil Lennon and the fact that the flag doesn’t appear anywhere on the club’s crest or shirt and is not an official symbol of the club. However that aside, Ibrox is Rangers’ ground, they are a British club and it is their prerogative to put a Union Jack or any legal flag or emblem they want to on their seats.

However why did they do it only for the Glasgow Derby? Why not against Hearts, Inverness or Dundee United? Again, this was less a showing of pride in their Britishness and more a pathetic attempt to wind up the largely Irish/Catholic opposition support.

And how come a club so loyal to Queen and country is currently in the middle of a tax tribunal for allegedly failing to pay tax to Her Majesty’s Revenue and Customs? So duty-bound to Queen and country, the Ibrox club have allegedly run up an estimated unpaid tax bill of £24million. It is believed that between 1993-2003, Rangers paid its players through an Employment Benefit Trust (EBT) rather than Pay As You Earn (PAYE). The EBT allowed players to take advantage of lower corporation tax requirements compared to employment rates. I am apathetic towards the royal family but at least I have still paid my taxes my entire working life, which is more than can seemingly be said for various Rangers players.

This isn’t about anti-Britishness. Every patriotic Briton — like every patriotic Irishman — should take pride in their country and in hoisting their national flag. As a nationalist I will remain apathetic to British institutions such as the royal family, but will respect the laws of and pay taxes to the country that has made me welcome. However Rangers’ and Weir’s apparent ‘loyalty’ and ‘pride’ should be exposed for what it is — a cheap shot at Celtic and their fans as they attempt to deflect attention from their own problems off the field. By all means honour the royal couple if that is your wish — but don’t do it for your own petty gains.

So we have a beelin tim living in Britain complaining in an Irish newspaper about people being British?

If Tims didn't exist you really would struggle to invent a group of people so fucked up.

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However that aside, Ibrox is Rangers’ ground, they are a British club and it is their prerogative to put a Union Jack or any legal flag or emblem they want to on their seats.

Correct. Now kindly fuck off and cry about last night's result (tu)

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Aye cause im sure all the plastic paddies are really from Ireland and they are flying their nations flag as they are proud Irishmen from the depths of the east end of glasgow :lol: fucking maniac

precisely. This is the exact equivalent of Boruc with his Pope t-shirt ie a wind-up that is only going to wind up raging bigots. So there's fuck-all wrong with it.

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Oh the irony, last time I saw the beggars badge there was no signs of a tricolour but there's plenty waved at Torbett towers every fortnight. And to compare the suicide of a convicted terrorist to a royal wedding is something only a deranged scumbag beggar would do. You honestly could't make most of their shit up.

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By Gerard Donaghy

I WASN'T offended by David Weir's tacky tribute to Prince William and Kate Middleton after the Rangers captain wore a shirt embroidered with their names and wedding date against Motherwell last Saturday....

Well the rest of the article would suggest you were.....

:lol: :lol: :uk:

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On his point about waving the Union Jacks against the Mhanks , did we Not have a massive UJ card display vs Inter Milan. I suppose that was to wind up the bheasts too was it ? what a fucking pillock...

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On his point about waving the Union Jacks against the Nyanja, did we. Not have a massive UJ card display vs Inter Milan. I suppose that was to wind up the bheasts too was it ? what a fucking pillock...

At wiz coz eh tallies wur pyoor kafflick an aw.

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The guy who wrote that is an absolute nobody looking for a bit of attention as much as he's looking to have a poke at Rangers.

Hopefully he turns up to cover a players' dinner of some kind and Davie Weir knocks his head off for implying he's an idiot.

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That's all we ever do, just try to wind Celtic fans up, who cares that we're the most successful team in the world and IMHO have the greatest travelling support any team could ask for. Everything is a big undercover wind up to annoy Celtic and their fans, infact my username Gaz52 is in someway offensive to the average Celtic fan.

Everyone who camped out with their UJ's to see the newlyweds were only there to wind up Celtic fans because let's not forget the world revolves around them

What a deluded bunch of brainwashed fools, one thing Celtic FC and their support will never have is class. Dignity to them is a popular Family Guy catchphrase

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:offtopic: but this is Joe Tracey from TalkCeltic :lol: ...


the spl is dragging us down in my opinion. this is proved by the shite that is above us in the table. we have done the business against them this season but havent been able to grind out results on bad days.

the reason why rankers are still challenging is because our league is so shite. both teams are almost certain to pick up 90% of points against the shite we play on dreadfull pitchess and in shite stadia. so after those points are collected its down to the 4 old firms...then as it has been this season its what you make of the extra 10% of points you can grind out even on a bad day. and lets be honnest when rankers have a bad day they generally still grind out the result and we dont. and in any other league they would get punished n bas days.

this is why i dont understand when people have huge objections to going into league 2. the fan base is around the same and the stadia of the majority of clubs are about the same, and we know if we wn that we would acually be goign somewhere. is stead of getting paid 80,000 per place in the SPL.

with the limitation of money and decent teams in the spl celtic fc are never going to progress to the stage where we can expect anything in europe.

even though people will say well inverness beat us...we have to getbeat sumtime in a season and it desnt mean they are on a level professional playing field as celtic fc. same as when liverpool got beat havent and w'loville.

am sick of winning game after game throught the season and not reaping the rewards because another shitty team can do the same with no budget and no sqaud because the rest of the SPL is that poor to consistantly put up a fight!

hail hail FAIL FAIL

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