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Mr Whyte - A Neutral Perpsective


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Whether dodgy of not time will tell - but either way he has never come across as stupid.

As an man who has demonstrated an almost phobic passion for secrecy, and also being not stupid, when buying Rangers he must have realised that even what time he has a shite was going to be analised, let alone all his previous business dealings and every aspect of his handling of Rangers would be in the public domain.

Assuming Llyods are also not stupid wacko.gif he had the wherewithal to get their debt paid of or transfered so he must have some sort of cash behind him

Also not being stupid means he both knew about the tax liability and the impending court cases, he will have views and advice on the likely outcomes and will have planned for both winning and losing (and likely something inbetween).

Re: Transfers - squad looks OK - "we" did look a bit nieve in our tactics but IMHO we have strengthened the squad but going out of Europe must have meant plan B squad wise.

Long term contracts - look great on paper but I think they become null and void in terms of Administration and if no administration then they up the asset value of our main players - I think there is no doubt we must become (are) a selling club.

Changes at Ibrox were pretty superficial and had to be done.

My own opionion is that Craig Whyte is he is highly combative and aggressive and marry these with his lack of stupidity, he will have various game plans and scenarios to play out.

However given his secrecy and how little we do know of him (such as was / is he really a Rangers fans fae Motherwell) we, the fans dont have any real information on which to base any faith or trust in him and that brings me to my horrendous conclusion - it doesn't matter because there is bugger all we can do about it. Craig Whyte is the only show in town and we have no choice but to hope that what he wants IS in the best interests of Rangers and at the moment that makes me very nervous indeed but with no option except wait out time and see what time brings. Scary!

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I think muckraking just about covers it.

Obviously, Whyte is far from perfect and he seems to have made plenty of mistakes during his career. He's far from the only businessman to do so and, as Rangers fans with little chance of changing who owns the club, we can only hope he has learned from these mistakes.

It will be fascinating to see where Whyte goes from here and there certainly does seem to be scope for litigation given Robert Burns seemed to struggle with the simple conceptual difference of being a director and having signing authorities. Generally though, Whyte has a lot to do to protect and improve his reputation amongst RFC fans and, most importantly, our business partners in the future.

That may just be job done when it comes to the contributors of the programme.

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I think muckraking just about covers it.

Obviously, Whyte is far from perfect and he seems to have made plenty of mistakes during his career. He's far from the only businessman to do so and, as Rangers fans with little chance of changing who owns the club, we can only hope he has learned from these mistakes.

It will be fascinating to see where Whyte goes from here and there certainly does seem to be scope for litigation given Robert Burns seemed to struggle with the simple conceptual difference of being a director and having signing authorities. Generally though, Whyte has a lot to do to protect and improve his reputation amongst RFC fans and, most importantly, our business partners in the future.

That may just be job done when it comes to the contributors of the programme.

Frankie lets face it though the BBC have done what they set out todo. Many Rangers fans without access to the online forums etc, will take that as gospel. Many other teams fans likewise. Like it or not that was damaging last night.

It was a hatchet job though and time will tell just how bad its been for us

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Frankie lets face it though the BBC have done what they set out todo. Many Rangers fans without access to the online forums etc, will take that as gospel. Many other teams fans likewise. Like it or not that was damaging last night.

It was a hatchet job though and time will tell just how bad its been for us

Absolutely mate.

Whyte doesn't come out of last night well at all. As I mentioned above, it will take him a lot of time and effort to allay the fears of sections of the support.

It will be fascinating to see how he does this.

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Absolutely mate.

Whyte doesn't come out of last night well at all. As I mentioned above, it will take him a lot of time and effort to allay the fears of sections of the support.

It will be fascinating to see how he does this.

Someone said it last night on here, had he bought a small SPL club or even a major English side, would they have done last nights programme? Had he purchased the earls would it have neen aired? I doubt it mate and lets be honest you could make an investigative piece about almost any businessman/woman as they will have done deals that will have hurt people, ruined lifes etc. Thats how they make money. For everyone who thinks an owner of a company is a wanker, there will be the same amount thinking he is great.

Why was there no one on the show last night that Whyte done great deals for etc? Its clear it came from one angle and one angle only and that was to make Whyte look bad.

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The paper reports from the private detective that Daly received - where they firstly commissioned by AJ and his band of merry men? I could not watch a second time to check.

Yes, I got the impression they were but, like you, I never heard the segment properly.

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The paper reports from the private detective that Daly received - where they firstly commissioned by AJ and his band of merry men? I could not watch a second time to check.

Dont worry if Rangers number 1 fan has sanctioned it, its because of his undying love for the club. What about the stroke of luck he had when he remembered he had 25 million quid in his old g-star jeans? That was a good find

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Dont worry if Rangers number 1 fan has sanctioned it, its because of his undying love for the club. What about the stroke of luck he had when he remembered he had 25 million quid in his old g-star jeans? That was a good find

If AJ had hoped to salvage some of his reputation amongst The Rangers support with his attacks last night then he failed grandly. And, no, I didn’t forget he presided over the Miller debacle only a few short months before he and P Murray announced how much they had in spare change to save the club once it became clear Whyte was going to succeed in his bid.

So much of that hatchet job from the beeb seemed based on hearsay - that some of the worst of it appears to have been supplied by the old board is a disgrace. They should hang their heads in shame.

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If AJ had hoped to salvage some of his reputation amongst The Rangers support with his attacks last night then he failed grandly. And, no, I didn't forget he presided over the Miller debacle only a few short months before he and Miller announced how much they had in spare change to save the club once it became clear Whyte was going to succeed in his bid.

So much of that hatchet job from the beeb seemed based on hearsay - that some of the worst of it appears to have been supplied by the old board is a disgrace. They should hang their heads in shame.

But the old board have a secret dossier so we should trust them. Apparently.

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When i first heard about the programme i dreaded it was about the tax case and how Rangers were basically going to be fucked.

It turned out to be total character assassination of Whyte which basically could be done to almost any club owner in the UK and the question to be asked why him and who is really behind this.

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play out.

However given his secrecy and how little we do know of him (such as was / is he really a Rangers fans fae Motherwell)

Yes he was/is. One of my mates stayed in the same block of flats as him (overlooking the Clyde) and remembers him going to games.

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i cant believe the pish Paul Murray came out with saying its hard to believe anybody would buy a club with a massive tax bill hanging over it, aye and whit were your merry band of chancers going to do with your bid why dont you and the rest of the old board keep your mouths shut and crawl back under the rock where you came from.

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If AJ had hoped to salvage some of his reputation amongst The Rangers support with his attacks last night then he failed grandly. And, no, I didn’t forget he presided over the Miller debacle only a few short months before he and P Murray announced how much they had in spare change to save the club once it became clear Whyte was going to succeed in his bid.

So much of that hatchet job from the beeb seemed based on hearsay - that some of the worst of it appears to have been supplied by the old board is a disgrace. They should hang their heads in shame.

This (tu)

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i cant believe the pish Paul Murray came out with saying its hard to believe anybody would buy a club with a massive tax bill hanging over it, aye and whit were your merry band of chancers going to do with your bid why dont you and the rest of the old board keep your mouths shut and crawl back under the rock where you came from.

I thought exactly the same

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AJ sold his soul to the devil when he contributed to that shite last night. I alsmost hurled something at the telly when he uttered that 'No surrender' crap !!


I almost hurled something at the telly too.

My fucking dinner. :angry:

"Rangers No.1 fan" would be well advised to stay on the other side of the Atlantic and "support" the club from in front of the telly - where he's been doing it for decades......apparently.

With friends like these...........etc. :wanker:

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