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Campaign to have WW2 titles recognised.

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Could not agree less with this concept.

Although I suppose at least John Greig could be replaced by Stanley Matthews as greatest ever ranger.

stanley mathews married one of the great pioneers grandaughters (tom vallance ) hope i spelled his name right

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I believe now is the right time to campaign to have the WW2 titles recognised, given that full participation took place with all the big teams and full seasons.

There are a number of justifications:

Full Seasons

Full participation

Aberdeen and Hibs quote their honours as official during this period - Rangers don't - this is key in the arguments

Celtics WW1 titles stand - another injustice - in England WW1 titles are not counted

Actually 7 full leagues were played during WW2


Division 1 (this is only short campaign)

Rangers 1st, Celtic 4th when it finished

Full Campaign

Rangers 1st, Celtic 13th

War cup - Rangers winners

1940-41 League

Rangers 1st, Celtic 5th

League Cup - Rangers Winners

1941-42 League

Rangers 1st, Celtic 3rd

League Cup - Rangers Winners

1942-43 League

Rangers 1st, Celtic 10th

League Cup Winners - Rangers

1943-44 League

Rangers 1st, Celtic 2nd

League Cup Winners - Hibs beat us 6-5 on corners, included in their honours

1944-45 League

Rangers 1st, Celtic 2nd

League Cup Winners - Rangers

1945-46 League

Rangers 1st, Celtic 4th

League Cup Winners - Aberdeen, included in their honours

There seems no justification for these other clubs including honours and ours not standing, as well as Celtic including theirs for WW1.

As well as winning 7 titles we also won 5 cups, 4 league cups and a war cup.

In total we have been denied 12 trophies in total!

With all the talk of us losing trophies - we should have these 12 included in our honours. Others have - Hibs and Aberdeen.

The worst should be Celtic stripped of their WW1 titles but tbh it would be fairer just to include our 12. The main justification for taking their titles is that in England, these were suspended during WW1 - why should they have these. It's totally biased and wrong, not just morally but factually.

Sporting integrity would demand that these titles should be added. If Aberdeen and Hibs include in their honours then there is no reason why we don't include in ours.

Unveil the 6th star! :uk::uk::uk::uk::uk::uk:

61 and counting.

Rangers 8 Celtic 1.

We welcome the chase.

Great Post I have been using this argument for Years with the bheasts from the East......Put this on Facebook the Tims are going Mental!!

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To pander to this type of shite is absolutely unbelievable and in no way should any Rangers fan get behind this utter floating turd of a 'campaign'. The league was suspended at the outbreak of war in 1939 but the S*A gave permission for teams to run a league of sorts themselves although some teams such as the mutton molesters were excluded due to travelling difficulties, that's why these titles are not recognised. There was no such suspension during World War I which is why the clatty clan count them. We played in the league at this point as well remember and just were not good enough at that time.

Idiots saying let's drop the 'dignity' pish, no thanks. Why not just drop the poppies on the ground and fucking trample them underfoot if you want to give up our dignity? Others may well count trophies won during this period, Rangers don't because the Club recognises the effort and sacrifice made by all men who fought during the bloodiest and most brutal conflict in mankind's short history.

We slag timmy off about how every one of them apparently had a relative who took part in the easter rising even though the rebels numbered less than 2000 by most accounts but every Rangers fan I know had family who took part in World War II and so do I. Whether it was the British Army, Royal Air Force, Royal Navy and all others, home and abroad, some not even military like Merchant Navy seamen such as my granddad who went out in convoys to some of the most dangerous places on earth like the northern Russian port of Murmansk, being routinely and mercilessly torpedoed, bombed and strafed by Nazi forces coming straight out of their ally Finland and occupied Norway while the Royal Navy sat helpless witnessing the wholesale slaughter of unarmed civilians because escort ships could not enter the final strait to provide any sort of cover as they would be sitting ducks for the Nazi forces.

Millions of these men died for freedom and out of a sense of national duty.

The point made that men have died recently while titles have been won is absolute bollocks. The main difference here is that during WWII men were dying in the millions.

I see this sort of campaign as a personal insult to those who sacrificed everything they had for those of us lucky enough to be here now and would urge all Rangers fans with any sense of moral decency not to back this.

