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How are all of us REALLY feeling now the dust has settled....

rab wilson

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i mean really , in your soul.

This season has been so surreal for me, i cant speak for all of you, thats why im asking.

It started,and remained up until the last couple of days, thanking god above that no matter how bad we were on the park, that at least i had a rangers team to support playing on it.

I couldnt really say i wanted to lay the blame at anybody connected to Rangers in any way for our situation this year,as we had far more immediate issues to deal with on the park, trying to climb and scrape our way to promotion from SFL3.Reality really hit me after the Berwick game though.

Listening to super in the post match interview saying it wasnt good enough, but listen,we are having to rebuild this great CLUB, not just the team on the park, but our support deserves better than that, that performance was not acceptable.Those words finally brought it all home to me, really how much, almost fatal damage has been inflicted on Rangers.And for fuckin what exactly?

I have taken loads of stick down here, but in the main it has all been piss taking banter from english boys at work.I told all of them to liken it to a situation where somebody is accused of murder, but has already spent 13 years of a possible life sentence behind bars awaiting trial to establish innocence or guilt, because an honest and fair jury could not be found anywhere.Rangers were never found guilty of anything, yet all the punishment, and more was thrown at us because all of scottish football wanted us gone, for their own shortsightedness and gain from our demise.

Oh dear, its all gone horribly wrong for that lot all of a sudden.My sense of relief at just having Rangers alive, has been turned to sadness,then pride at the way we have all stayed together through this as a support,then a fuckin huge sense of injustice and wanting revenge on every fucker.This is a feeling i want to keep until we meet all of these greedy fuckin bastard clubs again.if even 1000 bears feel as angry as me, then the scottish police are going to have to be replaced by the marines at all away grounds.Close your eyes for a second bears, its a dark mid winter evening in glasgow, and we are playing the mhanks for the first time in a few years, in the cup, at parkhead,and we all marching up the road to the ground together,thousands of pissed off bears,ready to try and inflict upon them what they helped to inflict upon us, fuck the result on the park.Imagine the snarling ,like a massive pack of wolves who have just got their first scent of blood.

The fenians must, and should now be absolutley shitting their pants at the the thought of playing us.

What would you think if CG played his biggest ace as our chairman though, and put it to parliament in westminster that due to the proven bigotted behaviour towards Rangers by scottish football, that he feels he can no longer trust the integrity of anyone involved in it, and that he wishes to apply to play in England,for a well deserved fresh start and a sense of fairness and genuine SPORTING INTEGRITY.

We are not talking about celtics shamefull downtrodden paranoia here, about being poor wee papes and everybody is cheating them, and its just not fair and they'll scream and they'll scream and they'll scream, and if they dont get what they want,they will get wee shiteteeth to kick 20 water bottles.

No, we are talking true proven bigotry, hatred and fabrication of vicious headlines in the media.And a powderkeg situation should we meet any of them again.How could he as Rangers chairman possibly welcome delegates to ibrox from those clubs who tried to kill us by telling lies?

How could he guarantee the safety of away supporters singing songs about the ibrox disaster and having bedsheets with a rangers fan depicted as a zombie being shot in the head by the hero in the hoops.

I honestly believe, for the first time ever, 100%, that we will leave scottish football by the start of season 2014, maybe before even, to play in england.

The tinks dont have a valid argument to be allowed to join us, they are only 2 points in front in the spl as they chase the dream of winning the CL, so the league is really proving to be really exciting and competitive and every game is Sell Out Saturday at every ground,even at parkhead where you see all those empty seats because getting fucked by spartak in the last minute of the last game, scored by Magayboy,and knocked out in the group stages is puremuch betteran aw that than the spl.

Reap what you sew you cunts, and love it and enjoy it, you all deserve it and each other.

I think Charles Green has played the best game of texas holdem in poker history by buying Rangers.

You can imagine him sitting watching the verdict of the Tax case on TV with a large cuban, a single malt, flipping over the ace of spades as his river card, singing kumbaya my lord ,kumbaya, as he eats his dinner off his lap on the sofa.i only wish i was sitting next to him, nobody deserves it more than him.

