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Get ready for a war?


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there was a tradition last recorded in Wales around 1850

At funerals Sin Eaters would be payed to eat bread from the coffin of the departed

taking on the sins of the dead

sin eaters were shunned by society...............but they got well paid for it

enough for a pad in Monaco

Was that the bird who sung 'So Macho' and has been boffing Simon Cowell for the last 20 years??

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Was that the bird who sung 'So Macho' and has been boffing Simon Cowell for the last 20 years??

Was that the bird who sung 'So Macho' and has been boffing Simon Cowell for the last 20 years??

Sir, slightly off topic but you are a fucking genius Sinita..Brilliant, had to read it three times before I got the joke...



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It looks like the SPL will get their way on league reconstruction and we will be playing much the same teams again next season, while forfeiting TV money to the SPL/SFA cabal.

Furthermore I expect the Nimmo tribunal to have already made up their mind that we are in serious breach of SFA rules.

Where does that leave us?

A big court fight over the latter, but what can we do regarding the reconstruction? It is hard to believe we have absolutely no voice in this. Will we even be invited to the SFL meeting to air an opinion? Has Charlie spoken to the other SFL clubs? Will we now boycott all grounds except Ibrox? Will we REALLY try to get into the Conference league in England? Can we sue to get promotion if we win Div 3? Can season ticket holders sue the SPL/SFA for money on the basis the league is meaningless?

In any event the bad feeling that this lot will create will linger for decades. How does this do Scottish football even Scottish society any good?

How will fans be attracted to this inane new SPL/SFL league setup?

The world appears to have gone mad and all the Scottish media and football clubs have been manipulated into silence.

What has happened to the Scottish media and politicians to accept this willy nilly?

I really do despair.

Ach fuck em.

we will enter league and win it.

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Not just a shitload of hassle. A shitload of money!

I would estimate that my claim would be about £1000 - for tickets and booking fees (home and away) and petrol costs.

Now if the first person to lodge a case wins it, then a legal precedent is set, and I would foresee every single Bear who went to any games lodging a similar claim (especially when urged to do so), and every single Bear would win, because the terms would be exactly the same for everyone.

That could be up to 48,000 Bears.

Now not everyone would spend as much on petrol as me, or go to away games, so let's set a conservative limit of £300 per claim.

48,000 x £300 = £14,400,000.

So a minimum of £14 million. Eye-watering, eh?

Oh - plus court costs of course, and also a standard 8% interest.

Also bear in mind that while an individual doesn't need to hire a lawyer to go to the small claims court, a company does. That £300 is very conservative indeed

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One thing that baffles me about all of this is that most fans of the Scottish teams wanted a bigger premier league to get away from the 4 games a season routine. When Rangers declared they were against this new proposal all of a sudden some fans seem to be blindly accepting this just to go against Rangers. We are the being portrayed as being difficult to deal with just for the sake of it and get fed that we are to 'forgive and move on.'

It's all bull but I am sure something can work out. All the fans should just make the home games & rangers merchandise the priority. If you are going to spend the money get it into OUR club rather than the others.

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Not just a shitload of hassle. A shitload of money!

I would estimate that my claim would be about £1000 - for tickets and booking fees (home and away) and petrol costs.

Now if the first person to lodge a case wins it, then a legal precedent is set, and I would foresee every single Bear who went to any games lodging a similar claim (especially when urged to do so), and every single Bear would win, because the terms would be exactly the same for everyone.

That could be up to 48,000 Bears.

Now not everyone would spend as much on petrol as me, or go to away games, so let's set a conservative limit of £300 per claim.

48,000 x £300 = £14,400,000.

So a minimum of £14 million. Eye-watering, eh?

Oh - plus court costs of course, and also a standard 8% interest.

One could argue that overseas Rangers TV subscribers, like myself, are in a similar position to that of ST holders and having paid c.£300 for the subscription could bump up that £14m claim! Not sure how many subscribers it has, but would have to assume it runs in to 1000's to make it worthwhile for the club?

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The argument would surely come from the purpose/product sold not being what you paid for. If you went to the pictures expecting to see one film and got another...you still got to see a film but it wasn't what you thought you were paying for....if this comes to pass every game would amount to not much more than a glorified friendly.