This is beneath us as British subjects and Rangers supporters and should be quashed immediately.

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To pander to this type of shite is absolutely unbelievable and in no way should any Rangers fan get behind this utter floating turd of a 'campaign'. The league was suspended at the outbreak of war in 1939 but the S*A gave permission for teams to run a league of sorts themselves although some teams such as the mutton molesters were excluded due to travelling difficulties, that's why these titles are not recognised. There was no such suspension during World War I which is why the clatty clan count them. We played in the league at this point as well remember and just were not good enough at that time.

Idiots saying let's drop the 'dignity' pish, no thanks. Why not just drop the poppies on the ground and fucking trample them underfoot if you want to give up our dignity? Others may well count trophies won during this period, Rangers don't because the Club recognises the effort and sacrifice made by all men who fought during the bloodiest and most brutal conflict in mankind's short history.

We slag timmy off about how every one of them apparently had a relative who took part in the easter rising even though the rebels numbered less than 2000 by most accounts but every Rangers fan I know had family who took part in World War II and so do I. Whether it was the British Army, Royal Air Force, Royal Navy and all others, home and abroad, some not even military like Merchant Navy seamen such as my granddad who went out in convoys to some of the most dangerous places on earth like the northern Russian port of Murmansk, being routinely and mercilessly torpedoed, bombed and strafed by Nazi forces coming straight out of their ally Finland and occupied Norway while the Royal Navy sat helpless witnessing the wholesale slaughter of unarmed civilians because escort ships could not enter the final strait to provide any sort of cover as they would be sitting ducks for the Nazi forces.

Millions of these men died for freedom and out of a sense of national duty.

The point made that men have died recently while titles have been won is absolute bollocks. The main difference here is that during WWII men were dying in the millions.

I see this sort of campaign as a personal insult to those who sacrificed everything they had for those of us lucky enough to be here now and would urge all Rangers fans with any sense of moral decency not to back this.

This is beneath us as British subjects and Rangers supporters and should be quashed immediately.

This (tu) exactly this, great post (tu)

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To pander to this type of shite is absolutely unbelievable and in no way should any Rangers fan get behind this utter floating turd of a 'campaign'. The league was suspended at the outbreak of war in 1939 but the S*A gave permission for teams to run a league of sorts themselves although some teams such as the mutton molesters were excluded due to travelling difficulties, that's why these titles are not recognised. There was no such suspension during World War I which is why the clatty clan count them. We played in the league at this point as well remember and just were not good enough at that time.

Idiots saying let's drop the 'dignity' pish, no thanks. Why not just drop the poppies on the ground and fucking trample them underfoot if you want to give up our dignity? Others may well count trophies won during this period, Rangers don't because the Club recognises the effort and sacrifice made by all men who fought during the bloodiest and most brutal conflict in mankind's short history.

We slag timmy off about how every one of them apparently had a relative who took part in the easter rising even though the rebels numbered less than 2000 by most accounts but every Rangers fan I know had family who took part in World War II and so do I. Whether it was the British Army, Royal Air Force, Royal Navy and all others, home and abroad, some not even military like Merchant Navy seamen such as my granddad who went out in convoys to some of the most dangerous places on earth like the northern Russian port of Murmansk, being routinely and mercilessly torpedoed, bombed and strafed by Nazi forces coming straight out of their ally Finland and occupied Norway while the Royal Navy sat helpless witnessing the wholesale slaughter of unarmed civilians because escort ships could not enter the final strait to provide any sort of cover as they would be sitting ducks for the Nazi forces.

Millions of these men died for freedom and out of a sense of national duty.

The point made that men have died recently while titles have been won is absolute bollocks. The main difference here is that during WWII men were dying in the millions.

I see this sort of campaign as a personal insult to those who sacrificed everything they had for those of us lucky enough to be here now and would urge all Rangers fans with any sense of moral decency not to back this.

This is beneath us as British subjects and Rangers supporters and should be quashed immediately.


/thread locked

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Can't believe so many people want this.

The only campaign should be to have other clubs not count their trophies won during wartime.

You're right of course. Whether the other clubs count the trophies won during WW2 is a matter for them - it's pretty pathetic really. They are NOT OFFICIALY RECOGNISED BY THE SCOTTISH FOOTBALL AUTHORITES, and will not be either.

