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Craig White GTF


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Why did whyte buy the club to save us or turn a quick profit at at our expense?

That is the million dollar question.

Could be that he will save our club/turn it round as well as make a profit in selling once all the shit is over.

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There are some fucking morons in our support. Craig White inherited this mess! This was all done in the Advocaat era. David Murray (for all the good he done for us), created this black hole. We were living beyond our means chasing the european dream.

What i will say though is, White bought the club for a token £1, and at the time he did say £40m or so had been put aside for this tax case.

We need some serious clarification now Mr White.

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That is one of the most ignorant posts I have read all day.

Spell his fucking name right if you are going to insult the man. In times like this you stick together and get behind your club no matter what. Whyte has done more positive things for this club than Bain managed in the 4 years we were in trouble with Lloyds. Signing key players on contracts making them valuable assets, defending our club against a constant mhedia onslaught, Scrutinising all bills and payments owed. Remind yourself of the 'Rangers' Men that have ring fenced money within our club. Maybe you need a reminder that pretty much every single outstanding issue with the club has not been caused by Whyte, and was created by the previous 'board' It might be wise to consider who the man in the middle of all this is. Whyte.

Get over yourself and maybe you might have a chance of some rational thought.

Whyte has done fuck all positive, he has made himself a target in the media through his own lies and hidden deals. Of course he never caused the problems, but the should have a) had a realistic plan on how to solve the clubs problems or b) been so put off by all the issues to not invest in the first place. The fact the media had revealed our logging for administration before the club announced it is just another example of his poor leadership. Sadly he convinced me and most others that he was the way forward, but as many in the business world suspected he was never up for the job.

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There are some fucking morons in our support. Craig White inherited this mess! This was all done in the Advocaat era. David Murray (for all the good he done for us), created this black hole. We were living beyond our means chasing the european dream.

What i will say though is, White bought the club for a token £1, and at the time he did say £40m or so had been put aside for this tax case.

We need some serious clarification now Mr White.

Fuck off gersandy, calling someone a moron because you disagree shows you to be a "fucking moron" as you say, so I suppose you have proved your point. He never inherited the mess, he fucking bought in to it. Its his fucking problem if he buys a sinking ship and does not have the materials to fix it.

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Whyte has done fuck all positive, he has made himself a target in the media through his own lies and hidden deals. Of course he never caused the problems, but the should have a) had a realistic plan on how to solve the clubs problems or b) been so put off by all the issues to not invest in the first place. The fact the media had revealed our logging for administration before the club announced it is just another example of his poor leadership. Sadly he convinced me and most others that he was the way forward, but as many in the business world suspected he was never up for the job.

You cant dismiss my point with 'fuck all positive' that doesn't change the points I have made. He has done things positively, maybe he has underestimated their obsession with us and that everything from his past/about the current deal would be on show.

I would like to know how you know he doesnt have a plan? You talk about poor leadership, he has been in 9 months and had nothing buy a barrage of shit for the best part of that, bad leadership was what happened long long before Whyte was here.

Regardless of your opinions on Whyte, my advice would be to get behind your club and your team and stop creating division, because he is here and its the best we are going to get.

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Pretty much yes, or at least if they were going to buy it, they should have had the resources and a plan to save it.

What, like a spare £75 million and £10 million a year to throw down the swanny? The way the club was run BY THE FORMER BOARD was a shambles and Craig Whyte is picking up the pieces.

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You cant dismiss my point with 'fuck all positive' that doesn't change the points I have made. He has done things positively, maybe he has underestimated their obsession with us and that everything from his past/about the current deal would be on show.

I would like to know how you know he doesnt have a plan? You talk about poor leadership, he has been in 9 months and had nothing buy a barrage of shit for the best part of that, bad leadership was what happened long long before Whyte was here.

Regardless of your opinions on Whyte, my advice would be to get behind your club and your team and stop creating division, because he is here and its the best we are going to get.

Does not mean I am not behind the club mate, just means that cunt has severely pissed me off by making promises he could never keep. His plan seems to change every day and I honestly can not think of one positive thing he has done. He has made us outcasts with the BBC, which will cost us money in the long run and he has kept us in the dark constantly about what is really going on. Maybe saying get to fuck can be mis-interpreted as saying he should leave this sinking ship but I just mean he should fucking stop making him out as a saviour and admit he made mistakes and that he didnt understand what he was taking on when he took over.

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Are you trying to say that in 9 months he found out everything he needed to know about the club. I think todays announcement contradicts that :wanker:

NO body knew the outcome of the tax case 9 months ago, it hadn't even entered the 2nd round of court proceedings, so I am pretty sure he would have looked at all avenues. I would say he probably planned for todays events. There is a plan in place for it and we need to get through it united as a club. People can be held accountable if there is proof and evidence they have been part in any wrong doing, maybe you should be directing your frustration at SDM not Whyte. a

Ill say it again, Regardless of your opinions on Whyte we need to get behind everyone at the club, not create division.

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You are out of your depth and continue to make yourself out as a saviour. You have not done one positive thing for the club and I dont think anyone seriously knows why you bought the club in the first place. If you are not a fan you should not be buying a football club, you can not make money out of it. Go and invest in roofing companies again you waste of space.

Making a cunt of yourself chief. Take 5.

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Does not mean I am not behind the club mate, just means that cunt has severely pissed me off by making promises he could never keep. His plan seems to change every day and I honestly can not think of one positive thing he has done. He has made us outcasts with the BBC, which will cost us money in the long run and he has kept us in the dark constantly about what is really going on. Maybe saying get to fuck can be mis-interpreted as saying he should leave this sinking ship but I just mean he should fucking stop making him out as a saviour and admit he made mistakes and that he didnt understand what he was taking on when he took over.

I think there are much more important things to be worrying about, than whether or not Craig Whyte should own up and say he didnt know what he was doing.

Plus, you have no evidence to suggest he doesnt know what he is doing.

United we stand, Divided we fall.

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OK so your point is Whyte shouldnt have baught us in the first place.

care to give an opinion on where we would have been without a buyer. Captain Murray honourably going down with the ship? maybe we'd be dead already.

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What, like a spare £75 million and £10 million a year to throw down the swanny? The way the club was run BY THE FORMER BOARD was a shambles and Craig Whyte is picking up the pieces.

Exactly, so he should not have bought the club. He is realising that the hard way now. I dont know how anyone can defend him, he is clearly out of his depth and drowning.

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OK so your point is Whyte shouldnt have baught us in the first place.

care to give an opinion on where we would have been without a buyer. Captain Murray honourably going down with the ship? maybe we'd be dead already.

We would have been fucked either way. It is not the situation I blame Whyte for, it is the way he handles it and the shite he constantly comes out with. I am trying to work out if he is a world class lier or a second rate businessman. He clearly mis-led the fans or he underestimated the task at hand. Either way it is unacceptable.

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We would have been fucked either way. It is not the situation I blame Whyte for, it is the way he handles it and the shite he constantly comes out with. I am trying to work out if he is a world class lier or a second rate businessman. He clearly mis-led the fans or he underestimated the task at hand. Either way it is unacceptable.

i doubt anyone is happy with the lack of transparency and all the cloak and dagger stuff going on with Whyte, the constant question of "does he have money or doesnt he?".

Turning against him now though will achieve nothing, he's holding all the cards and there are no alternatives, like it or not. so sit back and hope for the best. I dont think it will be as bad as people think. We'll come out the other side either debt free or with manageable debt and a sustainable business.

The league could be beyond us but at least we will finish 2nd - not that long ago we finished up 3rd behind Hearts, but within 2 seasons of that low, we were playing in a european cup final.

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