All of a sudden old De Stefano isnt looking such a mad auld cunt either, eh?buy the oldco, but its worthless you idiot ha ha! merge it with the newco?but you will owe 100 million from the BTC, you are fuckin stupid,and you are buying it because a little piece of paper from 1901 says that Rangers were registered to play in england ha ha, get the fool a straight jacket,oh how they all laughed into the night at the fools idea.Lawell puked up his cheap champagne he laughed so hard.oh dear.

All of a sudden green and de stefano look like geniuses.

Who is fuckin laughin at them now, eh?

Could it possibly be?

Surely not.

The thing is though......

Fuckin hang on a minute!!!...................................................................................


Goodbye scotland!

Sorry for that rant gents, but it has been a while

No Surrender


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in honesty i feel the fans are giving more fight than the players, i'm happy having Green at the helm but still feel he is telling us a lot of what we want to hear but there must be issues that he has held back, i think that there needs to be a firm stance by all fans that should we be back in the SPL we should be boycotting every away game, I'm raging that the fucking SPL hasn't been brought up in front of the European court of sporting arbitration and I hope that every single one of the cunts in the SPL are out of a job following the backlash i expect from how we have been handled.

They need us, we don't need them, as has been proved at every fucking game we've played. Lets make sure they never forget who holds the aces in this game.

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i mean really , in your soul.

This season has been so surreal for me, i cant speak for all of you, thats why im asking.

It started,and remained up until the last couple of days, thanking god above that no matter how bad we were on the park, that at least i had a rangers team to support playing on it.

I couldnt really say i wanted to lay the blame at anybody connected to Rangers in any way for our situation this year,as we had far more immediate issues to deal with on the park, trying to climb and scrape our way to promotion from SFL3.Reality really hit me after the Berwick game though.

Listening to super in the post match interview saying it wasnt good enough, but listen,we are having to rebuild this great CLUB, not just the team on the park, but our support deserves better than that, that performance was not acceptable.Those words finally brought it all home to me, really how much, almost fatal damage has been inflicted on Rangers.And for fuckin what exactly?

I have taken loads of stick down here, but in the main it has all been piss taking banter from english boys at work.I told all of them to liken it to a situation where somebody is accused of murder, but has already spent 13 years of a possible life sentence behind bars awaiting trial to establish innocence or guilt, because an honest and fair jury could not be found anywhere.Rangers were never found guilty of anything, yet all the punishment, and more was thrown at us because all of scottish football wanted us gone, for their own shortsightedness and gain from our demise.

Oh dear, its all gone horribly wrong for that lot all of a sudden.My sense of relief at just having Rangers alive, has been turned to sadness,then pride at the way we have all stayed together through this as a support,then a fuckin huge sense of injustice and wanting revenge on every fucker.This is a feeling i want to keep until we meet all of these greedy fuckin bastard clubs again.if even 1000 bears feel as angry as me, then the scottish police are going to have to be replaced by the marines at all away grounds.Close your eyes for a second bears, its a dark mid winter evening in glasgow, and we are playing the mhanks for the first time in a few years, in the cup, at parkhead,and we all marching up the road to the ground together,thousands of pissed off bears,ready to try and inflict upon them what they helped to inflict upon us, fuck the result on the park.Imagine the snarling ,like a massive pack of wolves who have just got their first scent of blood.

The fenians must, and should now be absolutley shitting their pants at the the thought of playing us.

What would you think if CG played his biggest ace as our chairman though, and put it to parliament in westminster that due to the proven bigotted behaviour towards Rangers by scottish football, that he feels he can no longer trust the integrity of anyone involved in it, and that he wishes to apply to play in England,for a well deserved fresh start and a sense of fairness and genuine SPORTING INTEGRITY.

We are not talking about celtics shamefull downtrodden paranoia here, about being poor wee papes and everybody is cheating them, and its just not fair and they'll scream and they'll scream and they'll scream, and if they dont get what they want,they will get wee shiteteeth to kick 20 water bottles.

