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One man's shame... A nation's disgrace.


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The shame of what Craig Whyte did to Rangers Football Club will never be etched from the hearts of those of us who cast a favourable eye towards Ibrox. The anger, embarrassment and feeling of utter helplessness throughout the entire crisis which has engulfed our club, will sadly follow most of us to our graves.

And yet, even the wayward conduct of this shameless individual which brought Scotland's biggest sporting institution to it's very knees, is only part of the story. For the events at Rangers Football Club proved to be the catalyst for a nation to completely disgrace itself, to let it's mask slip and reveal its true nature. That revealed nature is neither edifying nor particularly wholesome, and is very much in contrast to a nation which boasts “One Scotland many cultures”

Before we continue further its worthy of noting the comments of someone who is not only outside Rangers Football, but during his professional sporting career as both player and manager has been in direct opposition to Rangers – Celtic and Scotland Legend Davie Hay.

" Although the SPL decision not to admit Rangers is apparently fan driven, I do wonder about what type of fan we are talking about ?

Are these the vocal minorities who man their computers or the majority represented by fans' association's ?

What I would say is that the level of retribution being sought on Rangers is not good for the Scottish game and, I believe, beyond reason."

The retribution of which he speaks manifested itself with a concerted effort by supporters of other SPL clubs to ensure that any application by Rangers for re-entry to the SPL was doomed to failure. They threatened their own chairmen with warnings of boycotts, and despite the financial abyss that such action would create, they continued to intimidate and scheme until their respective chairmen acquiesced to their threats. This despite several warnings from independent financial projections they themselves had commissioned , in addition to ominous warnings from their own chairmen of financial meltdown. Perhaps the greatest manifestation of their unbridled and irrational hatred came in a Daily Record Poll which showed that more than half (55%) would rather see their own club die than allow Rangers back into the SPL.

History demonstrates that if you seek to demonise a people you need both propaganda and a favourable press. Alas for Scotland both these ingredients were present in abundance.

“Sporting Integrity” became the flagship of the propaganda campaign. It was the stick which was used repeatedly to beat Rangers time and time and time again. It sought to give a moral platform to those who saw an opportunity to unleash their festering and unhealthy hatred of Rangers. It was a campaign which our media bought into it wholeheartedly. Their was a distinct absence of objective journalism, save two or three amongst the hordes who, forlornly, tried to stemmed the rising tide of hatred. When articles describe such a stampede of hatred as a “rising up of democracy” and liken your club to something you would take great joy in punching repeatedly in the face so much that your hand hurt, then you know that there is little hope of impartial journalism, or presentation of the facts.

But the shame of Scotland continued.

Those charged with governance of our game landed the fatal blow for the flagship propaganda banner of “Sporting Integrity”. But not in some honourable way asking for reasonable and rational debate, instead their desire to punish Rangers had to be balanced against a financial dependence upon them. If Rangers were the cash cow then as much as they hated her they needed her to feed them.

What then followed should shame any right thinking individual. A complete abdication of responsibility by the SPL chairmen was followed up by a campaign of bullying, threats lies and intimidation against those to whom the buck was passed. Public statements by nearly every SFL chairmen, presenting a whole litany of a serious allegations against those who govern our game seemed to have made no difference whatsoever.

Those who govern our game have been called unfit for purpose by those whom they govern and yet those responsible remain in post.

And what of our government ? A government so apparently concerned by the need for clemency that they released Scotland's worst ever mass murderer upon his diagnosis with cancer.

Not a word.

Whilst Westminster launches an enquiry into the Scottish Football crisis and hears evidence that the SFA's rules are unfit for purpose those Scottish politicians are silent.

While courts of this land are telling the world that the SFA's punishment of Rangers is “unlawful” our politicians remain silent.

Perhaps with the forthcoming independence vote, many Rangers supporters, who are of course voting, will have had a glimpse of what is in store for our club and it's support should independence be achieved at the ballot box.

History will show that Craig Whyte shamed Rangers Football Club.

But Scotland as a nation disgraced itself.

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The shame of what Craig Whyte did to Rangers Football Club will never be etched from the hearts of those of us who cast a favourable eye towards Ibrox. The anger, embarrassment and feeling of utter helplessness throughout the entire crisis which has engulfed our club, will sadly follow most of us to our graves.

And yet, even the wayward conduct of this shameless individual which brought Scotland's biggest sporting institution to it's very knees, is only part of the story. For the events at Rangers Football Club proved to be the catalyst for a nation to completely disgrace itself, to let it's mask slip and reveal its true nature. That revealed nature is neither edifying nor particularly wholesome, and is very much in contrast to a nation which boasts “One Scotland many cultures”

Before we continue further its worthy of noting the comments of someone who is not only outside Rangers Football, but during his professional sporting career as both player and manager has been in direct opposition to Rangers – Celtic and Scotland Legend Davie Hay.

