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My Pal Says He Would Play For The Tims


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Taking money out of it for a second.

How many of us grew up dreaming about playing for Rangers, or scoring the cup winning goal against the tims?

If i was playing for the team i love, there is no way i would move to Barcelona never mind the jungle jims!

Money is not everything, and some people in this world really need to learn that!

So, ye get a chance in the Gers youth team and are earning £300 a week then you go with your mates on holiday to Salou. One day, your kicking the ball around on the beach and a Barca scout asks you to go in for a trial the following day. You go in and they think your a special talent so offer you £50k a week over 4 years = £10,000,000.

You would knock it back because money isnt everything.

Good man. (tu)


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One could live very comfortably on 5k a week, could easily provide for your family with that, that would be 240k a year. However, if there was only the option of Celtic at 10k a week or a 9-5 office job for 20k a year then there's no doubt i'd play for Celtic.


Sensible view on things.

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If Celtic offered the Goalie £100k a year right now to become their goalkeeping coach, he would be there quicker than a rat up a drainpipe. (tu)

I wouldn't argue against that.

After all, he didn't say anything about Rangers men not being in the coaching staff at Celtic :wink:

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Until someone is actually offered 5k a week from The Taigs, which nobody on this thread ever will be, then not one of us can provide a truthful and honest answer, regardless of cyber-staunch packed protests.

Plumbers n sparks can get 5k a week in afghanistan id rather ply my trade there than the glitterdome

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