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Aberdeen future in doubt.

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The future of Aberdeen Football Club could be in doubt if councillors vote against a community sports complex, according to club chairman Stewart Milne.

Aberdeen City Council is due to rule on Wednesday on the Cove Rangers bid to build at the city's Calder Park, where both clubs intend to share training facilities.

In a letter to councillors, Mr Milne and the Cove chairman George Yule, say blocking the proposals would kill off Aberdeen's plans to build their new stadium nearby.

The Dons chief also claims the club would have to shrink Pittodrie and play any European games in the central belt.

The letter read: “Cove Rangers FC and Aberdeen FC have committed significant time, effort and cost in developing the business plan, facilities specifications and an operational strategy for Calder Park community sports complex to the satisfaction of ACC officials and the former Administration, and as recently as January 2012 planning consent was approved for a revision of the facilities within the community complex to ensure that what was being built would deliver far greater benefit to the local community than the original plan.

“You may be aware that the Calder Park development site is zoned only for recreation and leisure and has been designed as part of the master planning exercise with the City Council and the John Muir Group over the past three years to be completely integral with the new AFC stadium development, and accordingly if the Calder Park project is stopped, then the new stadium is also killed off – as AFC is unable to implement their detailed planning consent because of stadium parking provisions and a shared second access with Calder Park. i.e. a ‘no’ vote will halt an estimated £40m reinvestment within the City, prevent the creation of further employment opportunities and have major implications on the future of AFC and Cove Rangers FC.”

The letter goes on to outline the main features, benefits and impact of Calder Park before asking councillors to “fully consider the bigger picture for Aberdeen” when voting.

It also says “it is entirely inconceivable that the City of Aberdeen could be left without a professional football team participating in the Scottish game in future, but this is precisely the potential outcome of a ‘no’ vote for the continuation of the Calder Park sports complex development”.

Aberdeen City councillors are due to discuss the plans in private, despite calls from the SNP and Aberdeen FC for it to be in public, on Wednesday at a meeting of the full council.

:lol: :lol: :lol:

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"Aberdeen City councillors are due to discuss the plans in private, despite calls from the SNP and Aberdeen FC for it to be in public, on Wednesday at a meeting of the full council."

Good enough for the SFA to have covert votes when its Rangers, sheep wankers should ground share with Cove Rangers IMHO

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"Aberdeen City councillors are due to discuss the plans in private, despite calls from the SNP and Aberdeen FC for it to be in public, on Wednesday at a meeting of the full council."

Good enough for the SFA to have covert votes when its Rangers, sheep wankers should ground share with Cove Rangers IMHO

They still wouldn't sell it out (tu)

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This is from some sheep shagger on twitter

"The change now is because the bank will call in our debt soon and we were going to pay that debt back by having a mortgage on the new stadium with reduced interest rates. No stadium, no mortgage. I would suggest that downsizing pittodrie and going part time might well be your plan B"

Things are looking better for us all the time and add in those bastards downfall , this could be a great great year

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Aberdeen Chairman Stewart Milne has given his initial reaction to Aberdeen City Council's decision to vote against the continuation of the Calder Park sports complex development.

"Disappointment and frustration do not come close to how my colleagues and I are feeling right now.

"As was made crystal clear, the Calder Park development has been designed as part of the master planning exercise to be completely integral with the new AFC stadium at Loirston and this decision has effectively also killed off that development.

"What makes the turn of events even more galling is that the potential alternative use of Calder Park proposed by the current administration has already been confirmed as a non-starter by both the Scottish Football Association and sportscotland and any sensible minded person must surely question what exactly the motivation behind this decision is.

"We also note that the Tories and Independents voted with Labour which confirms our earlier concerns about cross party whip being invoked.

"Without wishing to scaremonger in any way, the implications of this completely illogical verdict could have major implications for both AFC and indeed Cove Rangers and right now, the Board require some time to discuss both the consequences of the judgement and what our next move is likely to be."

Ha fucking ha.

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