No, we are talking true proven bigotry, hatred and fabrication of vicious headlines in the media.And a powderkeg situation should we meet any of them again.How could he as Rangers chairman possibly welcome delegates to ibrox from those clubs who tried to kill us by telling lies?

How could he guarantee the safety of away supporters singing songs about the ibrox disaster and having bedsheets with a rangers fan depicted as a zombie being shot in the head by the hero in the hoops.

I honestly believe, for the first time ever, 100%, that we will leave scottish football by the start of season 2014, maybe before even, to play in england.

The tinks dont have a valid argument to be allowed to join us, they are only 2 points in front in the spl as they chase the dream of winning the CL, so the league is really proving to be really exciting and competitive and every game is Sell Out Saturday at every ground,even at parkhead where you see all those empty seats because getting fucked by spartak in the last minute of the last game, scored by Magayboy,and knocked out in the group stages is puremuch betteran aw that than the spl.

Reap what you sew you cunts, and love it and enjoy it, you all deserve it and each other.

I think Charles Green has played the best game of texas holdem in poker history by buying Rangers.

You can imagine him sitting watching the verdict of the Tax case on TV with a large cuban, a single malt, flipping over the ace of spades as his river card, singing kumbaya my lord ,kumbaya, as he eats his dinner off his lap on the sofa.i only wish i was sitting next to him, nobody deserves it more than him.

All of a sudden old De Stefano isnt looking such a mad auld cunt either, eh?buy the oldco, but its worthless you idiot ha ha! merge it with the newco?but you will owe 100 million from the BTC, you are fuckin stupid,and you are buying it because a little piece of paper from 1901 says that Rangers were registered to play in england ha ha, get the fool a straight jacket,oh how they all laughed into the night at the fools idea.Lawell puked up his cheap champagne he laughed so hard.oh dear.

All of a sudden green and de stefano look like geniuses.

Who is fuckin laughin at them now, eh?

Could it possibly be?

Surely not.

The thing is though......

Fuckin hang on a minute!!!...................................................................................


Goodbye scotland!

Sorry for that rant gents, but it has been a while

No Surrender


I got stuck at this part.

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Still have a bitter taste in my mouth thinking about whats happened to my club (the most successful on the planet).

How many millions have we brought into scottish game and the economy? Yet we were hung out to dry. All for something that was proven to be legal.

Still a proud man seeing the smiles on our fans faces watching the glasgow rangers in the third division.

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i mean really , in your soul.

This season has been so surreal for me, i cant speak for all of you, thats why im asking.

It started,and remained up until the last couple of days, thanking god above that no matter how bad we were on the park, that at least i had a rangers team to support playing on it.

I couldnt really say i wanted to lay the blame at anybody connected to Rangers in any way for our situation this year,as we had far more immediate issues to deal with on the park, trying to climb and scrape our way to promotion from SFL3.Reality really hit me after the Berwick game though.

Listening to super in the post match interview saying it wasnt good enough, but listen,we are having to rebuild this great CLUB, not just the team on the park, but our support deserves better than that, that performance was not acceptable.Those words finally brought it all home to me, really how much, almost fatal damage has been inflicted on Rangers.And for fuckin what exactly?

I have taken loads of stick down here, but in the main it has all been piss taking banter from english boys at work.I told all of them to liken it to a situation where somebody is accused of murder, but has already spent 13 years of a possible life sentence behind bars awaiting trial to establish innocence or guilt, because an honest and fair jury could not be found anywhere.Rangers were never found guilty of anything, yet all the punishment, and more was thrown at us because all of scottish football wanted us gone, for their own shortsightedness and gain from our demise.

Oh dear, its all gone horribly wrong for that lot all of a sudden.My sense of relief at just having Rangers alive, has been turned to sadness,then pride at the way we have all stayed together through this as a support,then a fuckin huge sense of injustice and wanting revenge on every fucker.This is a feeling i want to keep until we meet all of these greedy fuckin bastard clubs again.if even 1000 bears feel as angry as me, then the scottish police are going to have to be replaced by the marines at all away grounds.Close your eyes for a second bears, its a dark mid winter evening in glasgow, and we are playing the mhanks for the first time in a few years, in the cup, at parkhead,and we all marching up the road to the ground together,thousands of pissed off bears,ready to try and inflict upon them what they helped to inflict upon us, fuck the result on the park.Imagine the snarling ,like a massive pack of wolves who have just got their first scent of blood.

