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Whyte Insists He Has The Money And More.


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CRAIG WHYTE describes himself as a turnaround expert.

Had he been buying any football club other than Rangers that's exactly what he'd have done.

Turned around... and walked the other way.

Whyte, 40, is now four months into his Ibrox reign and knows things are not looking good.

The government insists tax doesn't have to be taxing. But try telling that to Rangers fans all around the world terrified over the club's future.

Whyte feels their pain, insisting he's one of them. He knew dark days lay ahead when he was in discussions to buy the club from Sir David Murray.

The situation looked so bleak he's now admitted he would have never have gone ahead with the deal for any other business.

Whyte told SunSport: "I'm going to have some tough decisions to make in the weeks and months ahead.

"But the fact is I bought control of the club because I'm a Rangers fan and I want the best for it.

"I know there are some really tough days ahead.

"But then I knew at the time of the takeover that the tax bill was a potential problem.

"I decided to plough on anyway.

"I did that because I'm a Rangers fan.

"To be honest, had I put the sensible business head on I probably wouldn't have done it. But I felt I could essentially save the club.

"Let's face it, this is a turnaround deal which is what I do, albeit this one is very different from previous deals I've been involved in because I'm in the public spotlight all the time now. But it's no different from the fundamental issues which need to be addressed.

"The truth is, had it just been any other business — or any other football club for that matter — I wouldn't have touched it. Definitely not.

"The tax issue is a big issue. There are a lot of historic issues here which need to be dealt with. A lot of deals done in the past several years which are not great for the club — but we're stuck with them. Basically there is a mess to sort out.

"I get people calling me up every day asking if we're going out of business. I've heard we're never going to play another match and things like that. It's all absolute nonsense."

Half the problem is that many people believe it's all smoke and mirrors with Whyte. A man without substance.

That he's taken charge of Rangers purely and simply as a money-making exercise — because he doesn't have any.

Other than him printing off his own bank statement and showing it to the world, hard facts are hard to come by where his personal wealth is concerned.

But for what it's worth Whyte insists he DOES have the cash to take Rangers where their supporters want to go.

Leaning back on his chair in the manager's office at Ibrox, shaking his head, he added: "It's all a bit absurd.

"How could I be sitting here if I didn't have the money? It's just ridiculous. Maybe I'm not Roman Abramovich but I never said I was.

"I have never claimed to have that kind of wealth. Some of the comments flying around are just crazy.

"To be honest I don't read most of the c*** which is online in particular.

"But last week, when I was subject to constant criticism, it's not pleasant. Listen, I cannot complain about that because I put myself in this position.

"I knew this was going to be a high profile role so I can't complain about it."

What cannot be pinned on Whyte is the financial mess Rangers currently finds itself in.

That's down to the previous regime, on Sir David Murray's watch.

Was there mismanagement during that time? Whyte nods his head and insists that there was.

He added: "Yes, I think that's fair comment. I can see reasons why certain things were done. Things were done to bring in more money quickly.

"But the club is paying the price of that now.

"Have I been shocked by what I've found. Yes, there have been some shocking things which have been uncovered. Absolutely, yes."

With Ally McCoist as manager Whyte insists they are in good hands arguably where it matters most — on the pitch.

He added: "I have a great relationship with Ally. We talk all the time and get on really well together.

"Generally we agree on everything that needs to be done.

"What people see in public with Ally is pretty much what you get from him behind closed doors.

"He's a Rangers legend and I enjoy sitting with him after a game with a glass of wine. We talk about all sorts of things.

"The closer you get to someone the more you get to know them and find out more there is to know. But we have a great relationship.

"We're sitting at the top of the league at the moment. We'll see how Sunday goes but the manager and his team are confident of getting a good result.

"But I think we've got a team more than good enough to win the SPL."

Despite the troubles Rangers face Whyte is convinced the storm clouds will soon disperse.

For the time being he's trying to focus on Rangers' next match — which just happens to be Sunday's Old Firm crunch with Celtic.