The retribution of which he speaks manifested itself with a concerted effort by supporters of other SPL clubs to ensure that any application by Rangers for re-entry to the SPL was doomed to failure. They threatened their own chairmen with warnings of boycotts, and despite the financial abyss that such action would create, they continued to intimidate and scheme until their respective chairmen acquiesced to their threats. This despite several warnings from independent financial projections they themselves had commissioned , in addition to ominous warnings from their own chairmen of financial meltdown. Perhaps the greatest manifestation of their unbridled and irrational hatred came in a Daily Record Poll which showed that more than half (55%) would rather see their own club die than allow Rangers back into the SPL.

History demonstrates that if you seek to demonise a people you need both propaganda and a favourable press. Alas for Scotland both these ingredients were present in abundance.

“Sporting Integrity” became the flagship of the propaganda campaign. It was the stick which was used repeatedly to beat Rangers time and time and time again. It sought to give a moral platform to those who saw an opportunity to unleash their festering and unhealthy hatred of Rangers. It was a campaign which our media bought into it wholeheartedly. Their was a distinct absence of objective journalism, save two or three amongst the hordes who, forlornly, tried to stemmed the rising tide of hatred. When articles describe such a stampede of hatred as a “rising up of democracy” and liken your club to something you would take great joy in punching repeatedly in the face so much that your hand hurt, then you know that there is little hope of impartial journalism, or presentation of the facts.

But the shame of Scotland continued.

Those charged with governance of our game landed the fatal blow for the flagship propaganda banner of “Sporting Integrity”. But not in some honourable way asking for reasonable and rational debate, instead their desire to punish Rangers had to be balanced against a financial dependence upon them. If Rangers were the cash cow then as much as they hated her they needed her to feed them.

What then followed should shame any right thinking individual. A complete abdication of responsibility by the SPL chairmen was followed up by a campaign of bullying, threats lies and intimidation against those to whom the buck was passed. Public statements by nearly every SFL chairmen, presenting a whole litany of a serious allegations against those who govern our game seemed to have made no difference whatsoever.

Those who govern our game have been called unfit for purpose by those whom they govern and yet those responsible remain in post.

And what of our government ? A government so apparently concerned by the need for clemency that they released Scotland's worst ever mass murderer upon his diagnosis with cancer.

Not a word.

Whilst Westminster launches an enquiry into the Scottish Football crisis and hears evidence that the SFA's rules are unfit for purpose those Scottish politicians are silent.

While courts of this land are telling the world that the SFA's punishment of Rangers is “unlawful” our politicians remain silent.

Perhaps with the forthcoming independence vote, many Rangers supporters, who are of course voting, will have had a glimpse of what is in store for our club and it's support should independence be achieved at the ballot box.

History will show that Craig Whyte shamed Rangers Football Club.

But Scotland as a nation disgraced itself.

Good article D'Art. The biggest thing in all of this for me, is the killing of the sport itself.

The notion of watching 22 guys and a ref chasing a ball about a bit of grass has never seemed less appealing and I used to be a bit of an addict.

The only thing that is keeping me going is defiance but that's not about the sport is it?

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Excellent. The bomber (no not that one) to whom you refer Abdelbeset al Megrahi at least stood trial and was found guilty by a jury of his peers.

We, Rangers Football Club, have had no trial and appear to be guilty by association. The club has been punished. The players and staff have been punished. We the fans have been punished.

YET the real culprits in this whole episode Whyte and Murray are still free.

Two Englishmen Regan and Doncaster have contrived to destroy Scottish Football and the shameful people elected to govern the country are complicit in their continued silence.

Another example of an Englishman's betrayal this time compounded by Scotland's elected officials betraying a nation.

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First sentence is OK. second is utter tosh Scottish football disgraced its self nothing more nothing less and what the fuck politics is being dragged in for beats me,very Politburo like.

History will show that Craig Whyte shamed Rangers Football Club.

But Scotland as a nation disgraced itself.

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Imagine that piece of crap talking about shame ? He's another one of the BJK mhob who kept their mouths conveniently shut as abuse was rife at the glitterdome. Another thing davie ya clown, did big pal billy mcneill no betray you in an asda car park in clydebank when you goat the bump fae the joab ? What a shower of hard necked hypocrites that nest of vipers are ! :sherlock:


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First sentence is OK. second is utter tosh Scottish football disgraced its self nothing more nothing less and what the fuck politics is being dragged in for beats me,very Politburo like.

History will show that Craig Whyte shamed Rangers Football Club.

But Scotland as a nation disgraced itself.

So our population, our press, our football governing bodies, our politicians have acted accordingly ?

The current crisis affects the Scottish people as a whole - is that not the concern of poltiicians ?

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I think he has every right to bring politics into this. What's the point in having a Minister for Sport if they are silent when scottish football is in such disaray. What's the point in having a constituency MSP when they are silent when an institution the size of Rangers in their constituency are in this position. If it were a manufacturer or other business, you would not be able to get them off the screens "fighting for their constituents".

It does not need to be a SNP government bashing thing. There are other parties in scotland and from what I understand there has been silence all around. Please correct me if I am wrong in this.

I simply cannot understand the refusal of the politicians to get involved and sort this out. If the SFA are incapable of running the game then politicians need to exert pressure to get it sorted. I've read before of RM that the government is anti Rangers because of the Union link. This may or not be true but the other parties are all pro union so what's going on? Is it simply that the calibre of politicians is so poor that they are incapable?