Rangers have taken the RIGHT decision and simply acknowledge them on the official website, but not as offically recognised trophies - and that's how it should remain.

Some time ago I wrote this 'lighthearted' piece about Aberdeen's spurious claims, and I think it just about sums up the whole issue.

Darren & the Great Sheep Shaggers Deception

I open this article with a disclaimer. The views and opinions contained herein do not necessarily reflect the views of the author but, rather, those of Big Darren our bus convenor.

Now, that is not to say that I don’t share Big Darren’s general view on Aberdeen fans; I do – for the most part – but I’ve been known to raise an eyebrow or two when he launches into a tirade about sheep-shagging and unnatural practices in the general Aberdeenshire area.

For instance he is undoubtedly of the school that believes that a sheep tied to a lamp-post in Aberdeen should rightly be called a leisure centre, or that any Aberdeen fan with more than one girlfriend must be a shepherd!

As you have already doubtless guessed, Darren is not very politically correct, but he does draw a distinction between decent Aberdonians and the mutants that inhabit Pittodrie of a Saturday.

Contrary to popular opinion, there are many good folk in Aberdeen. Yes, of course they’re a little strange and their behaviour is a tad odd, but I put that down almost entirely to the inclement weather they suffer all year round. It is a well known fact that the good people of Aberdeen are required to wear multiple layers of clothing all year round in order to brave the almost Arctic conditions that prevail there. Consequently, they often appear as walking cocoons covered from head to foot, with their entire features obliterated under balaclavas, snoods and over-sized anorak hoods.

By the way, for those of you who don’t know what a Snood is, they were invented to solve the problem of a draughty neckline and are perfect for stopping the gap at the top of a jacket, and for protecting the face in blizzard conditions. Normally made from 100% microfleece polyester the neck tube (or Snood) is ideal for keeping the drafts and chills from the body. With high warmth to weight ratio and multiple uses, the snood is a great value must-have accessory for all Aberdonians.

Anyway, I digress. Big Darren ‘collared’ me (and I do mean that quite literally, cos he’s a big lad!) as I was alighting from the bus on my way home from the St. Mirren game several weeks ago, and demanded that I investigate – and I quote - “the Sheep-Shagger’s ‘claim’ to have won 5 league titles during the second world war.”

I agreed to do so immediately; well it was either that or, as he very succinctly put it, “You’ll get a dig in the bake if you don’t.”

“The bake”, by the way, is a colloquial term used in Norn Iron to describe the mouth or face. So having been given this 'commission' I embarked upon it with great enthusiasm…..and not a little concern for the more prominent features of what I think is a reasonably attractive and unbattered face.

First port of call was, not surprisingly, the Aberdeen FC website – Redweb – an advertising platform that has some Aberdeen footie information on it. A quick click on the History tab and into the Honours section (yes, they do have an honours section) and, voilà, the impressive array of trophies is there for all to see.

Now, before launching into the ‘meat’ of my tale you need to understand that when war was declared in September 1939, the SFA immediately suspended all football and the League was abandoned after only 5 matches. A few weeks later an emergency competition was organised before the League closed down completely for the war in the summer of 1940.

The SFA did, however, authorise member clubs to organise local competitions amongst themselves and separate leagues were organised in the South from autumn 1940, and in the North East from 1941. In season 1945-46 the Scottish League took responsibility for league competition once more and operated two national divisions.

These championships are unofficial and are not counted in the totals for each club.

The Southern League, as many of you know, was totally dominated by Rangers who won every title during the years 1941 to 1945. The North Eastern League, although dominated by Aberdeen, was also won by Raith Rovers in 1943, Dundee in 1944 and – dare I say it – by a Rangers reserve team in its inaugural year of 1941.

In stark contrast to the official Rangers website, which acknowledges that the titles won during the war years are ‘unofficial’, the Aberdeen FC website does not. Indeed, they are included in the same list that is headed by the Dons magnificent European Cup Winners Cup victory of the 1982/83 season, and it would appear they are claiming these titles as official rather than as unofficial war time competitions that do not, and cannot ever, count.

