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Ban Loyalist Songs At Ibrox?

Ban Loyalist Songs At Ibrox?  

469 members have voted

  1. 1. Ban Loyalist Songs At Ibrox?

    • No - It's our history/heritage
    • Yes - We should sing only Rangers songs
    • Dont Care - I hate Singing At The Football

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It is starting to become more and more clear from sections of our support, The media and our enemies that they don't just want the word Fenian banned or Fuck the Pope banned but they want the majority of songs on the Rangers song sheet banned.

Where are we at as a support, Are we fractioned that much that banning loyalist songs will gain more and more momentum and will no doubt happen or are we still together enough to make a stance that these songs our Grandfathers, Father's and ourselves have sung at Ibrox will continue so our children can sing them?

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that wud be me.. seen as i put my name to it.. ya tit... i can see where this thread is going lol

Only after i had written it did i see you put your name to it...oh fuckin hard man eh.

Another apologist bending over for that mob

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Only after i had written it did i see you put your name to it...oh fuckin hard man eh.

Another apologist bending over for that mob

aye a hardman sitting at a keyboard like you, a dont say things to people that i wouldnt say to their face. and ive sung loads of songs at ibrox. and people are welcome to sing what they want. but theyl end up in cuffs in the polis fan and gettin our club fined. if thats what you want charge on.

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aye a hardman sitting at a keyboard like you, a dont say things to people that i wouldnt say to their face. and ive sung loads of songs at ibrox. and people are welcome to sing what they want. but theyl end up in cuffs in the polis fan and gettin our club fined. if thats what you want charge on.

I'll say whatever you want to your face anytime you like..

End up in cuffs singing loyalist songs?..Believe it or not Loyalist songs are not banned and not sectaian.The Sash has been proved to be an Irish folk song. So i don't know where your coming from with that.

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Banning those songs is a bit draconian, provided they're political and historical rather than religious I don't really see the problem with them (If we're talking Build My Gallows and Derry's Walls here)... I've never sung them though, Loyalism isn't a part of my own politics and has never been part of my family's support of Rangers insofar as I'm aware, I don't go to Ibrox to sing about Northern Irish politics, I go to watch Rangers play football so while I'm defending them on the basis of Freedom of Speech, that doesn't necessarily mean I'm a huge fan.

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It depends what you define a Loyalist songs.

I am fed up hearing anti catholic pish coming out of people mouths, but that is sectarian. There is no need for that and it shouldn't be considered a Rangers tradition.

On the other hand, there are those who are proud protestant fans. If that group of fans want to celebrate their history without attacking other groups then they should be allowed to do so.

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I'll say whatever you want to your face anytime you like..

End up in cuffs singing loyalist songs?..Believe it or not Loyalist songs are not banned and not sectaian.The Sash has been proved to be an Irish folk song. So i don't know where your coming from with that.

missread the vote, its quite clear to me what songs can be sung and what cant. the sash cant be banned. that was found to be a folk song in a court of law. cant rember when the case was. but aye not all loyalist songs are banned, but it will lead to confusion and bad publicity which will end up fucking our club up.

and we dont need this at this point in time.

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Look some people as usual, are going over the top here....I have never had a problem with any song and I doubt I ever will...I don't think on a personal level Charles green will have either but the world is now a different place.

People get offended (or act offended) at the slightest thing and in this country it has been deemed that certain songs (not nesecarily loyalist songs) are illegal...yes it's a joke in this country you could get the same punishment for singing a song as for assaulting someone or vandalising someone's property but that is the reality.

The club cannot encourage or support the singing of certain songs and anyone with a degree of common sense will understand that!

No one loves all the songs more than I do but because of the job I do I can't be seen to be singing them anymore...is that right? Who knows but it is the way it is now...you either accept that, or you don't but turning on each other or Charles green for merely following the rules of the land is both pointless and ultimately damages the credibility of our support!

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missread the vote, its quite clear to me what songs can be sung and what cant. the sash cant be banned. that was found to be a folk song in a court of law. cant rember when the case was. but aye not all loyalist songs are banned, but it will lead to confusion and bad publicity which will end up fucking our club up.

and we dont need this at this point in time.

. loyalists songs are not no pope of Rome or anything sectarian. . real loyalist songs are the same as any folk song. a celebration of our culture. victories and people. not to be confused with anti catholic tunes or loyalist tunes with fuck the pope added. . ban those who are sectarian and keep singing rangers and loyalist tunes .

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If this continues and we are forced to give up songs that give up celebratuon of our History then im afraid i wont return to any football ground ever again.

If that has to include Ibrox then so be it.

Rangers are more than a clubthey are a predominately Protestant institution not only a club.Remember that.

Remove that and it juat becomes another plain ordinary football clubas well?

If thats what you want yhen just go and suppoet killie or Motherwell.

This subject is designed to fracture Rangers and it will.On a not soes this mean no more association with our N.Ireland fanbase?

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I just posted thison the other poll about singing (http://forum.rangersmedia.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=248578)

--- 000 ---

I voted no and I still beleive that a list of songs which are banned is pointless as, to me, its fairly self-evident what songs need to be dropped.

Of course and I can fully understand the approach, a list of songs which the club deems innappropriate would, definitively, end those who want to harm the club, claiming "but I didn't know ..."

However, what songs would end up on the cutting room floor? Likely

  • No Pope of Rome
  • TBB (for me, even with a line change, there is too much temptation to sing the "wrong" words and we end up back in the myre)
  • Anything with the word "Fenian" in it (that includes Super Rangers .. which is just a shit Millwall song that we adapted)

More controversially, would the club allow other songs with a loyalist overtone but no offensive singing or lyrics. By NOT putting certain songs on the list, does the club then back them to the hilt e.g. The Sash, Build My Gallows, King Billy's on the Wall .. what about No1 Platoon or Father's Advice, would they make the innappropriate" songs list ... should they ?

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Really another thread and another poll on singing and songs.


It's great news. It means all our footballing and financial issues are sorted and there isn't anything else to talk about. :D

To the OP: Why do we need to ban Loyalist songs?

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It's great news. It means all our footballing and financial issues are sorted and there isn't anything else to talk about. :D

To the OP: Why do we need to ban Loyalist songs?

Oh they are on the backburner for today.

They will be back though!

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