I am looking at it from the point of view that my seat was priced at a rate, such as to cover the high wages we were paying our players.

We bought expensive players (in fees and salaries) in order to win this league. If this reconstruction comes about, then it figures we could have played our under 15s this year, and my ticket could have cost a lot less.

Therefore both the club (in terms of wages outlay and player purchases) and the fans (in season ticket and ticket prices) have been shafted if this change goes through.

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Over the past 20 years or so they have slowly but surely crept into places of power in all aspets of Scottish life.

Law, Politiccs Football and Media. Lawell being the best and most obvious example of this. We now find ourselves protesting and overtly fighting from beneath the power holders level and that is the most treacherous and dangerous path in any aspect of life to have to take.

But we must pursue and fight all the way for our cause.

As for reconstruction.

Bear in mind that, under the proposal, at least 17 SFL teams will be rubbing thier hands together in anticipation of playing in the same league as the giants that are Glasgow Rangers.

In an era when interest and attendances in Scottish football (outside Rangers and Celtic) has been on a downward spiral for years, the money and TV exposure WE will generate for these 17 teams is beyond their wildest dreams. Expect them to vote for it. Money talks, always has done always will.

Absolutly bang on! !!!!!!!!!!!!!

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It looks like the SPL will get their way on league reconstruction and we will be playing much the same teams again next season, while forfeiting TV money to the SPL/SFA cabal.

Furthermore I expect the Nimmo tribunal to have already made up their mind that we are in serious breach of SFA rules.

Where does that leave us?

A big court fight over the latter, but what can we do regarding the reconstruction? It is hard to believe we have absolutely no voice in this. Will we even be invited to the SFL meeting to air an opinion? Has Charlie spoken to the other SFL clubs? Will we now boycott all grounds except Ibrox? Will we REALLY try to get into the Conference league in England? Can we sue to get promotion if we win Div 3? Can season ticket holders sue the SPL/SFA for money on the basis the league is meaningless?

In any event the bad feeling that this lot will create will linger for decades. How does this do Scottish football even Scottish society any good?

How will fans be attracted to this inane new SPL/SFL league setup?

The world appears to have gone mad and all the Scottish media and football clubs have been manipulated into silence.

What has happened to the Scottish media and politicians to accept this willy nilly?

I really do despair.

Many wont like this BUT what we need to do is work with fans from other teams - I have talked to many non-Rangers fans about reconstruction and not 1 I spoke to was in favour of this 12-12-18 (not even to watch us moan) - To be fair most would like at least 16 in the top tier but acept 14-14-14 is better than the stupid system proposed (main objection is the size of the split).

Seemingly Motherwell are to be asking their fans what they think and seemingly the fans are dead against this.

So, if we really want to influence this debate, we have to utilise not only our own fan base but make sure all fan voices are heard.

Has anyone met any fan or any club that is in favour of a 12-12-18?

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If they strip titles then its time to get militant, marches, demonstrations, boycotts, along with fighting them in the courts.

My concern here is that if titles are stripped and our name is erased from trophies etc. then I suspect there maybe civil unrest over this. If you keep poking the animal with a stick then eventually the animal will lose its temper and fight back.

Please note that I am NOT condoning civil unrest in any way shape or form by this post.

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No he didn't.

Craig Whyte (spit) shut down the old company and the problems it had died with that old company.

The new company (with the club's history and titles intact) was created by CG and his associates.

The parasites can't feed off this new company because it has hee-haw to do with the last one.

I fail to see how everyone doesn't get that. :cgreen:

Nimmo clearly made the definition between club and company.

He also states the SPL rules which define a 'club' as both a club and whatever company is operating that club.

They are charging us as a club so their rules can still be applied as there is still a link.

I suppose the only good think is that it's the Commision that give us the sanction (if any) and not anyone with an out and out agenda.

Although unfortunatelly any appeal is to the SFA.

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Doncaster has admitted in the press (albeit in this morning's Metro) that any other proposal for league reconstruction has not even been discussed.