The fenians must, and should now be absolutley shitting their pants at the the thought of playing us.

What would you think if CG played his biggest ace as our chairman though, and put it to parliament in westminster that due to the proven bigotted behaviour towards Rangers by scottish football, that he feels he can no longer trust the integrity of anyone involved in it, and that he wishes to apply to play in England,for a well deserved fresh start and a sense of fairness and genuine SPORTING INTEGRITY.

We are not talking about celtics shamefull downtrodden paranoia here, about being poor wee papes and everybody is cheating them, and its just not fair and they'll scream and they'll scream and they'll scream, and if they dont get what they want,they will get wee shiteteeth to kick 20 water bottles.

No, we are talking true proven bigotry, hatred and fabrication of vicious headlines in the media.And a powderkeg situation should we meet any of them again.How could he as Rangers chairman possibly welcome delegates to ibrox from those clubs who tried to kill us by telling lies?

How could he guarantee the safety of away supporters singing songs about the ibrox disaster and having bedsheets with a rangers fan depicted as a zombie being shot in the head by the hero in the hoops.

I honestly believe, for the first time ever, 100%, that we will leave scottish football by the start of season 2014, maybe before even, to play in england.

The tinks dont have a valid argument to be allowed to join us, they are only 2 points in front in the spl as they chase the dream of winning the CL, so the league is really proving to be really exciting and competitive and every game is Sell Out Saturday at every ground,even at parkhead where you see all those empty seats because getting fucked by spartak in the last minute of the last game, scored by Magayboy,and knocked out in the group stages is puremuch betteran aw that than the spl.

Reap what you sew you cunts, and love it and enjoy it, you all deserve it and each other.

I think Charles Green has played the best game of texas holdem in poker history by buying Rangers.

You can imagine him sitting watching the verdict of the Tax case on TV with a large cuban, a single malt, flipping over the ace of spades as his river card, singing kumbaya my lord ,kumbaya, as he eats his dinner off his lap on the sofa.i only wish i was sitting next to him, nobody deserves it more than him.

All of a sudden old De Stefano isnt looking such a mad auld cunt either, eh?buy the oldco, but its worthless you idiot ha ha! merge it with the newco?but you will owe 100 million from the BTC, you are fuckin stupid,and you are buying it because a little piece of paper from 1901 says that Rangers were registered to play in england ha ha, get the fool a straight jacket,oh how they all laughed into the night at the fools idea.Lawell puked up his cheap champagne he laughed so hard.oh dear.

All of a sudden green and de stefano look like geniuses.

Who is fuckin laughin at them now, eh?

Could it possibly be?

Surely not.

The thing is though......

Fuckin hang on a minute!!!...................................................................................


Goodbye scotland!

Sorry for that rant gents, but it has been a while

No Surrender


Good post Rab and remember Never Forgive. Never Forget. We will get these horrible cheatin, lying, jealous, back stabbin cunts that tried to destroy us and the mhedia bhastards that aided them ! :sherlock:

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I feel Murray used legitimate schemes to minimise tax

I feel he's culpable for selling out to Whyte

I feel Loyds have questions to answer about calling in perfectly serviceable loans

and why they forced Murray into it

I feel Whyte rushed into administration and I want to know why

I feel HMRC cost taxpayers £10 million that was offered up front and another £5 million that this case has cost them

I feel we should forever boycot away venues of Celtic.Hibs Dundee utd and Aberdeen

Yet across the gulf of space, minds that are beasts that perish,

regarded us with envious eyes, and slowly and surely drew their plans against us.

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How am I feeling.......Im gutted

I've been through over a year of torture, I've seen my club plucked from the highest level to the lowest, I've seen my club called cheats liars.

I don't know how much time I've got left on this planet but I may or may not see my club back to their rightfull station in football.

