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CG charged by SFA


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It's simple he's in a position in life where everything he says is scrutinised. I've spent many many months being spat at, shouted at, stones thrown, shot at, blown up but hey that was my job and this is his job so get yer body armour on Mr Green and tin hat and take it but when the fight presents itself where you can get them you take it by the short n curlys and give em fucking hell!

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No they are not mate, someone from Afghanistan is called an Afghan, the currency of Aghanistan is the Afghani, and they get pretty fucking irate about it in that part of the world, no idea what they have against the leter I but there we go.

Yes I am quite aware what their currency is and I also know what the camel humpers are called,but here they are called Afghani.and we are fucking sick to death of them coming here in their fucking leaky boats and immediately complaining about the treatment they get.

I also have a Nephew who has been fighting in Afghanistan for years, so I'd love if he could make more of the fuckers permanently forget about the letter 'I', if you know what I mean :D:tank:

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doesn't matter if a pakistani is offended or not.

If me and you were standing in a group of three, I was black and you and the other person were white. Me and yoi are best friends, you call me a n***er, but I'm absolutely fine with that. If the third person (remember he's white) finds what you said is racist and reports it, you would be charged with a racism.

Ridiculous, but that is the way the law was written. It's is almost impossible to get off of a racism charge if someone has found it offensive.

True I know a story of black man in the pub, get's text message from his partner calling for the B/B to get home his dinners ready. Someone he was with saw the text, reported her and they both went to sheriff court. Silly woman had no defence and had to plead guilty and her BB boyfriend paid it! She now has a criminal record for racial abuse! Going back to CG seen this coming a mile off, silly slip of the tongue no malice intended, but the thread on here must have prompted sfa to act with the hysterical outrage well done! stupid chunts!

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Had another CEO of another club came and and used the phrase "my paki friend" do you think the SFA would ignore it because its not us? Yes, they have had a blatant agenda against us in the past but I can't blame them for this one. Charles deserves it. Pay the fine, apologise, draw a line under it. Much bigger things to worry about just now.

nothing to worry about, calm ur ham
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Do we really have a choice?

If the ever so compliant Charlie Blue is right then aye, we do... Didn't he say if the fans want him out he'd leave? Or is that another lie?

Many are happy to stand by and watch him fuck us over and lie to us though. As before a majority on here by the looks of it. I got absolute abuse for even suggesting he'd fuck us over a few weeks back.

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If the ever so compliant Charlie Blue is right then aye, we do... Didn't he say if the fans want him out he'd leave? Or is that another lie?

Many are happy to stand by and watch him fuck us over and lie to us though. As before a majority on here by the looks of it. I got absolute abuse for even suggesting he'd fuck us over a few weeks back.

Problem is who is going to buy the club now that the value has went through the roof ... does anyone with serious money really want to buy into the crash and burring spl ... and even if they did who is to say they wouldn't be even worse :anguish:

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