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Lawwel Exposed

Tiger Shaw

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I know people on here will have mixed feelings about David LEGGAT , sometimes his articles can read like the crazy ramblings of a headcase but i think in the main he is mostly on the right track. Todays article he hit the nail bang on with regards to Lawwel's (alledged)

" bitter and vindictive plans to scupper Rangers" .

We MUST find ways to expose Peter Lawwell because if there is any hint of truth in what LEGGAT says then this man is every bit as twisted and corrupt as that fisheyed crook Craig Whyte. This could be one of the biggest scandels ever in world football... if we can find proof to back up the allegation .

here is the article in full ..


THERE is now a growing groundswell among Rangers supporters for the club to QUIT the Scottish Premier League.

For more and more fans are cottoning on to the fact that an SPL WITHOUT Rangers would WRECK Celtic chief executive Peter Lawwell's careful and seemingly bitter and vindictive plans to scupper Rangers.

And that is why an increasingly large number of Ibrox diehards are ready to see their team walk away from the SPL.

Some even think that plunging the club into liquidation would be worth it, just to give Lawwell a taste of the cold steel.

Though others are still trying to find a way OUT of the SPL without liquidation.

It MUST be stressed that a CVA and a move out of administration remains the aim of Paul Murray and the True Blue Knights. They are good corporate citizens who want to face up to the club's fiscal responsibilities, even though the debt is not theirs.


The Celtic cabal on the SPL and the draconian measures being proposed to try and inflict points punishments AND cash penalties on Rangers for the next two or even THREE years, plus the Scottish Football Association's seemingly vindictive verdict, which has punished Rangers for conman Craig Whyte's wrongdoing, may just be too much to cope with.

Basically what Peter Lawwell and Celtic want, is to punish Rangers so severely that their capacity to challenge for the title and regain financial stability through getting back into the Champions League, is neutered, while at the same time keeping Rangers in the SPL to serve the purpose of being whipping boys.

For that is the only way Celtic can PROTECT their income stream.

And Celtic desperately need that money to sustain their already overblown squad, all of whom earn an average of £20,000 a week. Lawwell knows Celtic won't need more than half of those players to win an SPL without Rangers.

But with an SPL with Rangers in it, but a Rangers so badly shackled as to make taking the title to Ibrox impossible, Lawwell could not only keep the Celtic squad intact, but actually ADD to it, in order to ensure qualification for the group stages of the Champions League.

And that would bank close to £100MILLION for Celtic from UEFA and Euro gate money over at least four seasons of virtually uncontested SPL titles.

Which would put Celtic in an unassailable position at the top of the SPL tree for the next TEN years. And maybe even LONGER!

It would also give Peter Lawwell his best chance of pursuing his Champions League dream. For with that sort of money available, Celtic could become a real force in Europe. Winning the Champions League could become a realistic target.

Lawwell has always been a man who plays the long game. A man with more than tactics. Lawwell is a man with a strategy. He's a cute and clever customer is Peter Lawwell and he should never be underestimated.

However, without Rangers in the SPL, there is no way Lawwell would be able to afford to fund any real Champions League ambitions. The current squad would be almost halved.

Lawwell is no mug. He knows that the SPL's commercial value can only protected with Rangers in it. That is why Rangers in the SPL, but hamstrung by penalty points and financial punishments is….


But an SPL, without Rangers, is an SPL without its commercial value and that is….


It would not surprise me if Lawwell wakes up in the night screaming and sweating at the thought of how Rangers could wreck his plans, wreck the SPL and wreck Celtic.

Parkhead is already running at close to 11,000 below capacity on the latest figures. And these are tough times. Would Celtic continue to sell season tickets at the same rate, both in quantity and price if the title was a foregone conclusion before a ball was kicked?

It is more likely that Parkhead would become the biggest green and white elephant in British football. And Lawwell would have to answer to Celtic shareholders.

There is also the loss of income from Sky to consider. The still unsigned Sky deal, worth £80M would be shredded if Sky bosses knew that for the next three seasons there would be no Rangers matches to show. No Old Firm games to interest viewers from England.

The Clydesdale Bank's sponsorship of the SPL ends a year from now. Who would want to sponsor an SPL without Rangers?

St Mirren have already admitted that a Rangersless SPL would cost them £1M a year. So that's £3M over three years. That would drive St Mirren out of business.

Motherwell, St Johnstone and Kilmarnock are three others who could be forced to the wall.

Of course, perhaps Peter Lawwell belongs to the fundamentalist movement among Celtic supporters? Perhaps he agrees with people like ǝpɐbıɹq uǝǝɹb ǝɥʇ's Janette Findlay? Perhaps Peter Lawwell agrees with the secretary of the Celtic Supporters Association, the bigot Joe O'Rourke?

Perhaps Celtic chief executive Peter Lawwell is such a fundamentalist that he has lost his grip on realpolitik and is willing to take any risk, do anything, no matter how much it may endanger Celtic, in order to humiliate Rangers.

It was interesting to listen to a thoughtful Alastair McCoist ponder the prospects of Rangers going down to the Third Division. He spoke of it as an alternative which was tough, but honourable.

