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Bbc Protest


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Wrong hands?

Did you attend today?

Were you concerned that someone would publicise your attendance?

Would you like your attendance to be kept secret?

Were you ashamed to attend?

Isn't it just possible that the bbc, the police, the fire or ambulance service, or maybe even the goon brigade noticed your attendance?

I was there. And I have no problem with anyone knowing I was there.

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No, I wasn't in attendance today and before I get slated for it, VB admin knew weeks in advance that I wouldn't be going. I have however attended others and will do again in the future.

I have no issue with relevant people knowing what protests I'm involved with.

What I do have issue is with my face being put on websites with the idea that my address will be tracked down? This doesn't concern you?

Wrong hands? Why question that? It has been proven that other websites have done would I've said above. Now to do that to cause fear and alarm is to me giving information to the 'wrong hands'.

BTW thank you for your attendance today.

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The protest, in my opinion, was a waste of time. How many people attended? Where was the facility for supporters of the club to register their attendance? How many rangers fans passed through? Is singing Build My Gallows High really a protest against the bbc?

Bollox, the protest was a great success and got its point across, you've made a right royal cnut of yourself with this one maybe if you and your like had attended and swelled the ranks you could put your ill inform drivel on here, ffs pull yourself together.

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I don't get this register thing. Why? What purpose would it really serve? And under what manifestation would it be? Real names and addresses or internet monikers?

There are photos and videos of the protest, this is enough to serve the purpose of knowing roughly how many were there.

If a register was set up, do you think the numbers involved would increase or decrease?

I suspect they'd decrease and quite substantially.

Already on taig sites they have photos and are trying to identify protestors. For what reason I do not know, what would happen if such a register fell into the wrong hands?

So we let them claim there were 200 protesters out of a possible 50k? I wasn't there myself but if everyone who attended were noted then to me it would send a stronger message of unity within our support.

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So we let them claim there were 200 protesters out of a possible 50k? I wasn't there myself but if everyone who attended were noted then to me it would send a stronger message of unity within our support.

Let's face it, it's been the most successful protest so far with increasing numbers. As long as this message gets to Rangers supporters that is all that matters.

They can juggle figures all they want but it is up to us to get the positive message of the protest out.

Realistically there was never going to be 50k there. But who knows one day/

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Bollox, the protest was a great success and got its point across, you've made a right royal cnut of yourself with this one maybe if you and your like had attended and swelled the ranks you could put your ill inform drivel on here, ffs pull yourself together.

Maybe if you had spent some time reading my posts in this thread you'd have realised that I did attend the protest.

Stagecoach all the way fae Mauchline tae Glezga and then the tube followed by taxi.

And don't try tae blame yer ignorance on the fact yer fae auchinleck (Taliban)

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So we let them claim there were 200 protesters out of a possible 50k? I wasn't there myself but if everyone who attended were noted then to me it would send a stronger message of unity within our support.

Stop making such sensible suggestions ya fuckin nugget.

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Let's face it, it's been the most successful protest so far with increasing numbers. As long as this message gets to Rangers supporters that is all that matters.

They can juggle figures all they want but it is up to us to get the positive message of the protest out.

Realistically there was never going to be 50k there. But who knows one day/

And one day we may help ourselves by taking s register of said attendees.

Not a criticism mate. Merely a suggestion.

If that's allowed.

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And one day we may help ourselves by taking s register of said attendees.

Not a criticism mate. Merely a suggestion.

If that's allowed.

Yeah I know, but I'm just not seeing the practicality of it.

Maybe a petition is the way to go that could be handed in along with the protest statement.

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Yeah I know, but I'm just not seeing the practicality of it.

Maybe a petition is the way to go that could be handed in along with the protest statement.

Sorry if you misunderstood where I'm coming from, but that is exactly what I've been suggesting from the start. Is if really so difficult to have everyone who attended the protest today sign a register stating they were there?

Anyone wishing to know who was there today need only attend so no point in anyone making excuses for big having such a register.

If slagging good Bears such ax myself off for daring to make such a suggestion is the solution, then if doesn't surprise me that we can't all comf together and stand as one for the good of our club.

