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The republicans have taken over Scotland

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Why would people want to do your research for you :rolleyes:

lol, it's better to know the facts instead of living in ignorance.

If we been given the facts in the 80's, we could have been as rich as Norway by now.

Instead, Labour and Tory governments used the official secrets act to cover up a report that predicted huge oil wealth in an Independent Scotland.

That's another fact right there.

Anyway, 'independence' comes in various degrees.

The referendum is really on 'Independence within Britain within the EU' - not to become completely separate.

That's why it will probably pass - once everyone knows we will still keep the pound, the queen etc, and have close links.

It just means a bit more economic power and influence and wealth within the British Isles.

It's a good thing :)

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Wow now I am scared you must be a master debater ok you win ... Or we could just give it a wee shot out with the db as it has fk all to do with Rangers

FFS peter, how many you gonna invite. And I thought you only wanted me to go. :angry:

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Once again, Buzz pushes apart the thick thighs of incoherence, peels back the labia minora of propaganda and feasts on the clitoris of triumph.

I think they call this dislusional paranoia, or revisionist but it certainly is some sort of fantasy world you live in!

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LOL mate, we can't use pounds sterling and govern it ourselves doh

The currency is controlled by the Bank Of England and since its THEIR currency they get to decide how much of that currency is in the market place at any one time there by having control over the economy..

Using pounds (sterling) is not the point that i am making.

If Scotland were independent then it would still still use "pounds" as currency, as it does indeed use today. The "pounds sterling" label would be defunct, as Scotland would no longer be part of the UK but the Scottish pound would probably still be licensed by Bank Of Scotland ,etc.

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Using pounds (sterling) is not the point that i am making.

If Scotland were independent then it would still still use "pounds" as currency, as it does indeed use today. The "pounds sterling" label would be defunct, as Scotland would no longer be part of the UK but the Scottish pound would probably still be licensed by Bank Of Scotland ,etc.

So long as we, and not England control the issuance of the currency and oversee all matters on monetary policy, inflation, interest rates and taxation, we MIGHT be alright.. So then that begs the next question. Would you trust Salmond and that wee dwarf Sturgeon with those powers?

To be truly independent a nation has to have full control of its own monetary policy and economy or else your always gonna on the hook..

Took this quote from the Band Of England wiki.. Pay attention to the bold part, under Salmond that will still stand! We might be 'independent' but the English will still decide how much 'pocket money' we're allowed :P

The Bank is one of eight banks authorised to issue banknotes in the United Kingdom, but has a monopoly on the issue of banknotes in England and Wales and regulates the issue of banknotes by commercial banks in Scotland and Northern Ireland.[9]

The Bank's Monetary Policy Committee has devolved responsibility for managing the monetary policy of the country. The Treasury has reserve powers to give orders to the committee "if they are required in the public interest and by extreme economic circumstances" but such orders must be endorsed by Parliament within 28 days.[10] The Bank's Financial Policy Committee held its first meeting in June 2011 as a macro prudential regulator to oversee regulation of the UK's financial sector

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So long as we, and not England control the issuance of the currency and oversee all matters on monetary policy, inflation, interest rates and taxation, we MIGHT be alright.. So then that begs the next question. Would you trust Salmond and that wee dwarf Sturgeon with those powers?

To be truly independent a nation has to have full control of its own monetary policy and economy or else your always gonna on the hook..

Took this quote from the Band Of England wiki.. Pay attention to the bold part, under Salmond that will still stand! We might be 'independent' but the English will still decide how much 'pocket money' we're allowed :P

No... i would not trust Salmond as i am a unionist.

The SNP has said that Scotland would keep sterling if its people voted for independence and only later use a referendum to decide whether to join the euro or create its own currency ,as it once used the pound scots.

I personally do not believe that an independent Scotland could use pounds sterling.

And yes true independence should mean full control of ones monetary policies.

Anyway money is just paper...Where would they keep all the gold reserves...Thats what i want to know !

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If this was Norway, Sweden, Denmark. Finland, Croatia, Slovakia, Slovenia, etc., ect would we be having this discussion ?

I notice you didn't mention those "arc of prosperity" countries Salmond used to bang on about but has strangely now gone quiet on

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Using pounds (sterling) is not the point that i am making.