And all because some taxman used my club us as a test case

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I personally want fuck all to do with these cunts I'd rather play in the Highland League than ever go back to that fucking cabal of evil bitter bigots, if you don't like being British Declan you can always fuck off back to bogtrotter land! I never want to play "them" ever again either fucking Irish flags on their mahky track suits should be fucking deported back to the third world shithole they call home......Well you did ask.

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20% elated but 80% sick than the whole shocking chain of events we've endured over the last year was triggered by an utterly pointless witch hunt. The vindictive feeding frenzy from our bitter haters that accompanied this should have been neutered by reason and fair minded argument from those with the influence do so - the press, the football authorities and those who govern but instead they either stood back and did nothing or gleefully stepped forward to kick us in the head. I hope now that those on our side with influence make good on their rhetoric over the last couple days and pursue those who really should have known better until proper and just retribution is meted out, however long it takes and how much it costs. We should show them how vindictiveness truly applies. No mercy.

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I am absolutely stunned at the way that lot came after us .

The bigotry and hatred that they all spewed out .

RC, BBC ,HMRC,SPL,SFA ,and every chairman of sphell teams who pointed fingers and cast us out without any evidence and any thought of this case.

Every one of them became tax experts from falae information and lies and made us suffer .

They must all pay for this , only then can Scottish Football move on and recover.

We must never ever step foot in any of those Teams grounds or pay any cash to anyof them.

I personnally would love usto go South and leave all that filth behind, we should never step on the same pitch as that lot over at Savildome.

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How am I feeling.......Im gutted

I've been through over a year of torture, I've seen my club plucked from the highest level to the lowest, I've seen my club called cheats liars.

I don't know how much time I've got left on this planet but I may or may not see my club back to their rightfull station in football.

And all because some taxman used my club us as a test case

Don't get mad.. Get even :7325: :7325: :7325:

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I feel Murray used legitimate schemes to minimise tax

I feel he's culpable for selling out to Whyte

I feel Loyds have questions to answer about calling in perfectly serviceable loans

and why they forced Murray into it

I feel Whyte rushed into administration and I want to know why

I feel HMRC cost taxpayers £10 million that was offered up front and another £5 million that this case has cost them

I feel we should forever boycot away venues of Celtic.Hibs Dundee utd and Aberdeen

Yet across the gulf of space, minds that are beasts that perish,

regarded us with envious eyes, and slowly and surely drew their plans against us.

Murray did use tax avoidance ploys, but most businesses do.

Murray's empire was in debt to Lloyds TSB for the sum of £700m and because of the BTC hanging over Rangers, Lloyds called in the £18m loan.

Murray's easy get out clause was to get rid of a £18m debt for a quid.

HmRC forced the hand to our fate because Whyte never paid PAYE and VAT and pocketed about £15m for himself.

Murray had things at Rangers under control, but for his other debts to Lloyds TSB, the overdraft was ok compared to Man U and Liverpool

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My feelings are thoroughly mixed.

I have a sense of complete and utter vindication for everything we have been accused of, and although I don't expect it to last, I watch and listen to the scrambling of our enemies as they try to understand what has happened to their 'truth'. I found myself almost re-energised by listening to someone like Traynor stating the facts about his profession and the witch-hunt that went on.

And yet, this has all been utterly un-necessary, and I don't feel that I can ever feel the same about football in this country again. I don't think I can ever stand to see us on the same pitch as those clubs who would have danced on our grave had we disappeared, I don't think I can do anything other than wish them all out of existence, and believe that in the long term, it will dampen my passion for the game, unless we can find a way to escape from this vicious little country.

I was probably naive before, and didn't think that people really held us with such deep hatred, so far beyond the fun of footballing rivalry, that it just switches me off completely.

There will be a joy in seeing us rise back to the top and past all of these pathetic excuses for football clubs, but beyond that, when the order is restored, I just don't see it. Thank god we will be back in Europe, and thank god for the dreams of a Euro league of some sorts.

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I feel like Atlas having the weight of the world taken off his shoulders! frustrated as hell as well because we should never have been put in this position. But now we are where we are. I am going to enjoy putting a few people in their place. WATP!

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