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Why did Alastair Johnston not make this public knowledge?


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Johnston responded: "The Rangers board had alternatives that they were working on which both the bank and Murray International did not like.

"I have all the files, all the presentations I made to the bank and I will one day produce them. The amount of money that Rangers was about 3% of the total debt that Lloyds had with Murray International.

"All we wanted them to do was to migrate that debt into the Murray balance sheet. Why the bank wouldn't do that, to avoid all the negative publicity, I still don't know.

The paragraph in bold, why did he not make this public knowledge so that the support could put pressure on Lloyds Banking Group to integrate the £18m debt into the Murray Group balance sheet, had this been made public I think the supporters pressure would have paid off.

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Johnston responded: "The Rangers board had alternatives that they were working on which both the bank and Murray International did not like.

"I have all the files, all the presentations I made to the bank and I will one day produce them. The amount of money that Rangers was about 3% of the total debt that Lloyds had with Murray International.

"All we wanted them to do was to migrate that debt into the Murray balance sheet. Why the bank wouldn't do that, to avoid all the negative publicity, I still don't know.

The paragraph in bold, why did he not make this public knowledge so that the support could put pressure on Lloyds Banking Group to integrate the £18m debt into the Murray Group balance sheet, had this been made public I think the supporters pressure would have paid off.

Cos when walter told us the bank were running the club....they were too busy denying it.

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all I can say is if there's one man the fans should be listening to and trust just now, its Alistair Johnston. Far too many still have their head up their arse regarding Craig Whyte and I'm frustrated.

Aye because he was there in our hour of need…..

Whyte may be a disaster…he may not but AJ done fuck all for this club.

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Johnston's abject refusal to accept any part of the blame for where we are, despite him being on the Board while the majority of the EBT payments were being made, is truly staggering.

Shut up Johnston, go away, and never come back.

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AJ joined in 2004- well after the EBT scheme was put in place. With him as our chairmen we slowly but surely began to reduce the debt. We made a half year profit of £9m under him one year. The guy did what he could. He probably couldn't say anything at the time because of how it would affect MIH and it could have meant legal action against Rangers for a breach of confidentiality.

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AJ joined in 2004- well after the EBT scheme was put in place. With him as our chairmen we slowly but surely began to reduce the debt. We made a half year profit of £9m under him one year. The guy did what he could. He probably couldn't say anything at the time because of how it would affect MIH and it could have meant legal action against Rangers for a breach of confidentiality.

Seldom has so much rubbish been crammed into one short post.

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In response to the highlighted part in the OP, I wonder why this was never investigated further. Any thoughts?

I only just noticed it in his comments on the article and wondered why, if this would have solved the LBG issue at the time, he did not make it public so the support could put pressure on LBG.

Strange decision for a bank to make given the £18m was only 3% of the laibilities The Murray Group had with them.

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Why would LBG add Rangers debt into MIH's ?

They could (and did) get their money back from Rangers, which could never have happened with MIH.

Is AJ seriously suggesting the bank should have just our debt written off ? Using terms like "simply migrating" makes it sound so easy and fluffy.

The mans an arse, who was never here, and did nothing when he wasn't.

It was the bank that reduced the debt, not AJ. That oaf was always in the press greeting that he wanted to spend more money.

He's rewriting history as he goes along.

Too many folk talking of this as an AJ/Murray vs Whyte see-saw, when they are two separate dynamics.

Whyte, we don't know much about and its too jumbled to know if he's good or bad.

Either way, it doesn't make AJ and Murray any more right or desireable as board members.

They stand damned by their own record no matter what Craig Whyte does.

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AJ joined in 2004- well after the EBT scheme was put in place. With him as our chairmen we slowly but surely began to reduce the debt. We made a half year profit of £9m under him one year. The guy did what he could. He probably couldn't say anything at the time because of how it would affect MIH and it could have meant legal action against Rangers for a breach of confidentiality.

The teams success on the park created that profit along with the measures put in force by the bank. That is like agree with that cunt bain taking the same bonus for the players and management getting us to Manchester.

And please AJ was a Chairman in name only murray dictated what was said until the bank really took hold and murray scampered as per his usual.

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Exactly. Its the easiest thing in the world to come in after the event and say what should or should not have been done. AJ was part of the Murray administration who, regardless of what Craig Whyte is up to,are directly responsible for the situation we are in now. Johnston should ***t or get off the pot. His sniping is not helping Rangers Football Club. I believe Whyte does have best interests of the club at heart. Just hope I'm right......

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