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Longmuir On Reconstruction


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I think that statement and where it came from shows he has balls

Me too and to state......“I am surrounded by Rangers fans at home so I know their feelings. I know where they are coming from but if we can put something sensible together then hopefully that issue will not arise.”

He has just promoted himself to public enemy no.1! (behind CG of course). The scum will now have him firmly in their sight and do their utmost to make his life misery.

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I think that statement and where it came from shows he has balls

I don't

I think he allowed himself to be railroaded, has now realised the new format is on to plums, and is backtracking furiously

his real test will not be agreeing to any SFL/SPL merger before the start of next season

that will sell out our tv rights............and that's what the SPL wants

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Me too and to state......“I am surrounded by Rangers fans at home so I know their feelings. I know where they are coming from but if we can put something sensible together then hopefully that issue will not arise.”

He has just promoted himself to public enemy no.1! (behind CG of course). The scum will now have him firmly in their sight and do their utmost to make his life misery.

Well Liewell and his ass lickin cohorts will certainly not countenance him as the new "leader"

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Too many 'ifs' and 'buts' in that statement, connected with flowery words all wrapped up in the thin veil of hope.

Why should the unity in Scottish football disappear if you don't agree to the 12-12-18 set up. Nobody wants it, even some clubs, never mind their fans.

The only time the SPL clubs were united was when they listened to their fans to push Rangers and their financial input out of the top flight and into the bottom. This league reconstruction has been put together so fast that no one knows what the fuck they're voting for, certainly not the fans.

I listened to them on Radio Scotland(Ireland) the other night talking about the pyramind system but mixing it up with promotion and relagation. The pyramind system is about who leaves the league and what structures are in place to get a promoted replacement, yet nobody knows how that's working either.

So if you push for this to go through Mr Longmuir, your pushing a false legacy, and folks will remember you for that, not making any improvements.

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So we will go from 12-10-10-10 to 12-12-10-10. Seems to be getting closer an closer to what we already have. I expect what will happen is it will just stay 12-10-10-10 and include the 8 tier splits with the top two teams from the Second Division making up the final two places in the bottom 8.

For a man who speaks about unanimity, he seems to be ignoring the much bigger picture in that for the first time in my lifetime, all fans of all clubs unanimously favour the same things. Bigger leagues, safe standing sections. Both are being completely disregarded.

Give the fans what they want and attendances will rise, ergo Scottish football has a better commercial appeal. Ignore the fans, and the attendances continue to decline and the commercial appeal drops further. How difficult is this concept to understand?

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They are basically offering every sfl club double there cash compared to what they get just now.if a team wins the league and the prize money is 60 grand now it's double and it's the same from 1st to last position the money will double.i know a manager of a club in sfl and he's told me that's the deal and he can't see many sfl clubs not agreeing to it because its all about cash.doesnt look good lads

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He might of course have volunteered (or been sent) to go on Rangers TV to deliberately place a message that unity (whatever that means) comes before arguing for the best reconstruction outcome for the long term benefit of the Scottish game and thats the deal like it or lump it? In other words his pitch is arguably that it is this structure for the sake of unity and then argue for a better one later with a stalking horse compromise of 12 12 10 10 being floated only to be shot down as it does not get the 'unity' tick in the box. And appearing on RTV is an attempt to cushion the news when it comes. Who knows. Mind games or just trying to be helpful? His statement at the end will now win him any favours from the SPL controlling influencers.

I'm more and more convinced that whatever idiotic mess they make of reconstruction all we can do is deal with it - and deal with it by winning the leagues we find ourselves in asap and get as rich as we can so that serious cash is available either for a final push to the top or for CL games when we get to that point.

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Unity? There will only be unity if they agree with the cabal at the top.

If there is ONE association running Scottish football,who is going to lose their job?

I can't help be feel that Longmuir's interview was more about placating Rangers fans/Club and deflecting from what is really going on behind the scenes.

If Rangers Fans hadn't threatened boycotts of the SFL Clubs if reconstruction,as it stands, goes ahead,would MR. Longmuir have appeared on RTV? :pipe:

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SFL Chief Executive David Longmuir has insisted that he has not agreed anything with the SPL or SFA regarding league reconstruction as his member clubs prepare to discuss the issues tomorrow.

He also agrees that it is wrong to sanction changes halfway through a season and understands fans’ feelings over the prospect of Rangers winning SFL 3 and not gaining a promotion.

However, Longmuir insists that the SFL have to seize the moment and take part in the process to try to drive a better structure and fairer system for the good of football.

Speaking exclusively to RangersTV, the League boss says it is crucial that one league body is formed, fairer governance is introduced as well as an improved financial distribution.

He said: “There is no done deal with the SPL and one of the things that Rangers fans will be interested to know is that I have never agreed to anything with the SPL or the SFA regarding league reconstruction.

“What I have agreed to do is take the proposal and look at it on its merits and present it to the clubs.

“As has been the track record, sense will come to the fore and I think we will get that tomorrow.

“I think we’re pleased that there seems to be some new found unanimity among the SPL clubs and it’s because of that opportunity we feel we have a number of things we can bring to improve the game.

