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No poppies on c****c or st johnstone tops today ?


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Did you expect them to? Rangers wore a poppy so they didn't want to it. Their fans said it's not popular among their fans.

Anyway being serious though. Whos going to be outraged about this? They must be the only club in Britain not to wear poppys on their shirts or do anything for the armed forces.

Poppy Scotland said Celtic donated 10k to them. So it just shows it's just their fans that are the scum.

This excuse that they are Irish and because of the troubles they won't take part is alot of shite.

The majority of fans that go to Parkhead are not Irish they are Scottish, some of them were not even born during the troubles and don't no anyone who got killed etc. Thats just another cover up so they will get away with it.

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Does it matter why? Threads and posts on everyone or any group who don't wear a poppy or whatever is why people come out with point scoring remarks. People should concentrate on supporting the poppy appeal if that's what they want to do instead of greeting at anyone who doesn't or who doesn't wear a poppy.

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Does it matter why? Threads and posts on everyone or any group who don't wear a poppy or whatever is why people come out with point scoring remarks. People should concentrate on supporting the poppy appeal if that's what they want to do instead of greeting at anyone who doesn't or who doesn't wear a poppy.

Their the only club in Britain not to do it. Why is no one in the media slating them for it?

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i took a picture of the union jack display in the copland yesterday and put it on Facebook. 2 minutes later a no mark fenian comes on and says that our tributes to the troops was 'over the top' and that 'Rangers are scum because they didn't donate to the Poppy Appeal'. i told him that no club made a direct donation, and the only reason the taigs done it was to cover up for their fans abusing the soldiers. surprise surprise no answer from him to that. an anti-British club doesn't deserve to play in Britain IMO. the sooner they die the better

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Sweep Sweep.

Talking of sweeping. I heard they had 25,000 at the game today and, about an hour and a half ago, I went on a few sport websites to see if the attendance was listed, just to confirm what I'd heard.

Not on one sport website, including their own official website, is today's attendance listed. Now, unless it's been put up somewhere since I checked, how about that for sweep sweep sweeping eh?

They are well aware now of the fact that WE are the biggest Club in the country and always have been. They are nobodies. Their support do not give a fuck about them unless they are playing us because, no no.. they don't love their Club. They hate ours.

In the stats section of ESPN website, it makes interesting reading. Our total attendance this season after 5 games is 238,084 while their's after 6 games is 229,366... now add in another home game for us just to match up the numbers and you could count our new total at 58,000 more than their's with the same amount of games played.

Forget a recession, forget school uniforms, forget Halloween. Hate, more than love, is why their fans turn up to watch their games... or "turned up" should I say.

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Talking of sweeping. I heard they had 25,000 at the game today and, about an hour and a half ago, I went on a few sport websites to see if the attendance was listed, just to confirm what I'd heard.

Not on one sport website, including their own official website, is today's attendance listed. Now, unless it's been put up somewhere since I checked, how about that for sweep sweep sweeping eh?

They are well aware now of the fact that WE are the biggest Club in the country and always have been. They are nobodies. Their support do not give a fuck about them unless they are playing us because, no no.. they don't love their Club. They hate ours.

In the stats section of ESPN website, it makes interesting reading. Our total attendance this season after 5 games is 238,084 while their's after 6 games is 229,366... now add in another home game for us just to match up the numbers and you could count our new total at 58,000 more than their's with the same amount of games played.

Forget a recession, forget school uniforms, forget Halloween. Hate, more than love, is why their fans turn up to watch their games... or "turned up" should I say.

oh dear oh dear. iv noticed in the papers it ALWAYS reads something like "while Rangers are playing Peterhead, Celtic are playing Barcelona". it NEVER says "while Celtic only had 25,000, Rangers had 48,000". sweep sweep......

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oh dear oh dear. iv noticed in the papers it ALWAYS reads something like "while Rangers are playing Peterhead, Celtic are playing Barcelona". it NEVER says "while Celtic only had 25,000, Rangers had 48,000". sweep sweep......

Exactly. I mean ticket prices don't matter either. Fair enough, £30 isn't exactly worth going to watch an SPL game.. but if you love your Club like we all do Rangers - you pay it. The average attendance last season was around 44k IIRC, and this season so far is around 48k. Now, I don't think anyone can honestly say that extra 4k is due to cheaper tickets. It very well be, and that could be some peoples reasoning. However at the end of the day it's 3rd Division football. I wonder how many of their fans would turn up each week to watch 3rd Division football? Probably around the same amount that went today. (If it was 25,000)

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