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It's Time To Make A Stand


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I believe the new custodians of our club, have made it perfectly clear that they are monitoring anything that is said with regards to our club. They have already shown that they will act swiftly so no doubt if this rancid little no mark who is behind this will be dealt with if the clubs legal firm deem it damaging and lies about our club.


Until very recently i would have said the same but i have to say they are doing nothing that is stopping these people in their tracks.

BBC...apology and that was it. No determination too out the Editor who put this piece together and why.

JAG and STASI police...No condemnation or belittling their actual worth when you consider how few people get arrested at football matches these days.Not to mention the impact this Anti Protestant vendetta is having on football in Scotland which is already in total freefall.

All talk and no action should be our collective motto from the support to the club to the so called Rangers people in the media,politics and business who say a lot but do nothing in public for fear of the repercussions.

Like i said to others they are wasting their time. Our support is a pale fractured shadow of what it once was and we deserve everything we get in the future because we don't have the balls or the stomach to take the fight directly to people who seek to harm us every single day of their sad,pathetic lives.

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It's very difficult to match Celtic fans' determination when it comes to this issue. They're rabid, incessant desperation to find something negative about our club isn't normal fan rivalry.

Exactly. They're everywhere trying to convince people we're hell on earth.

Just earlier on, I was on a facebook page called U.S Soccer. They had a link to the Bedoya interview and there was a good 50 comments below it with Celtic fans trying to convince some pleasant Americans that we are infact 'Scotlands shame'. If they tried as hard to be better than us, as they do to try tarnish our name they might have won slightly more trophies!


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Celtic Boys Club and the Bananas at Mark Walters

The two single most shameful events in the history of Scottish Fitba'

Never let them forget it

I'd say the game we won the league at Parkhead in 1999 would certainly get close to the two events you just mentioned.

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Until very recently i would have said the same but i have to say they are doing nothing that is stopping these people in their tracks.

BBC...apology and that was it. No determination too out the Editor who put this piece together and why.

JAG and STASI police...No condemnation or belittling their actual worth when you consider how few people get arrested at football matches these days.Not to mention the impact this Anti Protestant vendetta is having on football in Scotland which is already in total freefall.

All talk and no action should be our collective motto from the support to the club to the so called Rangers people in the media,politics and business who say a lot but do nothing in public for fear of the repercussions.

Like i said to others they are wasting their time. Our support is a pale fractured shadow of what it once was and we deserve everything we get in the future because we don't have the balls or the stomach to take the fight directly to people who seek to harm us every single day of their sad,pathetic lives.

I don't want to get into all this again and I know that your site does what it does with the best of intentions, but the support you speak of was never made up of letter writers and complainants and they did take the fight to our real enemies. Because they don't take the same route as your group doesn't necessarily make them second class Bears.

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I don't want to get into all this again and I know that your site does what it does with the best of intentions, but the support you speak of was never made up of letter writers and complainants and they did take the fight to our real enemies. Because they don't take the same route as your group doesn't necessarily make them second class Bears.

My point stands though.

Not enough Rangers fans can be bothered doing one e-mail or one text or one letter to defend the club they love from people who spend their entire existence trying to close us down.

And when they do get together we then do our usual of all talk and no action.

Casey we have a simple choice here. These bitter bigoted bastards are not going to go away. They are not going to reduce the intensity of their hatred for us. They are not going to stop complaining about us. They are not going to stop meeting up,joining groups,complaining to the media and MSP's etc etc etc.

So do we just carry on accepting it or do we for once in our lives say "Enough is Enough" and take the fight to them.

We have the clout and the necessary numbers but never the willpower....why?

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I'd say the game we won the league at Parkhead in 1999 would certainly get close to the two events you just mentioned.

Oh no no no.

That was the "OLD FIRM" shame game according to our media even though we done fuck all.

And didn't everyone know that Tessa Sanderson was in the Rangers end the day Mark Walters made his debut...how else could Rangers fans throw those bananas to the front of the jungle?

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Just reading through the posts on this thread, I can see to many dont realise what is going on with the tarriers, it about time alot of our support woke up to what their real aim is before we get to the point of no return which is coming up fast.

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My point stands though.

Not enough Rangers fans can be bothered doing one e-mail or one text or one letter to defend the club they love from people who spend their entire existence trying to close us down.

And when they do get together we then do our usual of all talk and no action.

Casey we have a simple choice here. These bitter bigoted bastards are not going to go away. They are not going to reduce the intensity of their hatred for us. They are not going to stop complaining about us. They are not going to stop meeting up,joining groups,complaining to the media and MSP's etc etc etc.

So do we just carry on accepting it or do we for once in our lives say "Enough is Enough" and take the fight to them.

We have the clout and the necessary numbers but never the willpower....why?

Neither is this one. It's the way it's always been and the ones who have shifted position and joined the blame game have actually made things more difficult for those who want to go to games and sing and shout what WE used to.

We've been through all this before, bud, and I try to stay away from these type of threads as much as I can but I'm as passionate about my stance as you are. (tu)

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It's very difficult to match Celtic fans' determination when it comes to this issue. They're rabid, incessant desperation to find something negative about our club isn't normal fan rivalry.

Completely agree (tu) it's not a rivalry to them, it's an obsession. I honestly think most of them, if rangers were playing at the same time as them on tv, they would watch our game hoping we lose. It's sad really.

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Sick to the back teeth of the mhanky clatty cunts trying to tarnish our club

All this blah blah blah , let them act like this , we are better than that


Anything those bastards do now we need to act pronto and report every little thing to whoever it takes to fuck them up

That cretin , he shall be called the murderer is making a living from bashing our club and the police should be called in to why he states on air , things about the tax case he shouldn't even know

Make a stand bears

It's only us who can fix it and battle our cause

The club certainly won't be as they have proved to be cowards

Might have been true in years gone by that the club would be inactive, but I don`t thing it is the case any longer and I also agree we should raise our voice in defence of our club They should no longer be able to denigrate our club with impunity

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