“If you go back to my original proposal I was a key proponent of a larger top league but I do understand that this would mean fewer games and take finance out of the game.

“So what’s the best thing we can achieve at this moment including the big items such as one league body?

“When I came to the SFL five years ago I spoke to the SPL about one body because I felt we could market Scottish football more effectively but it was not seen as possible.

“Now we have an opportunity to do that. We also have an opportunity to have more equitable governance where every club has a say. We have an opportunity to have the current wealth spread a bit more fairly down the leagues.

“And we also have an opportunity to put in a pyramid structure.

“So do we sacrifice that opportunity on the basis that we don’t like two 12s and three eights?

“We are going to look at this at tomorrow’s meeting – two 12s and an 18 as it is currently.

“We might have something that might enhance and improve that because when you try to bring about change you have to bring the fans with you.

“At the moment I don’t think we have done that. The train is slowly leaving the platform but there are not enough people on the train.

“While I am in favour of larger leagues I think 18 is stretching it and perhaps there is a way we could accommodate two 10s and that would mean introducing two new clubs.

“That’s something we will look at and who knows who these two clubs will be?

“It would give us a format that has worked for years with play-offs, winning promotion and winning championships.

“I’m focusing on the big things and we have to take advantage of this new-found unanimity within SPL clubs.

“I’m hopeful that if we can capitalise on that then we can produce something for the good of the game.

“The SFL clubs will have their say tomorrow and I’m sure they will come back with a practical solution.

“I also fundamentally agree with fans who say that change should not be arranged halfway through a season.

“But if we leave it we could lose that unanimity that we have suddenly found again in Scottish football.

“So if the time is now then we have to play our part. I will try to steer our clubs to a sensible solution that’s good for the game. Perhaps there is a way of phasing this in and we will discuss that too.

“I can understand Rangers fans being unhappy with the prospect that Rangers could win SFL 3 and not be promoted.

“I am surrounded by Rangers fans at home so I know their feelings. I know where they are coming from but if we can put something sensible together then hopefully that issue will not arise.”

On Rangers TV ... and this from the Official Site

Good to see that he gets it and appears to have an alternative.

Sadly, he will be a target for implying that his family are Rangers oriented. Such is life in modern Scotland.

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I don't

I think he allowed himself to be railroaded, has now realised the new format is on to plums, and is backtracking furiously

his real test will not be agreeing to any SFL/SPL merger before the start of next season

that will sell out our tv rights............and that's what the SPL wants

Thats exactly how I see it too.
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Unity? There will only be unity if they agree with the cabal at the top.

If there is ONE association running Scottish football,who is going to lose their job?

I can't help be feel that Longmuir's interview was more about placating Rangers fans/Club and deflecting from what is really going on behind the scenes.

If Rangers Fans hadn't threatened boycotts of the SFL Clubs if reconstruction,as it stands, goes ahead,would MR. Longmuir have appeared on RTV? :pipe:

Good points. Reconstruction whatever way its looked at will not be in our favour regardless if longmuir comes from a Rangers family or not.In fact it will probably not even benefit scottish football.Whatever way they want to dress it up the product will still be SHIT and that for me is, and always will be the biggest problem with scottish football.Where are the Davie Coopers the Ian Durrants and all the other wonderfull players that this country used to produce and not just at Rangers.Its not league reconstruction scottish football needs its reorganisation from the top to the grass roots.Personaly it has been a joy to watch players like Lewis Mc Leod,Fraser Aird and Barry Mc Kay to name but a few and as a club we should embrace this and continue on in this fashion and when we eventually find our way back to the top hopefully these lads will be the mainstay of the first team the same way the Man Utd team took english football and europe by storm with the like of beckham and giggs.Sadly I believe that as soon as were back up there then the same lads I have just spoke about will be a figment of our imagination or at least a figment of the first team at Rangers as we will probably try and buy what might be considered to be better players.Its the way it is and sadly for me Scottish football is probably finshed already.As far as Rangers are concerned I dont think it matters a jot what the so called cabal or Rangers haters try to do to us.As long as we continue to support our club by turning up in massive numbers to all home games and continue to buy merchandise and season tickets then when we do get back to the top it will be so fuckin easy we will be asking for decking in the broomloan not a standing section.I will always be a bear no matter what but I would so like to see a better product on the park through out scottish football but at this moment in time I just find myself wanting to see the whole fucking thing crumble around their necks.FTSPL and all who sail in her.

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We are getting stitched up with this. What he is saying is that he wants the bodies to join and the league to remain the same except with splits. The split is stupid as it currently stands, so what do these idiots want to do? Add more! This is all about our TV money nothing else. We need to use our support to prevent this from being approved. If this means more boycotts then so be it. Larger leagues might mean more meaningless matches but what it would mean is that more youth players would get a chance. So sick off these idiots ruining our game.

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Can the cabal insist on taking OUR TV rights? Can Charles Green refuse them now that we have our own web channel? If the reconstruction goes ahead,does that mean that the current SPL no longer have ownership of our old video footage that they lay claim to? :SPLbroken:

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“I am surrounded by Rangers fans at home so I know their feelings"

What a dumpling!