If Scotland were independent then it would still still use "pounds" as currency, as it does indeed use today. The "pounds sterling" label would be defunct, as Scotland would no longer be part of the UK but the Scottish pound would probably still be licensed by Bank Of Scotland ,etc.

Oh ffs the answer to this is so simple - we keep using sterling as we would agree to a ' common market ' type agreement with the rest of the uk - such as the same agrement as the euro - we also would have open borders - free market - difference would be making decisions based in scotland - but any decision - like the uk decisions would be taken with a view of the wider impact

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Oh ffs the answer to this is so simple - we keep using sterling as we would agree to a ' common market ' type agreement with the rest of the uk - such as the same agrement as the euro - we also would have open borders - free market - difference would be making decisions based in scotland - but any decision - like the uk decisions would be taken with a view of the wider impact

Flawed in so many ways. (tu)

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Flawed in so many ways. (tu)

Since we are going to have this debate on politics in the bd and no one cares ..,..

Please explain shy my statement is flawed as I assume you have some sort of rational behind your post?

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Since we are going to have this debate on politics in the bd and no one cares ..,..

Please explain shy my statement is flawed as I assume you have some sort of rational behind your post?

Read what Alistair Darling said re independence and the £.

And you would trust Salmond & Sturgeon? Something fishy going on.

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Read what Alistair Darling said re independence and the £.

And you would trust Salmond & Sturgeon? Something fishy going on.

Do you offer up NO opinions of your own - are you just going to spout what someone else says?

I am sure Alistair Darling ( a polititian I respect) will have some great arguments for staying in the Union - after all he is the 'Choosen One' to head up the NO campaign.

But I happen to buy into the Yes campaign logic.

.. and yes I do Trust Salmond and Sturgeon (in the context they are polititians!) but more than that I actually trust the people of Scotland - so lets see where the debate takes us in 2014 - and if we vote for independence I would be happy, if the vote goes against well I'll jut accpet thats the way it is. (Much like when the Conservative get into Government - I dont like it but I accept it and move on.

Now have you got any points you want to make without just sending me off to read someone elses argument ?

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I am still hung up on this money business. IF we kept pounds, then don't we already have some control. Scottish banks already print their own notes and so could control supply?

Bank Of England = central bank, the banker of the UK government and ALL other commercial banks and building societies. For instance, any time the govt needs more money to fund some new wasteful scheme they borrow it from the BOE at INTEREST and then levy taxes agaisnt the public to pay it back..

Bank OF Scotland, Clydesdale Bank and RBS are Commercial banks, meaning you or I can open an account and use their products and services. They also print Scottish notes under charter, they can only print what the BOE allows them too since they control the amount of money in supply at any given time..

GBP is the BOE's product and we the British public buy it.. But here's the thing, we can only buy it on tick! So since the BOE is lender to the commercial banks (the banks that you and I can use) they loan the money to say RBS at 2% then the RBS sell that money on at 4% thus making a profit (those figures are just to provide an example of how it works).. If the RBS borrows money from the BOE then they just add a the figure to the balance with a pen and then print the cash in Scots currency and issue it..

To continue this policy in an independent Scotland would be utter madness since we'd be forever in debt to powers south of the border and anytime Salmond's govt needed more money to waste they'd have to go cap in hand to England..

Incedently the EURO-Nutters work in the same fashion with ECB (European Central Bank) so joining the Euro is worse! That's just massive debt paper ponzi scheme with the wheels already falling off..

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lol, it's better to know the facts instead of living in ignorance.

If we been given the facts in the 80's, we could have been as rich as Norway by now.

Instead, Labour and Tory governments used the official secrets act to cover up a report that predicted huge oil wealth in an Independent Scotland.

That's another fact right there.

Anyway, 'independence' comes in various degrees.

The referendum is really on 'Independence within Britain within the EU' - not to become completely separate.

That's why it will probably pass - once everyone knows we will still keep the pound, the queen etc, and have close links.

It just means a bit more economic power and influence and wealth within the British Isles.

It's a good thing :)

I obviously gave you the false impression that I give a fuck about your opinions and would read another load of crap written by you (tu)

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