It is also interesting to note that neither Dundee nor Raith Rovers acknowledge the North Eastern League competition or claim it on the Honours pages of their respective web sites. I suspect that both would lay claim to a league championship victory if it was regarded as official by the Scottish football authorities. The fact that they do not lends significant weight to the argument that Aberdeen are attempting to practice a deception that Rangers, Dundee and Raith do not.

Big Darren takes the unequivocal view (and, indeed, is prepared to batter anyone who disagrees!) that this is a deliberate deception by Aberdeen FC. A deception designed to make the unwary and ill-informed reader believe that these are official titles that can be rightly added to their rather meagre tally of 3 Scottish Premiership Division wins in 79/80, 83/84 and 84/85. I must admit I’m a little less cynical and inclined to give the Sheep Shaggers the benefit of the doubt.

Yes, it is true that they don’t use the word “unofficial” on their honours page, and specifically not against the record of their North Eastern League wins, but one must remember that they also record the Aberdeenshire Charity Cup (1891/92 & 1897/98), also won by a team called Orion, and other such heavyweights as Victoria United, Keith and Fraserburgh in their honours list. The Dewar Shield, also takes pride of place amongst their honours, and has been won by such notables as Dunblane, East Stirlingshire and Buckie Thistle.

Much as I wanted to, I simply couldn’t list all the winners of these two prestigious trophies for fear of depleting the world's ink and paper supplies!

I have tried to assure Big Darren that there is no evidence to suggest that any of the North Eastern League titles are officially counted, and it is quite clear they were REGIONAL leagues instituted during a war emergency. But he still remains sceptical, and while he remains sceptical my “bake” remains in imminent threat of attack!

To be fair he argues that there should be some acknowledgement by Aberdeen FC that these are unofficial titles, and he suggests (not unreasonably) that they should adopt the Rangers model and state ‘up front’ on their Honours page that they are unofficial.

I think Big Darren tends to forget though, that Aberdonians are a breed apart and reputed to be a possessive and miserly folk. I’m not sure that I necessarily subscribe to that view, but if Big Darren insists - then misers they are!

He takes the view that they will claim everything and anything, and to illustrate his point he regaled me with the story of an incident he swears he witnessed in Glasgow’s George Square recently, when an Aberdeen fan spied a twenty pence piece and stepped out onto the road to pick it up and was run over by a passing motor. He then told me the Coroner's verdict was "Death by Natural Causes".

“I rest my case”, he said and sauntered off with a rather smug look on his face.

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To pander to this type of shite is absolutely unbelievable and in no way should any Rangers fan get behind this utter floating turd of a 'campaign'. The league was suspended at the outbreak of war in 1939 but the S*A gave permission for teams to run a league of sorts themselves although some teams such as the mutton molesters were excluded due to travelling difficulties, that's why these titles are not recognised. There was no such suspension during World War I which is why the clatty clan count them. We played in the league at this point as well remember and just were not good enough at that time.

Idiots saying let's drop the 'dignity' pish, no thanks. Why not just drop the poppies on the ground and fucking trample them underfoot if you want to give up our dignity? Others may well count trophies won during this period, Rangers don't because the Club recognises the effort and sacrifice made by all men who fought during the bloodiest and most brutal conflict in mankind's short history.

We slag timmy off about how every one of them apparently had a relative who took part in the easter rising even though the rebels numbered less than 2000 by most accounts but every Rangers fan I know had family who took part in World War II and so do I. Whether it was the British Army, Royal Air Force, Royal Navy and all others, home and abroad, some not even military like Merchant Navy seamen such as my granddad who went out in convoys to some of the most dangerous places on earth like the northern Russian port of Murmansk, being routinely and mercilessly torpedoed, bombed and strafed by Nazi forces coming straight out of their ally Finland and occupied Norway while the Royal Navy sat helpless witnessing the wholesale slaughter of unarmed civilians because escort ships could not enter the final strait to provide any sort of cover as they would be sitting ducks for the Nazi forces.

Millions of these men died for freedom and out of a sense of national duty.

The point made that men have died recently while titles have been won is absolute bollocks. The main difference here is that during WWII men were dying in the millions.

I see this sort of campaign as a personal insult to those who sacrificed everything they had for those of us lucky enough to be here now and would urge all Rangers fans with any sense of moral decency not to back this.