Only a fool shows his hand to the enemy before the battle commences.

Not a clever move revealing this nugget to the entire SFL and Mhedia pack proir to the discussions about to take place tommorow.

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People moan on here that no-one admits they are Rangers fans - now many are moaning that a guy mentions his family are Rangers fans. For fuck sake, maybe if more Rangers fans were more outspoken about their club there would be less hysteria.

The fact Longmuir was happy to mention this, tells me that he sees no issue with his family being Rangers fans and in fact, may be proud of it. He is an intelligent man and therefore would not have said it, if he was not comfortable in his position.

Maybe you guys saying 'bye bye' or 'dumpling' or generally having a go should man up. I have worked in many places and I am always proud to tell people I support Rangers - it has had no negative impact on my life. Hiding your true colours has not exactly worked well over the last 10 or 20 years, look where it has got us!!

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What people need to remember is that David Longmuir doesn't run the SFL as a one-man show. He has to get the SFL clubs to decide. He is an administrator who has to look at the big picture. He can make proposals, listen to other proposals and make recommendations but at the end of the day, the SFL clubs will make the decisions. That is how it should be. The difference between Longmuir at the SFL and those two corrupt cretins, Regan and Doncaster, is that they run the SFA and SPL as dictatorships on behalf of the Parkhead mafia, a veritable Axis of Evil.

At some stage in whatever happens, many people won't like what actually comes to pass. Everyone in Scottish football will have to show some degree of pragmatism or the entire game will suffer. I'm not in favour of relegating any club simply due to the size of their attendances. If clubs won't amalgamate who are we to try to force them? These were just two suggestions I've seen recently.

There are some good ideas but compromises would be required to try to suit all parties. We have to be realistic about TV money which props up the game here. Because of that we will require to keep the TV companies reasonably happy. The problem is that the SFA and SPL are run by imbeciles at the top which everyone can see but still they are allowed to run the game into the ground.

For example, it is abundantly clear that we need a winter shut down. This season we had to play 7 games in December and 5 in January. Those 12 games amount to approximately 25% of the season to be played during the worst weather and at the most expensive time of year for many people. Families get together and football attendances fall during these months. Now to my mind, it would make more sense to shut down in mid-December and start up again 6 weeks later playing from February until mid-June or thereabouts. Leave July free as many families go on holiday when the schools are closed and it also leaves a window for re-turfing the grounds where necessary. If there was a 6 week break that would allow players to holiday and get back for training.

I won't bore you all with my own ideas on the rest of the set up for leagues as it would be superfluous as I would really require more information from the SPL and SFL before I could back up my views factually.

Incidentally, I'm certain that David Longmuir supports Airdrie.

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People moan on here that no-one admits they are Rangers fans - now many are moaning that a guy mentions his family are Rangers fans. For fuck sake, maybe if more Rangers fans were more outspoken about their club there would be less hysteria.

The fact Longmuir was happy to mention this, tells me that he sees no issue with his family being Rangers fans and in fact, may be proud of it. He is an intelligent man and therefore would not have said it, if he was not comfortable in his position.

Maybe you guys saying 'bye bye' or 'dumpling' or generally having a go should man up. I have worked in many places and I am always proud to tell people I support Rangers - it has had no negative impact on my life. Hiding your true colours has not exactly worked well over the last 10 or 20 years, look where it has got us!!

It's all about context and timing my friend.

Showing his hand in this manner, prior to entering into this particular discussion, cannot be considered a wise move.

The audience ( SFL) to be persuaded, may not be so easily persuaded by him, if they believe his motivation is now focussed on the needs of Rangers rather than the needs of the SFL as a whole. His comments now make this a viable inference.

Being clever is not about showing your hand IF it carries the potential to derail or even destroy your ultimate aims.

I beleive he does have Rangers interests at heart, but has been foolish to disclose this to us all in such a public manner.

That is the " Dumpling" part.

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It's all about context and timing my friend.

Showing his hand in this manner, prior to entering into this particular discussion, cannot be considered a wise move.

The audience ( SFL) to be persuaded, may not be so easily persuaded by him, if they believe his motivation is now focussed on the needs of Rangers rather than the needs of the SFL as a whole. His comments now make this a viable inference.

Being clever is not about showing your hand IF it carries the potential to derail or even destroy your ultimate aims.

I beleive he does have Rangers interests at heart, but has been foolish to disclose this to us all in such a public manner.

That is the " Dumpling" part.

Ok my friend - what hand has he shown exactly? Professional football in Scotland is an extremely small world (I was part of it for over 10 years) - Longmuir is not preaching to the masses and the masses will have zero impact (rightly or wrongly) on the outcome of these meetings. The audience he sits at the table with to discuss the way ahead will know exactly who, what and where this guy comes from already and any possible feeling he has for Rangers will already be known. His public outing will tell the sfl, spl and sfa absolutely nothing.

Your description of 'showing your hand' in a business perspective, I fully understand and you are correct - I just do not believe it is relevant in this instance.

In general though, my main point was - should people be open about the fact they like, love or live for Rangers, then context or timing would never be an issue to begin with.

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