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Not sure Regan's and Doncaster's nationality has anything to do with their mess. It is simply incompetance.

'Bigots masquerading as justice seekers' - a great line from another RM article on Tuesday.

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So our population, our press, our football governing bodies, our politicians have acted accordingly ?

The current crisis affects the Scottish people as a whole - is that not the concern of poltiicians ?

Considering that less than 4% of the Scottish population attend matches that would appear to answer your question, a minority in anyone's calculations.

The court system is and always has been available to the clubs owners(?) backers during this fiasco, they have been strangely reticent to use it.

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I think he has every right to bring politics into this. What's the point in having a Minister for Sport if they are silent when scottish football is in such disaray. What's the point in having a constituency MSP when they are silent when an institution the size of Rangers in their constituency are in this position. If it were a manufacturer or other business, you would not be able to get them off the screens "fighting for their constituents".

It does not need to be a SNP government bashing thing. There are other parties in scotland and from what I understand there has been silence all around. Please correct me if I am wrong in this.

I simply cannot understand the refusal of the politicians to get involved and sort this out. If the SFA are incapable of running the game then politicians need to exert pressure to get it sorted. I've read before of RM that the government is anti Rangers because of the Union link. This may or not be true but the other parties are all pro union so what's going on? Is it simply that the calibre of politicians is so poor that they are incapable?

Thanks YB

Two points perhaps the anti-politic posters should consider...

(1) Why is it that a government who claims more local representation/accountabiltiy for the people of Scotland have done nothing in response to a cataclysmic crisis in our national sport yet a parliament in Westminster felt obliged to do so.

(2) Does the reaction to the Rangers crisis and the actions of many towards both our club and its support suggest to you there is enough reasonable/rational/fair minded people out there to deal with the challenges independence will undoubtedly bring. Or does the petty small minded vindictive nature which has so characterised this crisis, fill you with a confidence that the people of Scotland are mature enough to accept the responsibility independence would bring ?

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Thanks YB

Two points perhaps the anti-politic posters should consider...

(1) Why is it that a government who claims more local representation/accountabiltiy for the people of Scotland have done nothing in response to a cataclysmic crisis in our national sport yet a parliament in Westminster felt obliged to do so.

(2) Does the reaction to the Rangers crisis and the actions of many towards both our club and its support suggest to you there is enough reasonable/rational/fair minded people out there to deal with the challenges independence will undoubtedly bring. Or does the petty small minded vindictive nature which has so characterised this crisis, fill you with a confidence that the people of Scotland are mature enough to accept the responsibility independence would bring ?

Politics have no place here, nor does insulting the Scottish people or anyone who may not agree with your ideals.

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Great post mate.

Its absolutely fascinating, this glimpse we've had deep into the dark recesses of non-Rangers fans minds. None more so than Motherwell fans, who's own club spelled out so clearly and eloquently the true ramifications of no Rangers in the SPL. The fact that an admission that a reduced income from no Rangers in the SPL could lead to their own club flirting with administration done nothing to stem the tide of hatred, is truly shocking.

Though it is interesting that many Rangers fans recognise that when someone else's club's culture is routed and entwined in a hatred of Rangers, that this is devaluing and diminishing of their own clubs sanctitude. Yet many still fail to recognise the need to cleanse our own support of the anti-Catholic/Irish doctrine. This is precisely why I and many others argue for a complete abolition of such beliefs from our own support, Rangers should be above such principles of hate and it should be left for fans of other clubs to spout. We are stronger without it.

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Considering that less than 4% of the Scottish population attend matches that would appear to answer your question, a minority in anyone's calculations.

The court system is and always has been available to the clubs owners(?) backers during this fiasco, they have been strangely reticent to use it.

No it doesnt come anywhere near to answering my questions.

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Politics have no place here, nor does insulting the Scottish people or anyone who may not agree with your ideals.

So its not the job of politicians to address issues which affect its people ?

That our national sport is dying on its feet and facing a financial abyss which will affect more than just those who watch football - is in your eyes of no concern politically ?

That our governing bodies are acting unlawfully according to our courts, and are being accused by those who govern them of lying, bullying, corruption and intimidation - that also in your eyes is not a place or remit for

poltiics ?

People are already losing jobs as a consequence of this, and will continue to jobs...in Scotland...and this of not a matter for poltiics ?

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Politics have no place here, nor does insulting the Scottish people or anyone who may not agree with your ideals.

Everything is political raymondo.

Surely you are not as naive as to believe otherwise............especially after all this?

Thought you were a reasonably intelligent guy, not a knee-jerk Jacobite.

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Yes you are right - I do have an agenda.

An agenda to defend my club from what others, outside our club, have described as a blood-lust.

I make no apologies for that.

Nor should you.

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Everything is political raymondo.

Surely you are not as naive as to believe otherwise............especially after all this?

Thought you were a reasonably intelligent guy, not a knee-jerk Jacobite.

You just have to listen to politicians to realise that intelligence is not a required attribute, still if they float your boat c'est la vie.

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