Surely it's their job to assess all possibilities for reconstruction not just the one that benefits them and their sellick minded cabal the most instead of Scottish Football as a whole and it's supporters.


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Doncaster has admitted in the press (albeit in this morning's Metro) that any other proposal for league reconstruction has not even been discussed.

Surely it's their job to assess all possibilities for reconstruction not just the one that benefits them and their sellick minded cabal the most instead of Scottish Football as a whole and it's supporters.


Funny that,so everyone was bypassed, where are the dissenting voices now from clubs and supporters,this is becoming one farce after another, and as for they spineless chairmen, waken up and smell the grass or should that be shite......

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One could argue that overseas Rangers TV subscribers, like myself, are in a similar position to that of ST holders and having paid c.£300 for the subscription could bump up that £14m claim! Not sure how many subscribers it has, but would have to assume it runs in to 1000's to make it worthwhile for the club?

Not just overseas subscribers. UK ones too.

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"Get ready for a war?" Yes, in my view. A money war looks to be inevitable now:

1. Title stipping or whatever other sanction they seek to apply against us. Funds to fight this will be needed. Victory at all costs and that may mean digging deep for a long period of time through all available courts. There needs to be a stand and its being made and needs to continue to be made.

2. Media rights war. Hope JT is doing all that can possibly be done to make sure Rangers gets maximum benefit from media rights and that in doing that it denies other clubs access as possible to money by virtue of Rangers being in the scottish leagues.

3. Rangers wealth. As much money as possible season after season generated by Rangers and kept by Rangers so that as we move through these shit-poor league structures we have the cash to do it quickly and the cash to get and keep the right sort of player that will work Rangers back to the very top and to put the rest firmly at our feet in doing so. Would want to see even more season ticket sales season after season so that Ranger is kept financially powerful.

4. Deny clubs as much revenue as we can. Couldn't rule out that support away from home would reduce. But support at Ibrox massive.

5. If Rangers has financial claims against the SPL / SFL / any other scottish club then pursue them with full purpose to get our money.

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"Get ready for a war?" Yes, in my view. A money war looks to be inevitable now:

1. Title stipping or whatever other sanction they seek to apply against us. Funds to fight this will be needed. Victory at all costs and that may mean digging deep for a long period of time through all available courts. There needs to be a stand and its being made and needs to continue to be made.

2. Media rights war. Hope JT is doing all that can possibly be done to make sure Rangers gets maximum benefit from media rights and that in doing that it denies other clubs access as possible to money by virtue of Rangers being in the scottish leagues.

3. Rangers wealth. As much money as possible season after season generated by Rangers and kept by Rangers so that as we move through these shit-poor league structures we have the cash to do it quickly and the cash to get and keep the right sort of player that will work Rangers back to the very top and to put the rest firmly at our feet in doing so. Would want to see even more season ticket sales season after season so that Ranger is kept financially powerful.

4. Deny clubs as much revenue as we can. Couldn't rule out that support away from home would reduce. But support at Ibrox massive.

5. If Rangers has financial claims against the SPL / SFL / any other scottish club then pursue them with full purpose to get our money.

That sounds like a pretty decent manifesto (tu)

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Nimmo clearly made the definition between club and company.

He also states the SPL rules which define a 'club' as both a club and whatever company is operating that club.

They are charging us as a club so their rules can still be applied as there is still a link.

I suppose the only good think is that it's the Commision that give us the sanction (if any) and not anyone with an out and out agenda.

Although unfortunatelly any appeal is to the SFA.

Pity we were charged us as a company when it came to admitting us to the SPL.

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We should also look into other clubs financial dealings ie deals with the local council over land being sold ,selling land for supermarket then deal changing to Housing,Directors writing debt off (legal,tax ,etc)taking loans to cover clubs debts i.e remorgaging homes (not telling spouse).Directors selling shares in club to private company they own (tax avoidance ?)there is much we as supports can do and if we can find some evidence then maybe we could get the FFF to pay for professional investigation ?

I belive that Motherwell only Technically came out of Administration this last summer but don`t know how to prove /disprove .If true how inept is the Espl .We need to discredit thse people in control of this incompetent orginisation

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