He added: "I'm looking forward to the game but then who wouldn't enjoy it?

"Maybe you should come back and see me afterwards, at the end of the match, and ask if I have enjoyed it.

"But hopefully I'll be saying the same thing.

"What I've found is that you can't enjoy the games in the same way as you did as a fan. You can never really relax and enjoy it.

"I'm looking forward to Sunday. It's obviously the biggest game of the season domestically. And I plan to enjoy every minute of it."

Read more: http://www.thescottishsun.co.uk/scotsol/homepage/sport/spl/3810811/Gers-supremo-on-turmoil-at-Ibrox.html#ixzz1XneR4nt1

Any interview he has done I have been really impressed with.

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The thing that annoys me is if (hypothetical) he was to show the world his bank statement, the press and a lot of us would believe or demand that he'll be spending that on Rangers and throw the toys out the pram when he doesn't.

The reaction from press and fans over the whole '£15m' bullshit has been embarrassing, though CW maybe shouldn't have said that even though we were clamouring for a statement like that at the time.

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Have to say.. who would want to own The Rangers? ffs. Doesn't matter what Whyte says or does, he's getting abuse.

I'm becoming a wee bit concerned over him... but that's probably just a knee jerk reaction. It can't be easy to deal with the mess Minty left behind?

He is right though. How can we exist in Scottish football with our operating costs? We can;t. We need guaranteed CL revenue to probably just break even it seems. A very difficult position indeed.

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If Uefa don't see their competitions for what they have become, and how it's having a catastrophic effect on many major clubs throughout Europe, and change things pretty damn quick, then they're not fit to be governing European football.

By that I mean CL is for Champions only, no matter what country or league they come from. They are the real culprits in the downfall of many a great club due to their money grabbing tactics over TV revenues, and the sooner the game is taken back from guys like Rupert Murdoch, and given back to the fans, the better.

The big clubs are moving further and further away from not only the smaller clubs, but other big clubs who have the misfortune to be playing in inferior leagues/countries. This will get worse before it gets better.

Unless Uefa are taken to task by these big clubs who find themselves excluded from competitions such as a CL which is not actually for Champions, but for who Uefa want it to be for in line with TV viewing figures, things ain't gonna change for the better anytime soon.

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It's not just UEFA at fault here, our own Association have sat back and watched as the game has slowly descended into the laughing stock it is today. There are fewer and fewer facilities for kids to go and have a kick-a-about never mind facilities to give kids the necessary training required for a future in football. It's all fine and well with us having a great training facility but we need the talented youngsters to fill it and they seem to be becoming obsolete throughout Scotland. How many fact finding trips to Holland, Spain, Germany etc. have our governing body made to look at the infrastructure in these countries? They have obviously went for a holiday as our game is still in the dark ages no matter what spin they try to feed you.

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It's not just UEFA at fault here, our own Association have sat back and watched as the game has slowly descended into the laughing stock it is today. There are fewer and fewer facilities for kids to go and have a kick-a-about never mind facilities to give kids the necessary training required for a future in football. It's all fine and well with us having a great training facility but we need the talented youngsters to fill it and they seem to be becoming obsolete throughout Scotland. How many fact finding trips to Holland, Spain, Germany etc. have our governing body made to look at the infrastructure in these countries? They have obviously went for a holiday as our game is still in the dark ages no matter what spin they try to feed you.

The football parks are empty cos every cunts sittin in the hoose on their XBoxes and Playstations.

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The football parks are empty cos every cunts sittin in the hoose on their XBoxes and Playstations.

Where I live, there have been around 10 sets of goalposts removed and all pitch markings scrubbed off. Nae wonder they are playing playstation, fuck all else better to do.

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Where I live, there have been around 10 sets of goalposts removed and all pitch markings scrubbed off. Nae wonder they are playing playstation, fuck all else better to do.

Is it not maybe a case of why have the parks if they're not getting used though?

