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So please explain why Minchin hasn't been prosecuted.

The songs will be sung. You deal with it.

Minchin, Fry, Dawkins and more have not been prosecuted for a variety of reasons - not least because they couch the terms of reference for their rejection of the catholic church (and other religious institutions) in language acceptable to the chattering classes.

Football supporters do not.

They could employ fine, expensive lawyers to defend them and their rights to express themselves as they have.

Football supporters (largely) could not.

The UK authorities loathe football supporters. And they want their voices shut.

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Someone best tell those running the club to get rid of those union jacks, the loving cup ceremony and I'd imagine the efforts to support our troops will also have to end.

All because some poster who wants additional restrictions on our rights to freedom of expression and protest thinks it's for the best.

Good luck with all of that.

Oh, another deflection - imagine that?

You know perfectly well the songs I am referring to.

If you want them listed fine:

Billy Boys (with the add ons)

Famine Song


Derrys Walls

Build My Gallows

These have zip to do with Rangers. Yes they are political (and a pretty poor cheap shot for the 3rd one), and with the words usually sung some are sectarian under the law.

So why keep singing them?

Why keep up all the FTP stuff?

It means NOTHING to the club - it has absolutely no link whatsoever. It is simply some pseudo "no surrender" nonsense concerning a battle of over 300 years ago.

Complete garbage.

But by all means, if you think this is the best way to support the club, DESPITE the club & the courts saying no, fire in.

Somebody has to keep the courts in business after all.

And those football banning orders might free up space for those who don;t think a football match is any plance for this bs.

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Oh, another deflection - imagine that?

You know perfectly well the songs I am referring to.

If you want them listed fine:

Billy Boys (with the add ons)

Famine Song


Derrys Walls

Build My Gallows

These have zip to do with Rangers. Yes they are political (and a pretty poor cheap shot for the 3rd one), and with the words usually sung some are sectarian under the law.

So why keep singing them?

Why keep up all the FTP stuff?

It means NOTHING to the club - it has absolutely no link whatsoever. It is simply some pseudo "no surrender" nonsense concerning a battle of over 300 years ago.

Complete garbage.

But by all means, if you think this is the best way to support the club, DESPITE the club & the courts saying no, fire in.

Somebody has to keep the courts in business after all.

And those football banning orders might free up space for those who don;t think a football match is any plance for this bs.

why didn't you name the sash, or born under the union jack or super rangers, follow follow or every other saturday?

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Oh, another deflection - imagine that?

You know perfectly well the songs I am referring to.

If you want them listed fine:

Billy Boys (with the add ons)

Famine Song


Derrys Walls

Build My Gallows

These have zip to do with Rangers. Yes they are political (and a pretty poor cheap shot for the 3rd one), and with the words usually sung some are sectarian under the law.

So why keep singing them?

Why keep up all the FTP stuff?

It means NOTHING to the club - it has absolutely no link whatsoever. It is simply some pseudo "no surrender" nonsense concerning a battle of over 300 years ago.

Complete garbage.

But by all means, if you think this is the best way to support the club, DESPITE the club & the courts saying no, fire in.

Somebody has to keep the courts in business after all.

And those football banning orders might free up space for those who don;t think a football match is any plance for this bs.

Get a life mate ffs

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I appreciate there are alot of genuine rangers fans out there who have genuine concerns regarding the fall out from today however I am convinced that this poster does not come under either of those descriptions....if we continue debating this it gives the obsessed and the media the opportunity to make this into something more! Alot of opinions are valid but the sensationalism of this and the focus on here about it is ott!

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Oh, another deflection - imagine that?

You know perfectly well the songs I am referring to.

If you want them listed fine:

Billy Boys (with the add ons)

Famine Song


Derrys Walls

Build My Gallows

These have zip to do with Rangers. Yes they are political (and a pretty poor cheap shot for the 3rd one), and with the words usually sung some are sectarian under the law.

So why keep singing them?

Why keep up all the FTP stuff?

It means NOTHING to the club - it has absolutely no link whatsoever. It is simply some pseudo "no surrender" nonsense concerning a battle of over 300 years ago.

Complete garbage.

But by all means, if you think this is the best way to support the club, DESPITE the club & the courts saying no, fire in.

Somebody has to keep the courts in business after all.

And those football banning orders might free up space for those who don;t think a football match is any plance for this bs.

Derrys walls? Are you fucking joking what's wrong with that.

Did jock know? Maybe the police should have not spent so many man hours on Saville then?

Have no link to the club? You honestly believe our club has no links to our loyalist brethren in Ulster? Don't be fucking absurd.

As for the battle over 300 years ago, imagine if William had not been victorious, what would the western world be like today?

Sure we have to move forward but let's not forget the past and what got us here in the first place.

No surrender.

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I think there has been a general over reaction this afternoon and evening media-wise in any case, this will die down as it always does and there is no way the SFL will bite the hand that feeds them television cash. Storm in a teacup material which won't be heard of again until next time it flares up...This history tells us, like it or not.

I'm all for folks expressing themselves, however it must be frustrating for the minority who do take this to heart and are desperately looking for the support to ditch what is long standing traditional fare overnight. I can sympathise with their plight equally as I do the bulk of Rangers fans who simply wish to maintain the songs of their birthright.

Embarrassing stuff though if we are being collectively honest and the club could do without the grief, don't think any of us can be enjoying this chat tonight.

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What I can't accept is the Bheasts sing what they want including their recent disgraceful songs about Gazza without the media getting their knickers in a twist . With us it's different.Today we have the usual suspects complaining and outraged. Personally I'll listen when every club is treated the same. Until then they can go and throw shite at their auntie

This in a nutshell
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Anyone on here is free to think what they like of me. Could not give a flying feck.

I know that I have held a season ticket rear of Copland, CR4 in the back 5 rows, since 1984/5 season.

The paranoia and blindness shown to the problem the club still has, albeit from a minority of fans, is worrying.

Standard responses run from:


"What about the other mob"


"We defend our traditions"

All nonsense.

We are trying to promote Rangers worldwide, and yet still have the small minded West of Scotland / Ulster BS from many who are old enough to know better, and some who a young & daft enough not to care.

And THAT is the major problem the Rangers support have.

Self policing only works to a certain extent. Knocks on doors coming the way of those concerned. They only brought it on themselves.

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Anyone on here is free to think what they like of me. Could not give a flying feck.

I know that I have held a season ticket rear of Copland, CR4 in the back 5 rows, since 1984/5 season.

The paranoia and blindness shown to the problem the club still has, albeit from a minority of fans, is worrying.

Standard responses run from:


"What about the other mob"


"We defend our traditions"

All nonsense.

We are trying to promote Rangers worldwide, and yet still have the small minded West of Scotland / Ulster BS from many who are old enough to know better, and some who a young & daft enough not to care.

And THAT is the major problem the Rangers support have.

Self policing only works to a certain extent. Knocks on doors coming the way of those concerned. They only brought it on themselves.

West of Scotland / Ulster bs ???? find that comment remarkable .
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I despair . I've followed us for over 30 years in Scotland and to over 50 European games . Anyone who thinks we should be ashamed of our Protetestant and Unionist heritage supports a different club from me.Of course we sing in support of our believes and if that was to ever end we would not be the same club. The Internet fans who say sing only songs about Rangers have no fucking idea about what our club is all about

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You dont half get tiresome! Without the Uber Prods in our support where would we be in the past 90 years??? Have a bit of respect for our protestant support.

By the way are you really black? Or are you a Wigga?

Are you really as thick as pigshit? Or is it all an act?

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