McCoist may even have mentioned that Rangers leaving the SPL, joining the good guys at the Scottish Football League and going in, in the Third Division would protect the Scottish Premier League's….


Words Peter Lawwell would no doubt recognise. Though some may say the substance of what sporting integrity is, would be a harder concept for Lawwell to cope with.

However, the fact that Alastair McCoist has given voice to the prospect of Rangers playing in the Third Division means that there is some thought being given to it inside Ibrox.

I wonder if some thought is being given to another matter.

The matter of voting when the SPL Gang of Ten put their proposals of changing the voting structure to 9-3. If Rangers were to vote against Celtic and FOR the change, it could be a parting gift.

A parting gift to Celtic and to Peter Lawwell if that groundswell among Ibrox fans carries Rangers to the Third Division.



DEMANDING that the Stewart Regan's Scottish Football Association's Judical Panel be named was quite legitimate.

After all, this is a free, open and democratic society. Isn't it?

Just as legitimate, are the plans Rangers supporters are already putting into action to target sponsors who give money to Regan and the SFA.

And equally legitimate is Rangers supporters claiming their democratic right to public protest.

What is NOT legitimate, NOT legal and NOT even common sense, is to make vile internet threats against Raith Rovers director secretary, Eric Drysdale, Gary Allan QC and old folks' homes owner, Alistair Murning, the three who formed Regan's Judicial Panel.

I have been on the wrong end of similar threats when I was targeted by Celtic nutters who claimed they would bomb me.

Strathclyde Police moved quickly to probe the matter, without any prompting. They were already monitoring such threats.

At the time I made nothing of them. During the 1970s the IRA terror bombing campaign never stopped me going about my business when I lived in London.

But there are some folk out there who love a wee bask in the limelight, playing the victim.

So, as well as being WRONG, as well as being NOT legitimate and as well as NOT being legal, Rangers supporters who think such madness is a good idea are....


So, if there is anybody out there who knows, or suspects they know, any guilty party....


You will be doing the right thing. You will be striking a blow for democracy. And at the same time, you will be....


End of article

I think most of us Rangers supporters would concure with David LEGGAT's take on Lawwel ... The question is how do we find the proof needed that will expose this bitter corrupt little man who is (allegedly) using his power at the SFA to cripple our club while at the same time give his own club financial gain and a free ride to spl titles ?

His name is spelled LEGGAT.

Fixed that for you. :sherlock:

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Of course his plan is to keep Rangers in the SPL but in a crippled state. It's the plan of all the chairmen and SPL because they know that Rangers are vital to any tv deal, and that is all they care about, money.

I doubt with a few years Champions League money that Celtic would win the Champions League. No player of the quality needed would want to play in a one team league.

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Of course his plan is to keep Rangers in the SPL but in a crippled state. It's the plan of all the chairmen and SPL because they know that Rangers are vital to any tv deal, and that is all they care about, money.

I doubt with a few years Champions League money that Celtic would win the Champions League. No player of the quality needed would want to play in a one team league.

This :rolleyes:

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I want us to start again in the 3rd division mainly for the reason it is the honest and honourable thing to do. We failed to pay our debts, our dues and Whyte and Murray embarrassed the club. We should regain that by working from the bottom up.

If it has the side effect of forcing the self serving clubs in the SPL to readjust to life without us, all the better.

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It's been clear since they announced the proposed new sanctions that Liewell (and a few other chairmen) want to see a crippled Rangers that still brings in the money.

3rd division doesn't give them the satisfaction and is more honourable for us.

Plus we'll win every game. The fact that we're in a lower division is less likely to see a drop-off in support than finishing mid-table in the SPL due to a massive handicap would.

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Celtic are fucked without us, but we'll go from strength to strength.....playing Montrose and Elgin City!

Are we in a position of strength at the moment?

As painful as it is to say, this is about going from on our knees to on our feet.

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Celtic are fucked without us, but we'll go from strength to strength.....playing Montrose and Elgin City!

But at least we showed them. Whatever it is we're trying to show them... Oh aye, that they need us but we don't need them or something like that.

I thought it was just idiots coming away with this nonsense but pretty worried now that Super's started talking about it. He should spend less time on the forums by the looks of it.

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Technically, that is true.

No, it's not true.

Will we have smaller crowds? Will we have a poorer standard of player? Will we have a decrease in sponsorship and tv money? Will we have a realistic chance of European qualification?

If it is thrust upon us, fair enough, we will have to deal with it, but to choose that move has no logic to it whatsoever.

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But at least we showed them. Whatever it is we're trying to show them... Oh aye, that they need us but we don't need them or something like that.

I thought it was just idiots coming away with this nonsense but pretty worried now that Super's started talking about it. He should spend less time on the forums by the looks of it.

If his management was half as good as his ability to play up to the rabble, we would be immense.

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"cash penalties on Rangers for the next two or even THREE years"

Historically, any fines paid to the SPL are returned to the pot for sharing amongst the other clubs. I just had the SPL confirming this.

If they pass this - the other SPL clubs will directly benefit from the proposed 75% reduction in fees payable to The Rangers. As if they needed any additional motivation to put the boot in.

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