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Anti-Scottish chanting from the stands yesterday


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Leave your identity crisis at home please, there's only 1 team in Glasgow having issues with patriotism and it's not us. "We''ll be watching England so will you", is cringeworthy & embarrassing. We're all upset with the SFA & SPL's crusade against our club, but hey, last time i checked, they were being run by Englishmen.

What identity crisis I'm British since 1707

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The BD is fast becoming a joke...

Im scottish born n proud and so is my team. I follow the national side with as much pride as I do my club.

The fanny`s running our game have no relation to either of them.

If you don`t like it the fuck off to england or NI where you will not be welcomed either

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I have to say that I cannot and will not wish the Scottish National team well after the way we have been demonised by other Scottish clubs and their fans.

I cannot even bring myself to cheer on Northern Ireland any more while those plastic Bears Davis and Lafferty wear that jersey.

I thank the Lord my old man was English! England will always be in my heart thanks to him.

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The BD is fast becoming a joke...

Im scottish born n proud and so is my team. I follow the national side with as much pride as I do my club.

The fanny`s running our game have no relation to either of them.

If you don`t like it the fuck off to england or NI where you will not be welcomed either

You fuck off

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The BD is fast becoming a joke...

Im scottish born n proud and so is my team. I follow the national side with as much pride as I do my club.

The fanny`s running our game have no relation to either of them.

If you don`t like it the fuck off to england or NI where you will not be welcomed either


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An idiot? Fuck off ya mad cow. I'm a British rangers supporter who doesn't give a fuck about international football.

Your`e so fucked up you don`t even know where your`e born hahah

And I`m the mad cow lalalalala ...you`ve been eating too much beef :wink:

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I love Rangers, I love Scotland (I do feel I post about this an awful lot, but I've never really seen people throw supporting Rangers into contention with "Scottishness" anywhere near as much as on this board and you'll have to forgive the ramblings of a Bear who lives in England now and misses home!)... As far as I understand, Rangers have always been the Scottish working man's team, certainly for generations back on both sides of my family and I'm proud to support them for that reason.

I don't particularly enjoy any of the "You cannae shove your granny aff a bus" songs at Ibrox because they usually express the political views of a group of individuals rather than singing about something which the whole support can rally behind (i.e. the fact we're all there because we love Rangers).

But I respect the rights of those individuals to sing their songs, just in the same way 90% of the stadium has the right not to join in. The Saltire will continue to be flown at Ibrox, both by individual fans and by the club, our founders will always be four Gaelic-speaking Highlanders, Scottishness is built into the brickwork at Ibrox and even the extreme fall-out between Rangers and other major players in the Scottish game will not erase that.

And if I can't watch Scotland at the World Cup, I won't watch it at all. (I probably won't be watching at this rate mind you :P)

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