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Delahunt interview with Whyte just released


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Has he? If thats realy the case, ask yourself this........why has he not been arrested? Lots of nonsense sells lots of newspapers. ;)

Some folk are just far too quick to condemn. (tu)

Have you ever been bumped out of money by him?

Did you hear what he said about our fans?

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Have you ever been bumped out of money by him?

Did you hear what he said about our fans?

I've never been bumped out of money by him, but he has managed to get me going to Ibrox again, so I guess I am out of pocket!

What is he reported to have said about our fans?

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I've never been bumped out of money by him, but he has managed to get me going to Ibrox again, so I guess I am out of pocket!

What is he reported to have said about our fans?

The words went something like this " I know what I've done at Rangers is immoral but I don't care, fuck them""

That part about being a Rangers fan is a complete lie. He was a murderwell fan as a boy but didn't even like sport.

People believe what they want, Murray knew who he was puting in place at ibrox (tu)

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The words went something like this " I know what I've done at Rangers is immoral but I don't care, fuck them""

That part about being a Rangers fan is a complete lie. He was a murderwell fan as a boy but didn't even like sport.

People believe what they want, Murray knew who he was puting in place at ibrox (tu)

when and who did he say this too?

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The words went something like this " I know what I've done at Rangers is immoral but I don't care, fuck them""

That part about being a Rangers fan is a complete lie. He was a murderwell fan as a boy but didn't even like sport.

People believe what they want, Murray knew who he was puting in place at ibrox (tu)

Where did he say this?

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The words went something like this " I know what I've done at Rangers is immoral but I don't care, fuck them""

That part about being a Rangers fan is a complete lie. He was a murderwell fan as a boy but didn't even like sport.

People believe what they want, Murray knew who he was puting in place at ibrox (tu)

Bang on Friend, he was a Motherwell supporter as a boy :)more lies!!

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The words went something like this " I know what I've done at Rangers is immoral but I don't care, fuck them""

That part about being a Rangers fan is a complete lie. He was a murderwell fan as a boy but didn't even like sport.

People believe what they want, Murray knew who he was puting in place at ibrox (tu)

I've never seen that quote before, where's it from?

I totally agree with you regarding Murrray knowing who was taking over, but, for the sake of argument, lets say Murray also knew what route Whyte would take, but just didn't have the balls to do it himself. I don't think thats a million miles from the truth.

As for Whyte himself, if his ducking and diving is fraudulent, why no arrest? The mhedia who want us hammered for everything are hammering him & causing lots of infighting when ultimately, we dont have a clue whats going on. Whyte is the convenient bogeyman at the moment, and the nearer Rangers come to being taken over & saved, the louder our enemies will be shouting.

It would also be fair to suggest that Whytes most vociferous critics have been those who threw their lot in with The Blue Knghts.

So far, the only criminal is David the thief.

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The words went something like this " I know what I've done at Rangers is immoral but I don't care, fuck them""

That part about being a Rangers fan is a complete lie. He was a murderwell fan as a boy but didn't even like sport.

People believe what they want, Murray knew who he was puting in place at ibrox (tu)

Murrays not daft as you said There's no way he got conned by someone like Whyte.

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I've never seen that quote before, where's it from?

I totally agree with you regarding Murrray knowing who was taking over, but, for the sake of argument, lets say Murray also knew what route Whyte would take, but just didn't have the balls to do it himself. I don't think thats a million miles from the truth.

As for Whyte himself, if his ducking and diving is fraudulent, why no arrest? The mhedia who want us hammered for everything are hammering him & causing lots of infighting when ultimately, we dont have a clue whats going on. Whyte is the convenient bogeyman at the moment, and the nearer Rangers come to being taken over & saved, the louder our enemies will be shouting.

It would also be fair to suggest that Whytes most vociferous critics have been those who threw their lot in with The Blue Knghts.

So far, the only criminal is David the thief.

The quote is straight from the horses mouth.

No arrests? Because there is loopholes in the law that people use, how long before the cops managed to nail Capone? And gangsters? 27 deals he has got away with this now. I personally have spoken to 3 people from the deals and trust me the guy is a crook of the highest order.

My thinking goes like this. Murray wanted out and knew if he stayed longer he would be a dead man because of the state we were soon to be in. He thought how can I get out, ahh here's a venture capitalist , he's our man. The rest is history. Most wouldn't be as bad against whyte if he hadn't lied lied lied and even today he is lying.

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Whyte is the convenient bogeyman at the moment

He created that outcome for himself by lying.

He didn't need to lie about where his funding came from to buy the club. He didn't need to lie about not paying VAT, paye etc. He didn't need to lie about the Arsenal shares.

And - even in this most recent interview - he doesn't need to lie about the Ticketus money going into the club when we know fine well it did not.

D&P have an upcoming court case to try and retrieve monies that Whyte is still insisting went into the club!

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The bit I don't get... HE is owed £30 million because HE guaranteed the ticketus money? If that money is in the club as he says it is then he is owed fuck all is it is part of the clubs debt! If it's not in the club, then surely it's his debt and not rangers?

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The bit I don't get... HE is owed £30 million because HE guaranteed the ticketus money? If that money is in the club as he says it is then he is owed fuck all is it is part of the clubs debt! If it's not in the club, then surely it's his debt and not rangers?

What he is saying is, he got the money from Ticketus, he used it for Rangers (Lloyds,running costs or whatever), he guaranteed that money, if Rangers can't pay Ticketus then he will have to, in which case Rangers have used monies that he is going to pay.

This is however dependent on how Rangers and Ticketus sort things out between themselves. If D&P breach that contract then I'm sure the liability will lie with CW.

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the arsenal shares money in a 'separate client account', and will end up back in rangers... how much else is in this?! he gets off far too easy in these interviews, think he is long overdue one with the fraud squad/in guantanamo...

i wish everyone would stop saying fraud. As far as the law stands, he's not even came close to commiting fraud. He hasnt lied to obtain money, which is fraud. Its his company, he can do what he wants with the money, including not paying anybody. The only thing that i can see that he's maybe broke the law is the PAYE, but i dont know the full story with that. I wish he would get the jail, but i cant see it happening.
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JD. Can you explain in layman's terms Craig how you are due £30 million.

CW. Partly because I've guaranteed the Ticketus transaction., that makes up a huge part of it. Obviously there are other amounts that have gone in, there's a huge liability to me and there's no getting away from that.

JD. Do you definitely have a floating charge over Rangers' assets?

CW. Again, that's factual. It's there for everyone to see at Companies' House.

JD. D you now feel it is inevitable that you won't play any part in Rangers future after this process.

CW. That's an interesting question. You can never say never about anything, but you'd have to say it's unlikely. Whether I remain as a shareholder or not though, let's wait and see

Is HE now the Gorilla in the room????

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this is the bit thats doing ma nut it. Jim delahunt asks him 'where is the ticketus money?' shite replies 'theres money in a different account, but thats not the ticketus money' then jim asks him 'what is that money then?'

Fukin idiot. He should have said - 'thats not what i asked, i asked where's the ticketus money?'

Complete fuking sidestep and delacunt didnt even pick up on it.

Totally agree, unless of course he primed Delahunt before the interview not to ask difficult questions or he wouldn't do the interview. Wouldn't be the first time that's happened over the years SDM made a career out of it!

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First rule in Conning For Dummies - Fraud 101

Keep the scam going as long as possible, even in the face of mounting disbelief. There will always be some schmucks who will continue to give you the benefit of the doubt allowing you to rip them off further and escape.

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