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Walk Away McCoist.


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in among all the abuse and anger..... there are a few very good posts ITT that show Ally in a bit of a different light.

I think its now almost unanimous that we want him gone. This makes me sad because I have wanted him to succeed so fucking badly. he is one of my heroes, and this shit is painful and hard to bear.

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Thats not what Im saying and not what Goat's opening statement is saying either - and anyone arriving at such a conclusion is bordering on the ridiculous. It is notable that the point you asked me "to think about" is a suggestion you have made and no-one else in this thread. So quite simply - behave yourself MM.

What I do think is that there is middle ground in this debate - and I think its a myth to suggest Ally's motivation throughout all of this has solely been a "love for the club". There is a mountain of substantiated evidence that Ally has done very well financially from all that has transpired over the last few years - if you ignore that then you are ignoring facts.

Goats opening statement is "McCoist is the ultimate spiv". I'm not sure what you take this to mean, but to me it means that he is the person who throughout this whole saga who has behaved with the least morals purely with the intention of making money as the only motive. He is well down the pecking order on this list.

Shock horror, football manager paid lots of money, hold the press. Footballers and football managers all round the world are paid eye watering salaries that fans can't relate to. Of course all footballers are motivated by the lifestyle and the money, it's part of the gig. Real Madrid pay some of the biggest wages in the world, but players like Suarez dream of playing for them because of what they are, not just how much they pay. Even looking closer to home, Novo made a fair wedge playing for us as did Sebo. Are either of these guys spiivs? Is Sebo a bigger spiv because he was shit at his job?

The undeniable fact is that the level of venom currently shown to McCoist would be almost non existent had we beaten hibs. Yes, there would still have been some moaning, and I would have still been calling for him to be sacked like I have done every week for the last 3 years. However, the mass hatred would be mostly gone, there would be more than just a couple of folk saying that calling one of our players a cunt or the ultimate spiv was unacceptable.

People are getting far too emotive over this. Mccoist should be sacked, but he should still be respected. If you can't accept managers or players receiving huge wages for a job any of us would love, then you are following the wrong sport.

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I'll be thanking him for fuck all. On your bike Ally, leave the one from the trophy room there though, eh? You've cleared the club out enough


He got all thanks and respects as a player but he's making a complete cunt out of every single one of us these days.

££££ That's all McCoist cares about

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"this is my club the same as thousands of Rangers fans.....but if ye want me oot it'll be 1.6m quid" I never thought id see the say where Super Ally holds us to ransom like some blue tim. Fucking sad times.

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He got all thanks and respects as a player but he's making a complete cunt out of every single one of us these days.

££££ That's all McCoist cares about

I fucking loved the guy, had a Super Ally flag in my room since before I was old enough to remember, and hes totally ruined his whole image through his pathetic excuses and the fact he acts like were all as daft as he is. The one guy I thought would always give it to the fans straight with no bullshit, but the sad thing is that since administration the only thing the fans know for certain now is that there are no "Rangers men", once these "fans" who play or work for us get some money in their pocket thats all they care about. The only "Rangers men" that exist on this Earth are the fans, I cant think of one ex player or staff member that deserves any respect from us over this, theyve all shamed us.

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My bin mans just came to the door to tell me they cant empty my bins today :( the wind was awful and one of the wheels wobbled a bit, and my neighbor was looking out the window and the bin man didnt like the look of him, so theyve not emptied my bin. I dont know who to blame, surely its not the bin mans fault?

Ill ask BP9 in a minute, hes outside sucking off the bin man.

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Just heard his post match interview from the other night and in his interview he complained about the keeper punting the ball up the park and causing the hivs goal?!!! WTF if he on? Im so sick of this idiot. Does he think we havent watched every player on his team do exactly that and have we not been moaning about it for years?

He is more out of touch with the fans than anyone else at Rangers, buries his head in the sand. Doesnt give a shit about us or the club as long as hes got his paycheck, fucking spiv. GET TAE FUCK ALLY YA CLOWN!

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MM, you should have a read of Alistair's now infamous football magazine interview while he was at Sunderland, whom he joined after knocking us back again.

Surprising who his favourite teams were...and how many times The Rangers get a mention, that's right we don't.

Perhaps like Charlie....Alistair caught Rangersitis late on.

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MM, you should have a read of Alistair's now infamous football magazine interview while he was at Sunderland, whom he joined after knocking us back again.

Surprising who his favourite teams were...and how many times The Rangers get a mention, that's right we don't.

Perhaps like Charlie....Alistair caught Rangersitis late on.

Kenny Dalglish was his boyhood hero.

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Firstly, Whyte put us in admin within 6 months unless you have forgotten, then relegated 3 divisions within the year. Ally has had us promoted twice, which is no achievement, but certainly more than Whyte can ever claim.

The guy took a voluntary wage cut of 50%, he at no stage needed to do this. He gets absolutely no credit for this. If anything people bizarrely seem to beat him with this fact as proof of his greed. Fucking bizarre.

What pay-offs are you shouting at Ally for? Its almost now as if some are blaming him for the compensation deals that Green, Ahmed and Stockbridge took. Ally had no say in these for christ sake.

It is the boards job to tell Ally that he is being relieved of his post. If this day ever comes, I will be surprised if McCoist takes the payoff he will be entitled to. Given how some of you are willing to treat him though, I might not begrudge him doing it. Its not like he would get a single fucking bit of credit. Would still be called everything under the sun.

He should be sacked, but that is a failing of the board.

The bit I highlighted isn't quite true though is it?

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I have been of the opinion that ally has had to go for a while due to his non existent management abilities. My opinion of the man himself has been soured since that karaoke picture leaked from the night of the ramsdens cup final. Since then he has not done anything to make up or explain the reason why he and the players were seen smiling, laughing, singing and having a good time despite the fact many fans were sitting in pubs, homes and on busses up and down the country trying to piece together what they had just witnessed, put that on top of the fact every training pic seems to be a right good laugh, players checking in to nando's on twitter after a few hours training the week following a poor result, his long list of feeble excuses and players making the same continuous mistakes show that these things are not being picked up, worked on or discussed , a motionless expression on the touch line and you have not only a man who is tactically inept but also does not have a clue how to Instill discipline, organistation and generate the sort of fear factor/respect that managers should have to make sure they get the best out of their players. Too interested in being pals with the players. Do you think sourness gave a shit wether players were his pals or not.

The man who as a player I adored as a player is completely out of his depth as a manager , and it is holding my club back as much as any off field financial matter and it is heartbreaking and painful to see if nothing else.

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Can't people stick to their view of the guy's managerial abilities or lack of, rather than this character assassination?

The fact is that I am accused of supporting/ defending him based on his ability as a player, etc, and that I should judge him as a manager, yet in reverse apparently his salary, unsubstantiated rumours about deferrals, interviews from over 30years ago and such like are all fair game.

If his ability as a manager is the question, have that debate. If his contribution to Rangers is the question, then Superally is always Superally.

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