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Serious question after today's events


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I'm glad that after the incident with Stirling Albion's secretary and his use of sectarian terms has been dealt with promptly and with no little dignity from the Club, but I have to ask;

For all on here who complained/emailed/got in touch with media outlets about the use of "h**" and it's general acceptance by Scottish society, are we going to start self policing on here to eradicate those terms labelled sectarian?

We can't have our cake and eat it, and if we are going to be proactive in getting the message out that we won't accept being called "H***" then we must make sure that we keep our noses clean as well, otherwise there will just be this constant back and forth complaining at everyone without it ever being dealt with.

Self policing! I think we get policed enough. But if you cant see the difference between what a fan says on a forum, and what a club official says, then maybe you should ask the SA board and the SA fans because it was them that got rid of him, or else he knew himself he had to go. :21:

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In England the 'sectarianism' myth doesn't exist. I would seriously recommend England to anyone (tu)

Aye I noticed that - no sectarian pish - just pish - 2 of the top teams ManUre and Liverpool (is Liverpool still a top team? ) with supporters baiting each other over deaths of the others fans? Very 'sporting' but definitely not sectarian based.

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Self policing! I think we get policed enough. But if you cant see the difference between what a fan says on a forum, and what a club official says, then maybe you should ask the SA board and the SA fans because it was them that got rid of him, or else he knew himself he had to go. :21:

That what he said :beer1:

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Agree with the OP. If you object to a word being used by someone in a position of responsibility, you must object to the word itself.

And if you object to the word itself, you have to accept that other people will object to "equivalent" words used by us.

Ergo, you can't sing "The Billy Boys".:anguish:

Edit: I can sing it, because I don't object to anything!:P


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SO are you saying we shouldn't say the bheasts are beasts and we shouldn't remind them that big Jock knew? <cr>

Bheasts are bheasts. I am referring to complaining about h*** yet still calling folk fenians. Much as i dislike the new world (scottish) order we need to ca' canny on this.

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I fuckin' hate the word h**, I really do. I take extreme exception when someone calls me it as frankly they are arseholes ignorant if its connotations.

A wank stain called me it once as a bit of banter. I told him what I thought of it and then asked him if he was fine with being called a fenian barsteward. Cue indignation and much whining about how o'ffensive it was.


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In England the 'sectarianism' myth doesn't exist. I would seriously recommend England to anyone (tu)

Though by no means in the same league if you excuse the pun but were not everton formed as a catholic team and liverpool as protestant team, do tensions still exist? Having only ever been to liverpool once not in best position to comment.

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Can you not see the difference between the punter like you and I calling celtic fans tims and say, Malcolm Murray or someone with that sort of official involvement with the club referring to celtic fans as tims? Now tim isn't a sectarian term but just for arguments sake, one of those would be water off a duck's back, the other wouldn't. Quite frankly I couldn't give two fucks about individual fans or a group of fans calling me a h**, I wouldn't enjoy it but it's just what happens. If someone employed by a club was doing it though it would be a different story due to a lack of professionalism and the fact that these people represent their club.

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Can you not see the difference between the punter like you and I calling celtic fans tims and say, Malcolm Murray or someone with that sort of official involvement with the club referring to celtic fans as tims? Now tim isn't a sectarian term but just for arguments sake, one of those would be water off a duck's back, the other wouldn't. Quite frankly I couldn't give two fucks about individual fans or a group of fans calling me a h**, I wouldn't enjoy it but it's just what happens. If someone employed by a club was doing it though it would be a different story due to a lack of professionalism and the fact that these people represent their club.

Everyone can see the difference, but to say its ok for us to do it but not for someone else to and be all offended by it is pathetic.

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I'm all for a level playing field on this, but I reckon there are two ways to go about it.

One is to drop down to their level, find things to be offended about, complain about them and get people arrested for saying certain words. And accept the same for ourselves. if this goes too far it will be irreversible.

The other is to rise above this petty nonsense, continue to do and say as we please as far as possible, and hope that this is a temporary madness and that common sense will eventually prevail.

In other words, do it their way or do it our way.

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Can you not see the difference between the punter like you and I calling celtic fans tims and say, Malcolm Murray or someone with that sort of official involvement with the club referring to celtic fans as tims? Now tim isn't a sectarian term but just for arguments sake, one of those would be water off a duck's back, the other wouldn't. Quite frankly I couldn't give two fucks about individual fans or a group of fans calling me a h**, I wouldn't enjoy it but it's just what happens. If someone employed by a club was doing it though it would be a different story due to a lack of professionalism and the fact that these people represent their club.

If you don't find the word offensive then surely you can't be offended by it, regardless of who is saying it?

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Which words is it the OP would not like us to say? Which words is it the OP thinks are sectarian?

It can't be taig, that is simply a boys name with one site even claiming it is of Australian origin.




Tarrier perhaps? The word tarrier originated in the late 19th century by Americans who used it to describe their Irish working colleagues on the rail roads impressed but their Irish colleagues work ethic they they used it as a compliment urging them on to even greater working success, it isn't derogatory, it wasn't to slag them nor insult them. It started off as a simple non offensive term for an Irishman. It is anyones guess how it came to become allegedly offensive. Bearing in mind those taking offense are the same people who take offense to songs like the hokey kokey.

It can't even be fenian. There are bars and restaurants around the world named Fenians.



My goodness, the Celtic fans even use it in their songs when supporting their team, here it is with a steward right in the middle of them, he isn't giving it a second thought.

The Irish even named a street in their capital city using the word fenian. There it is below.


So whats left? What about tim. Is this classed as sectarian?, well no of course not. Celtic fans have an online forum named etims, their club also recently invited a load of Asian kids over to Scotland and named them the Thai Tims.


I don't really want to post this link so i scored it out.

http://www.<No links to this website>/news/scottish-news/kids-from-thai-tims-banned-from-wearing-877700

Help me out here. <cr>

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But do you not see the irony in complaining about sectarian terms being used when it could be traced back to users using it openly on a forum?

It's like screaming at the referee for not giving a penalty for you and then when the same incident occurs in the other box you scream that it's never a penalty. If you want to treat this objectively then imo we have to cut it out as well, otherwise we would just come across as being hypocritical.

No it's not you can use language amongst friends that you can't use at your work

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