Tail wagging the dog, or dog wagging the tail?

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Is it not maybe a case of why have the parks if they're not getting used though?

Tail wagging the dog, or dog wagging the tail?

Those parks were always heaving with boys teams on a Saturday and Sunday. I accept that during the week they were hardly used but the council could have just left them alone. Now half these teams have been dis-banded due to having nowhere to play.

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Those parks were always heaving with boys teams on a Saturday and Sunday. I accept that during the week they were hardly used but the council could have just left them alone. Now half these teams have been dis-banded due to having nowhere to play.

In that case, the council have let their electors down, and they should be doing something about it.

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If Uefa don't see their competitions for what they have become, and how it's having a catastrophic effect on many major clubs throughout Europe, and change things pretty damn quick, then they're not fit to be governing European football.

By that I mean CL is for Champions only, no matter what country or league they come from. They are the real culprits in the downfall of many a great club due to their money grabbing tactics over TV revenues, and the sooner the game is taken back from guys like Rupert Murdoch, and given back to the fans, the better.

The big clubs are moving further and further away from not only the smaller clubs, but other big clubs who have the misfortune to be playing in inferior leagues/countries. This will get worse before it gets better.

Unless Uefa are taken to task by these big clubs who find themselves excluded from competitions such as a CL which is not actually for Champions, but for who Uefa want it to be for in line with TV viewing figures, things ain't gonna change for the better anytime soon.

The most sensible post I have ever read...

There is only one thing killing us and that is the unfair distribution of TV revenue...

I mean how many clubs in Europe can pull in 50,000 week in week out?

The TV situation and the CL structure is slowly killing all major teams outside of the top 4 leagues.

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CRAIG WHYTE describes himself as a turnaround expert.

Had he been buying any football club other than Rangers that's exactly what he'd have done.

Turned around... and walked the other way.

Whyte, 40, is now four months into his Ibrox reign and knows things are not looking good.

The government insists tax doesn't have to be taxing. But try telling that to Rangers fans all around the world terrified over the club's future.

Whyte feels their pain, insisting he's one of them. He knew dark days lay ahead when he was in discussions to buy the club from Sir David Murray.

The situation looked so bleak he's now admitted he would have never have gone ahead with the deal for any other business.

Whyte told SunSport: "I'm going to have some tough decisions to make in the weeks and months ahead.

"But the fact is I bought control of the club because I'm a Rangers fan and I want the best for it.

"I know there are some really tough days ahead.

"But then I knew at the time of the takeover that the tax bill was a potential problem.

"I decided to plough on anyway.

"I did that because I'm a Rangers fan.

"To be honest, had I put the sensible business head on I probably wouldn't have done it. But I felt I could essentially save the club.

"Let's face it, this is a turnaround deal which is what I do, albeit this one is very different from previous deals I've been involved in because I'm in the public spotlight all the time now. But it's no different from the fundamental issues which need to be addressed.

"The truth is, had it just been any other business — or any other football club for that matter — I wouldn't have touched it. Definitely not.

"The tax issue is a big issue. There are a lot of historic issues here which need to be dealt with. A lot of deals done in the past several years which are not great for the club — but we're stuck with them. Basically there is a mess to sort out.

"I get people calling me up every day asking if we're going out of business. I've heard we're never going to play another match and things like that. It's all absolute nonsense."

Half the problem is that many people believe it's all smoke and mirrors with Whyte. A man without substance.

That he's taken charge of Rangers purely and simply as a money-making exercise — because he doesn't have any.

Other than him printing off his own bank statement and showing it to the world, hard facts are hard to come by where his personal wealth is concerned.

But for what it's worth Whyte insists he DOES have the cash to take Rangers where their supporters want to go.

Leaning back on his chair in the manager's office at Ibrox, shaking his head, he added: "It's all a bit absurd.

"How could I be sitting here if I didn't have the money? It's just ridiculous. Maybe I'm not Roman Abramovich but I never said I was.

