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Scotland reekin of bheasts and salmond on television . . .


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My Dad is a fairly quiet and reserved bloke he watched the 10 o'clock Sky News finished his tea and toast about 10-16pm. Got up from his chair and said to me "do you think the vatican will be on the phone to Charles Green asking him to get up a consortium save the rc fuckers and help elect a newco pope??".. He dont say much but he is comedy gold at times.

The Vati-leaks reports will be out this week. They are gonnae implode!!. Karma is indeed a bitch!!. Check out "themanthebeastscanttame" blog. Intresting reading I shit you not. Sorry im no able to link it as im on my phone and a wee bit of a techno amateur!!. His blog was posted last September and I feel so very sorry for the unwashed of kilsyth!!.

No laughing at the back now ladies and gentlemen..

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I would think the church scandal would be a bigger scoop than hatred about a football team

but if we cause them to sell more papers then as a commercial enterprise surely that takes more column inches? We know journos have no integrity. We know papers circulations are falling quicker than Stilian Petrov near a paper cup.

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Hi bears new on here

Was so fucking enraged I've just emailed

The SNP web page , these bastards will kill

Our club if we don't stand united .

Salmond has no shame , Catholicism has no

Shame , Scotland has no shame .

Fuck your independence

Rule Britannia

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Hi bears new on here

Was so fucking enraged I've just emailed

The SNP web page ��, these bastards will kill

Our club if we don't stand united .

Salmond has no shame , Catholicism has no

Shame , Scotland has no shame .

Fuck your independence

Rule Britannia

Yep, not being able to sing about fucking an old german guy will kill us. Why Craig Whyte never thought of just banning it instead of siphoning off millions is beyond me.

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I've been ridiculed by certain people on various threads for talking about the power of the catholic church, well its all been shown and said on this thread they are the most powerful evil, corrupt and satanic organization on this earth and we all now know they totally control the government, local councils and the media.

Something has to be done about this corruption or its going to destroy our country, freedom, freedom of speech and rangers. We should support and promote groups who investigate these goings on.

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I've been ridiculed by certain people on various threads for talking about the power of the catholic church, well its all been shown and said on this thread they are the most powerful evil, corrupt and satanic organization on this earth and we all now know they totally control the government, local councils and the media.

Something has to be done about this corruption or its going to destroy our country, freedom, freedom of speech and rangers. We should support and promote groups who investigate these goings on.

And you're about to be ridiculed again. If, and bear with me on this one here, the Catholic Church ruled the media, governments & local councils then how come I know about the whole child abuse thing? :huh:

Really, I'm being deadly serious because this is one of the most ridiculous things I've ever seen on the internet and believe me theres a whole load of utter fucking nonsense on here.

Are you ill? or have you had some kind of brain injury? or are you just a troll? because no rational person could spout that nonsense and actually be serious.

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And you're about to be ridiculed again. If, and bear with me on this one here, the Catholic Church ruled the media, governments & local councils then how come I know about the whole child abuse thing? :huh:

Really, I'm being deadly serious because this is one of the most ridiculous things I've ever seen on the internet and believe me theres a whole load of utter fucking nonsense on here.

Are you ill? or have you had some kind of brain injury? or are you just a troll? because no rational person could spout that nonsense and actually be serious.

O'Brien spoke out about priests being allowed to marry, only took days to bury him.

The Scottish leader said there would be no king and certainly no catholic king on Scotland's throne, it also only took days to bury her.

Let's consider who has the power over the media and the political world to silence any threat against it, now who could that be.

Your the sick( ill) one on this thread, your very words show the issues in your head. I have backed up my posts with proof, actual goings on, not made up and there for all to see, but you come on this thread raving about someone who has spoke about the truth being ill. No the method in the madness is all yours.

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O'Brien spoke out about priests being allowed to marry, only took days to bury him.

The Scottish leader said there would be no king and certainly no catholic king on Scotland's throne, it also only took days to bury her.

Let's consider who has the power over the media and the political world to silence any threat against it, now who could that be.

Your the sick( ill) one on this thread, your very words show the issues in your head. I have backed up my posts with proof, actual goings on, not made up and there for all to see, but you come on this thread raving about someone who has spoke about the truth being ill. No the method in the madness is all yours.

I see you never answered the question. If they are SO powerful and control media etc., then how do the negative stories get out? What proof? Who buried who? The catholic media buried keef and created quite a bit of negative press for themselves in the process. Thats the capability of this omnipotent catholic church you speak of?

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Child abuse is only the vehicle to nail O'Brien, nothing more. They tried it on the American cardinal but he is having none of it, I watch with interest.

the pope has resigned after the butler affair, that's another stink they are covering up, bring in new faces, the implicated moved sideways just like any other company.

Child abuse has been going on for ever, it's not a new thing and its not going to stop. Sure they throw the sheeple a bone or two now and again, but it keeps happening because its what they believe in.

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Child abuse is only the vehicle to nail O'Brien, nothing more. They tried it on the American cardinal but he is having none of it, I watch with interest.

the pope has resigned after the butler affair, that's another stink they are covering up, bring in new faces, the implicated moved sideways just like any other company.

Child abuse has been going on for ever, it's not a new thing and its not going to stop. Sure they throw the sheeple a bone or two now and again, but it keeps happening because its what they believe in.

They've not done a good job of covering it up if we're discussing it on a scottish football forum.

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Bigger than that mate. The pope learned about it two days before the pope resigned. The story doing the rounds is that their is a gay network in the Vatican and the pope resigned because of it. The network yields massive power blackmailing bishops and priests in to joining.


"Religion" my arse. Merely a front for money-laundering, paedophile networks and sordid sexual activities.

Disgusting shower of cunts, the lot of them. And their brain-washed followers.

They make me fucken vomit

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