This is beneath us as British subjects and Rangers supporters and should be quashed immediately.

Well put. I agree with you wholeheartedly; prior to all that has happened recently , I wouldn't have given this a passing thought. The only reason I entertain the thought of using this in conversation is that I know how it would wind the Dark Side into a rabid lather - an irritation they have more than earned by their ridiculously childish actions of late. In reality, we are (or should be) above this, and (I believe) it should go no further than discussing it on this forum.

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To pander to this type of shite is absolutely unbelievable and in no way should any Rangers fan get behind this utter floating turd of a 'campaign'. The league was suspended at the outbreak of war in 1939 but the S*A gave permission for teams to run a league of sorts themselves although some teams such as the mutton molesters were excluded due to travelling difficulties, that's why these titles are not recognised. There was no such suspension during World War I which is why the clatty clan count them. We played in the league at this point as well remember and just were not good enough at that time.

Idiots saying let's drop the 'dignity' pish, no thanks. Why not just drop the poppies on the ground and fucking trample them underfoot if you want to give up our dignity? Others may well count trophies won during this period, Rangers don't because the Club recognises the effort and sacrifice made by all men who fought during the bloodiest and most brutal conflict in mankind's short history.

We slag timmy off about how every one of them apparently had a relative who took part in the easter rising even though the rebels numbered less than 2000 by most accounts but every Rangers fan I know had family who took part in World War II and so do I. Whether it was the British Army, Royal Air Force, Royal Navy and all others, home and abroad, some not even military like Merchant Navy seamen such as my granddad who went out in convoys to some of the most dangerous places on earth like the northern Russian port of Murmansk, being routinely and mercilessly torpedoed, bombed and strafed by Nazi forces coming straight out of their ally Finland and occupied Norway while the Royal Navy sat helpless witnessing the wholesale slaughter of unarmed civilians because escort ships could not enter the final strait to provide any sort of cover as they would be sitting ducks for the Nazi forces.

Millions of these men died for freedom and out of a sense of national duty.

The point made that men have died recently while titles have been won is absolute bollocks. The main difference here is that during WWII men were dying in the millions.

I see this sort of campaign as a personal insult to those who sacrificed everything they had for those of us lucky enough to be here now and would urge all Rangers fans with any sense of moral decency not to back this.

This is beneath us as British subjects and Rangers supporters and should be quashed immediately.

Well said :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:

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we don't need to claim these titles we only need to make some public noise about them and wait for the inevitable back lash at which point we just point to the other teams claiming achievements from this time in there records and point out we don't count them.

I don't take any offence at this topic ether way, yes there was a war on and millions were getting killed but look at it from another direction if you were at war any good news is still good news. Getting a letter from home that let you know rangers won would give you an up lift. (yes it's only a small splash in the ocean as some German f***er is trying to kill you but every little good thing must count)

:uk: :uk:

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Well put. I agree with you wholeheartedly; prior to all that has happened recently , I wouldn't have given this a passing thought. The only reason I entertain the thought of using this in conversation is that I know how it would wind the Dark Side into a rabid lather - an irritation they have more than earned by their ridiculously childish actions of late. In reality, we are (or should be) above this, and (I believe) it should go no further than discussing it on this forum.

Indeed I have myself used the fact that we were 'first' to 'win' 9 in a row to wind up tims, always a laugh to witness their reactions!

On a different note, I've not long turned 30 but I have known about this part of Rangers history since I was a boy. The fact that so many in this thread seem to have no clue about Rangers history during the war years tells me they have no true interest in the history of the Club outside the length of their own lives, which is no bad thing as I know not everyone has the time for history but it tends to lead to naivety and jumping on the bandwagon so to speak when 'extra' trophies are mentioned.

The fact that others are now so interested in it only because it is being used to get one over the bheasts also speaks volumes to me.

It's all good for a wind up lads but please let it end there.

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The worst should be Celtic stripped of their WW1 titles but tbh it would be fairer just to include our 12. The main justification for taking their titles is that in England, these were suspended during WW1 - why should they have these. It's totally biased and wrong, not just morally but factually.

I never knew the bheasts counted titles during WW1? Unlike them to gain the upper hand by any means possible.

If they attempt to take any titles of us then we can just argue we will count the WW2 ones if they count their War ones.

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