"I have never claimed to have that kind of wealth. Some of the comments flying around are just crazy.

"To be honest I don't read most of the c*** which is online in particular.

"But last week, when I was subject to constant criticism, it's not pleasant. Listen, I cannot complain about that because I put myself in this position.

"I knew this was going to be a high profile role so I can't complain about it."

What cannot be pinned on Whyte is the financial mess Rangers currently finds itself in.

That's down to the previous regime, on Sir David Murray's watch.

Was there mismanagement during that time? Whyte nods his head and insists that there was.

He added: "Yes, I think that's fair comment. I can see reasons why certain things were done. Things were done to bring in more money quickly.

"But the club is paying the price of that now.

"Have I been shocked by what I've found. Yes, there have been some shocking things which have been uncovered. Absolutely, yes."

With Ally McCoist as manager Whyte insists they are in good hands arguably where it matters most — on the pitch.

He added: "I have a great relationship with Ally. We talk all the time and get on really well together.

"Generally we agree on everything that needs to be done.

"What people see in public with Ally is pretty much what you get from him behind closed doors.

"He's a Rangers legend and I enjoy sitting with him after a game with a glass of wine. We talk about all sorts of things.

"The closer you get to someone the more you get to know them and find out more there is to know. But we have a great relationship.

"We're sitting at the top of the league at the moment. We'll see how Sunday goes but the manager and his team are confident of getting a good result.

"But I think we've got a team more than good enough to win the SPL."

Despite the troubles Rangers face Whyte is convinced the storm clouds will soon disperse.

For the time being he's trying to focus on Rangers' next match — which just happens to be Sunday's Old Firm crunch with Celtic.

He added: "I'm looking forward to the game but then who wouldn't enjoy it?

"Maybe you should come back and see me afterwards, at the end of the match, and ask if I have enjoyed it.

"But hopefully I'll be saying the same thing.

"What I've found is that you can't enjoy the games in the same way as you did as a fan. You can never really relax and enjoy it.

"I'm looking forward to Sunday. It's obviously the biggest game of the season domestically. And I plan to enjoy every minute of it."

Read more: http://www.thescottishsun.co.uk/scotsol/homepage/sport/spl/3810811/Gers-supremo-on-turmoil-at-Ibrox.html#ixzz1XneR4nt1

Any interview he has done I have been really impressed with.

I agree, he made a lot o sense in that interview, and I believe he is the best person to take us through what ever comes our way financilly over the next year or so.

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If Uefa don't see their competitions for what they have become, and how it's having a catastrophic effect on many major clubs throughout Europe, and change things pretty damn quick, then they're not fit to be governing European football.

By that I mean CL is for Champions only, no matter what country or league they come from. They are the real culprits in the downfall of many a great club due to their money grabbing tactics over TV revenues, and the sooner the game is taken back from guys like Rupert Murdoch, and given back to the fans, the better.

The big clubs are moving further and further away from not only the smaller clubs, but other big clubs who have the misfortune to be playing in inferior leagues/countries. This will get worse before it gets better.

Unless Uefa are taken to task by these big clubs who find themselves excluded from competitions such as a CL which is not actually for Champions, but for who Uefa want it to be for in line with TV viewing figures, things ain't gonna change for the better anytime soon.

uefa will be non-existent in 5 yrs time imo. the big clubs will lead a breakaway and form a self govening european body and create there own euro cups. uefa and its bigwigs have been living off clubs money for far to long. all the money uefa makes could be spend elsewhere and help the finances in the game of football.

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uefa will be non-existent in 5 yrs time imo. the big clubs will lead a breakaway and form a self govening european body and create there own euro cups. uefa and its bigwigs have been living off clubs money for far to long. all the money uefa makes could be spend elsewhere and help the finances in the game of football.

Possibly. I wouldn't be too bothered if this were tae happen. As long as the "extra" money was put back into the game at the lower levels.

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