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aussie fan pledges £1m


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Incredible how fictional pledges get such respect. If this guy ACTUALLY has a million to spend on this club, why hasn't he already bought shares in the past?

It strikes of attention seeking to me.

If he ACTUALLY gives this club £1M then my hat off to him and I retract this entire post.

But until then, he's just another attention seeker jumping on this saverangers bandwagon. And the majority are falling for it.

Pledging and giving are 2 completely different things.

It's interesting you accuse him of attention seeking....

The issue of saving our club needs attention, is this the scheme that will do it..probably not. Are they doing a good job in getting home the message that the club needs saved, yes they are. No harm done and no abuse and sniping from your keyboard required.

On the guy himself no idea why you are having a go at him calling him an attention seeker, i would presume they have had a look into his background before going to the press with him, if not more fool them.

You come across as a total arse here, to be expected though... (tu)

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No, a fantastic gesture would be ACTUALLY giving money, not just saying you will.

Christ, maybe I should take a picture of myself with a big card saying 5 grand on it and saverangers and you'll all worship me too!

Why are so many falling for claims of intent, rather than tangible action?

I'm not FALLING FOR IT. I'm just showing a bit of faith and taking an elderly gent and his two grandkids at their word. I won't be dragged into a messy debate about looking for the good in people - I'm not that cynical.

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That's a beautiful description of why our beloved club inspires such passion and commitment the world over.


wow that pic makes the hairs on my neck stand up, so proud right now.

we truley are the people.

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No, a fantastic gesture would be ACTUALLY giving money, not just saying you will.

Christ, maybe I should take a picture of myself with a big card saying 5 grand on it and saverangers and you'll all worship me too!

Why are so many falling for claims of intent, rather than tangible action?

why would he give anything now?

the saverangers site is not asking for money right now FFS, you want the man to hand over 1m to the administrators?

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You would need to be thick not to realise that surely <cr>

'Amazing gesture' as if to suggest that he had donated money, until money has been donated in the form of £1 million then I'll remain sceptical.

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It's interesting you accuse him of attention seeking....

The issue of saving our club needs attention, is this the scheme that will do it..probably not. Are they doing a good job in getting home the message that the club needs saved, yes they are. No harm done and no abuse and sniping from your keyboard required.

On the guy himself no idea why you are having a go at him calling him an attention seeker, i would presume they have had a look into his background before going to the press with him, if not more fool them.

You come across as a total arse here, to be expected though... (tu)

Funny, without me even mentioning you, one thing I've been enlightened by from other people on my return is...you. So if anyone on here is to call me an arse, I'm glad it was you :)

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Well if this place needs anything it's more guys like you who stomped off with a petted lip to return.....

While the impression I get is others wish you wouldn't return.

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apologies if this is a repost....

but this is what being a rangers supporter is all about....well done that man.

£1m Pledge Takes SaveRangers.com Above £12m

SaveRangers.com was delighted to receive a £1m pledge from Alan MacKenzie in Western Australia. Alan, who runs his own manufacturing company Down Under, contacted the site admin with his pledge and the picture below of his grandkids "handing over" their pledge to the campaign from Perth, WA.

Alan stated,

"Why am I doing this? the players and fans don't deserve to be in this position. I'm doing it for the proud history and the legends no longer with us. For my Dad, my son who is true blue and the kids of today's supporters. To ensure future generations, like my Grandkids, come to know the history of their family background and why we wear this strip with pride and honour, the blue jersey of Rangers, especially down under or when travelling!"

A pledge? It's real money we need not monopoly money.

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A pledge? It's real money we need not monopoly money.

Have administrators not said they dont want this money right now? Huge cuts need to be made first, regardless of impending investments. The business needs to be put back to running efficiently.

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“Why am I doing this? the players and fans don’t deserve to be in this position. I’m doing it for the proud history and the legends no longer with us. For my Dad, my son who is true blue and the kids of today’s supporters. To ensure future generations, like my Grandkids, come to know the history of their family background and why we wear this strip with pride and honour!”

Brilliantly put, sums up how much the club means to him as well as many others including myself. Brilliant gesture Alan McKenzie :clap: Him and his family deserve to be brought over for a game

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why would he give anything now?

the saverangers site is not asking for money right now FFS, you want the man to hand over 1m to the administrators?

I don't think he does, he just doesn't want people creaming themselves and fawning over this guy for doing nothing. As others have said, pledging is one thing but if anyone actually believes that all pledges will turn into donations they are deluded, and one of the hardest to hand over would be a cheque for £1m. I thought about what figure I would actually give Rangers if they asked me that day and that's what I pledged but I can be pretty sure there will be loads of folk who didn't think it through properly and have thrown up a figure that they will never give, because they don't have the money, can't afford to lose that amount fo money from their savings, don't actually have a job but still pledged thousands or just didn't consider that their wife will have something to say when she spots a few grand missing from their bank. I'd be surprised if £12m in pledges materialised into even anywhere near half of that. I'm not against this idea at all but i'm not going to take any notice of a running tally of imaginary money and get excited about it.

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