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Ethnic Cleansing

clan macrae

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Maybe this puts into perspective . "How does ethnic cleansing begin? Mmmmmm Obviously, it begins with racism and tribalism: the prehistoric idea that "they" are different from "us" and are therefore simultaneously "inferior," "not to be trusted" and "dangerous." The person that wrote this called it the "chosen few sin-drome."But racism alone is not sufficient for ethnic cleansing to occur because as long as people are protected by fair laws and courts, they cannot be stripped of their rights, freedom & land. So something else is required: the subversion of justice." Soooo if the law is influenced anything can happen.

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Ethnic cleansing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Shut the fuck up!

Ask my Jewish grandparents about ethnic cleansing and then think about what context to use the term.

Sorry to sound like a bitch....but didn't the Jews have a dignified silence that led millions of them to the gas chambers

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Maybe this puts into perspective . "How does ethnic cleansing begin? Mmmmmm Obviously, it begins with racism and tribalism: the prehistoric idea that "they" are different from "us" and are therefore simultaneously "inferior," "not to be trusted" and "dangerous." The person that wrote this called it the "chosen few sin-drome."But racism alone is not sufficient for ethnic cleansing to occur because as long as people are protected by fair laws and courts, they cannot be stripped of their rights, freedom & land. So something else is required: the subversion of justice." Soooo if the law is influenced anything can happen.

Well said Trixi
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Ethnic Cleansing? Please do not use that to describe some idiots complaining about a song. You disrespect the Jews, the Bosnian Muslims, the Kosovans, the Tutsis, The Armenians and the countless other ethnic groups who have actually suffered death and destruction on the scale that can be described as Ethnic Cleansing. Some folk need to get a grip.

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Maybe this puts into perspective . "How does ethnic cleansing begin? Mmmmmm Obviously, it begins with racism and tribalism: the prehistoric idea that "they" are different from "us" and are therefore simultaneously "inferior," "not to be trusted" and "dangerous." The person that wrote this called it the "chosen few sin-drome."But racism alone is not sufficient for ethnic cleansing to occur because as long as people are protected by fair laws and courts, they cannot be stripped of their rights, freedom & land. So something else is required: the subversion of justice." Soooo if the law is influenced anything can happen.

Great first post Trixi, Your far too clever for a place like this LOL!!!
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well if ur a true blue then you know we are called facists by the taigs and 4 flyin the union jack, we don't forget the holocaust, we are the people that liberated your kin and ended the death camps, We as protestant/presbyterians all know the sacrifice that all true loyalists/unionists have made, we are now the hunted by the unwashed and they will not win unless u undersatand what's going on m8

You what?

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I've read this thread late seeing as its been spouting off for a few days now, but put simply, the polarisation of different sections of the community in our case unionist and Irish republicanism is exacerbated by separate schooling right from day one, its fair to say that the Kaffliks are more guilty than us in this respect, total brainwashing job from an early age.

Before we can rebuild what is now a shattered Scotland this has to change. I dont see it happening in the foreseeable future, but I'd like to hear what the forthcoming SNP/Independence lobby has to say on this subject, I dont want to go all Martin Luther King in his '' I have a dream '' mode on you, but I believe its got to happen to provide our children with a better life than this hate filled cauldron we have now in Scotland

You may say I'm a dreamer--but I'm not the only one.

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You know Irish Roman Catholics fought & died for Britain in WWII eh?

True they did and look at how they were treated when they returned home.In the ROI they were persecuted and 'black listed' leaving them without a home,job or medical aid,some even had their kids taken off them for adoption or removal to Australia.In NI the VC winner James McGuinness Leading Seaman/diver RN was forced from his home in West Belfast but 'they' turned this and the media now blame ALL the ppl of Belfast for his predicament,even though the Unionist ppl raised over £5k to help him out,a large sum at the end of WW11.Their SHAME knows no bounds :drugang:
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well if ur a true blue then you know we are called facists by the taigs and 4 flyin the union jack, we don't forget the holocaust, we are the people that liberated your kin and ended the death camps, We as protestant/presbyterians all know the sacrifice that all true loyalists/unionists have made, we are now the hunted by the unwashed and they will not win unless u undersatand what's going on m8

You are a Russian Satanist?

Or a Timmy plant...? Hmmmm. Perhaps you are indeed, as YerMaw states, just 'the biggest moron on the site... ever.'

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I've read this thread late seeing as its been spouting off for a few days now, but put simply, the polarisation of different sections of the community in our case unionist and Irish republicanism is exacerbated by separate schooling right from day one, its fair to say that the Kaffliks are more guilty than us in this respect, total brainwashing job from an early age.

Before we can rebuild what is now a shattered Scotland this has to change. I dont see it happening in the foreseeable future, but I'd like to hear what the forthcoming SNP/Independence lobby has to say on this subject, I dont want to go all Martin Luther King in his '' I have a dream '' mode on you, but I believe its got to happen to provide our children with a better life than this hate filled cauldron we have now in Scotland

You may say I'm a dreamer--but I'm not the only one.

The SNP know that there is a demographic shift and will never remove institutional secterianism such as RC schools as they know how large their vote us.

We had a chance to change this when they were the 'actual' minority but nothing happenned and now we have no chance albiet the teaching unions want it.

I think there is a total over reaction in here to the OP and there is a danger that we are looking to be offended by everything. Lets leave that to that other mob.

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Ethnic cleansing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Shut the fuck up!

Ask my Jewish grandparents about ethnic cleansing and then think about what context to use the term.

while the op might have chosen a more accurate term to describe his penny arcade experience, it's most likely that as a Rangers supporter from, as he states, generations of Rangers supporters he is, as many of us are, related to the irish protestants who were systematically eliminated - ethnically cleansed by the republic of ireland.

a 70% fall in the relative protestant population occurred from 1891 -1991 in Eerie.


so perhaps the next time you put a candle in your menorah you will spare a thought for the countless non jews who, like irish protestants, were victims of genocide.

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Protestantism isn't an ethnicity.


Ethnicity or ethnic group is a socially defined category based on common culture or nationality. Ethnicity can, but does not have to, include common ancestry, appearance, cuisine, dressing style, heritage, history, language or dialect, religion, symbols, traditions, or other cultural factor.

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Ethnicity or ethnic group is a socially defined category based on common culture or nationality. Ethnicity can, but does not have to, include common ancestry, appearance, cuisine, dressing style, heritage, history, language or dialect, religion, symbols, traditions, or other cultural factor.

Sorry, should have got my facts right.

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we are now the hunted by the unwashed

No, we are not. Although it may seem like this at times there are still plenty among us who fight back, tooth and nail, on the streets and in the corridors of power to stop our Civil and Religious Liberties being denied us.

The ongoing protests all around Britain over the restrictions of the flying of the Union Flag being a fine example of people uniting to show we will not simply go quietly into the night like others before us.

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