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Sorry if you misunderstood where I'm coming from, but that is exactly what I've been suggesting from the start. Is if really so difficult to have everyone who attended the protest today sign a register stating they were there?

Anyone wishing to know who was there today need only attend so no point in anyone making excuses for big having such a register.

If slagging good Bears such ax myself off for daring to make such a suggestion is the solution, then if doesn't surprise me that we can't all comf together and stand as one for the good of our club.

That's a completely different viewpoint which surely you can see why it's been misinterpreted from your original post.

Would having a register/petition have made it any less a waste of time?

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That's a completely different viewpoint which surely you can see why it's been misinterpreted from your original post.

Would having a register/petition have made it any less a waste of time?

Having a register/petition would have made it a more worthwhile exercise. No matter how you view my original post.

What effect do you feel the singing of Build my Gallows had on the bbc and any onlookers?

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Having a register/petition would have made it a more worthwhile exercise. No matter how you view my original post.

What effect do you feel the singing of Build my Gallows had on the bbc and any onlookers?

Is the song offensive? Is it on any banned list? Has it been deemed out of bounds by Rangers, SPL, SFA or UEFA?

If they report on it, how they report on it will be interesting wouldn't you say?

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The Rangers support are new at taking this kind of action if you think abou it whilst the bheasts summon a protest at any given chance as it gives the unemployable wretches the chance to feel important, and due to that fact i'm very impressed and proud of today's events. As a support we will learn and grow.


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The Rangers support are new at taking this kind of action if you think abou it whilst the bheasts summon a protest at any given chance as it gives the unemployable wretches the chance to feel important, and due to that fact i'm very impressed and proud of today's events. As a support we will learn and grow.


Well said, for years the dignified silence approach was our calling, protests weren't our thing.

Time's are changing.

My point earlier is that although there is division on our many groups, when there is a need for a protest for the common good of us all, should we be nitpicking over silly things.

But you are correct, we will learn.

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Is the song offensive? Is it on any banned list? Has it been deemed out of bounds by Rangers, SPL, SFA or UEFA?

If they report on it, how they report on it will be interesting wouldn't you say?

No. The song is not offensive. Neither is TBB in my opinion.

What Is the significance of the song in a protest against the bbc though? Seriously, why not sing songs against the organisation we arc protesting against?

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Well said, for years the dignified silence approach was our calling, protests weren't our thing.

Time's are changing.

My point earlier is that although there is division on our many groups, when there is a need for a protest for the common good of us all, should we be nitpicking over silly things.

But you are correct, we will learn.

Sorry, but if you view suggestions or constructive criticism as nitpicking, then I really don't see how we (us) can learn.

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Bollox, the protest was a great success and got its point across, you've made a right royal cnut of yourself with this one maybe if you and your like had attended and swelled the ranks you could put your ill inform drivel on here, ffs pull yourself together.

booler was there today as he was stood next to me so an apology is in order from yourself.

this to me is simple , if yousupport the protest and could attend it ,even for 5 mins, great and im sure the guys who organised it were grateful you attended.

if you didnt support it then thats also fine, its a free world.

personally i would rather stand beside 300 + guys like today than 200,000 out for a piss up in manchester, but again thats only my opinion.

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booler was there today as he was stood next to me so an apology is in order from yourself.

this to me is simple , if yousupport the protest and could attend it ,even for 5 mins, great and im sure the guys who organised it were grateful you attended.

if you didnt support it then thats also fine, its a free world.

personally i would rather stand beside 300 + guys like today than 200,000 out for a piss up in manchester, but again thats only my opinion.

^^^ This ....

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booler was there today as he was stood next to me so an apology is in order from yourself.

this to me is simple , if yousupport the protest and could attend it ,even for 5 mins, great and im sure the guys who organised it were grateful you attended.

if you didnt support it then thats also fine, its a free world.

personally i would rather stand beside 300 + guys like today than 200,000 out for a piss up in manchester, but again thats only my opinion.

Nicely said KPL, totally agreed

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