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Paul Murray


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This is the same Guy who knew nothing about payments to players but somehow managed the clubs debt without knowing any of the factors of the biggest single element of club expenses?

Do folk still fall for that crap?

He,like others has HAD to,do not think for one minute he done this for the detremint of Rangers,tell me a succesful businessman that gets where they are telling truths or near truths,it is the way they work,tell me ONE business that openly give out their accounts for all the world to see....no dont think so...

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Son, I've been in Australia for 47 years and travel to Scotland every other year, and in fact will be there again in August. Now as an old age pensioner with 26 grandkids to buy presents for at Christmas/birthdays etc, I'm on a tight budget and I can't afford to fly over just to make a simple banner, so get the moths oot yer pocket and book me a 1st class flight on Emirates. :pipe::thumbup:

tight cunt! :D

P.S. there's some top shaggers/loose women in your family.

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tight cunt! :D

I'm a relation of Paul Murray :ph34r: And now you must excuse me because it's now time to get ready to go to the Sydney football stadium to watch the BIG game that starts in 6 hours time,between the Central Coast Mariners and Western Sydney Wanderers.

That's our equivalent of a Rangers-Sellik cup final so there will be a lot of Bears at it,including a few boys from RM there :thumbup:

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To put in a nutshell,you would rather have a big talking guy from Sheffield,that knew fck all about Rangers,parading about outside the ticket office ££££££,with his right hand men,Ahmed etc,on board or ,guys like Murray and Alistair Johnston,who could leave them in riddles with the history of this great club...

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To put in a nutshell,you would rather have a big talking guy from Sheffield,that knew fck all about Rangers,parading about outside the ticket office ££££££,with his right hand men,Ahmed etc,on board or ,guys like Murray and Alistair Johnston,who could leave them in riddles with the history of this great club...

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To put in a nutshell,you would rather have a big talking guy from Sheffield,that knew fck all about Rangers,parading about outside the ticket office ££££££,with his right hand men,Ahmed etc,on board or ,guys like Murray and Alistair Johnston,who could leave them in riddles with the history of this great club...

i'd rather mini and johnston got nowhere near us ever.
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So's whether you sit down or stand to wipe your arse.

Sponsors complained about his comments so he was done for.

that's before you raise the independent investigation over links to Whyte.

Sponsors responded to constant pestering from the mhedia, they did not threaten to withdraw or anything of the kind. An apology was issued for that and it would have blown over easily if not for the rest of this rubbish.
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It hurts to say it, but all of the old board members must share a responsibility for what happened. Dave King knew that there was absolutely no chance of us getting out of administration via a CVA, it made the front page of the newspapers. In actual fact, everyone knew that that liquidation was the only possible route left open due to the BTC hanging over us. What gets my goat, is why did "Rangers Men" not do what CG did? was it because they didn't want to be in charge when they slit the throat of the old Company, I think this is possible, because before the blood had drained Walter had a consortium lined up to buy the assets from the new company.

I urge everyone to trust no one, I wouldn't be surprised to see Octupus having something to do with us, I just cannot get my head around why a company would write off almost 30 million chasing a cunt that appears to have no money at all.

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He won't shut up and is a bitter bitter man that he failed to buy the club when he thought he was entitled to do so on the basis of being a 'Rangers man'.

He and his 'confirmed bachelor' pals from a supporters group were disruptive of every single attempt to buy the club including Miller, Ng and Green to name but three. Only TBK could rescue Rangers because they were all Rangers men. Except just like RST they could find anyone to fund their grandiose scheme.

Fifty years of watching Rangers will terminate if this reprobate takes over the club.

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Is anybody surprised to see Mini emerge from under his rock when Green was going ?

Every time anything happens at Ibrox, this fucking chancer jumps up to try and capitalise on it.

He should take a hint, he is only slightly more welcome at Ibrox than Craig Whyte.

Is he on today telling us again how it was him that was responsible for getting the debt down?

Strange when both him and AJ were blaming Lloyds for starving the team of funds at the time. They both said they'd have spent a lot more.

If Green had to go for lying, then this fuckwit should never be allowed near Ibrox again.

Only thing I'd remove M8 is the 'h' from chancer............ He is more of a CANCER

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Son, I've been in Australia for 47 years and travel to Scotland every other year, and in fact will be there again in August. Now as an old age pensioner with 26 grandkids to buy presents for at Christmas/birthdays etc, I'm on a tight budget and I can't afford to fly over just to make a simple banner, so get the moths oot yer pocket and book me a 1st class flight on Emirates. :pipe::thumbup:

26 Grandkids --- I KNEW you were a thim........ :000000082:

Joking of course --- if he doesn't get you on Emirates - Etihad is a good second choice. Perhaps the Blue Shytes will sponsor the trip, after all they're loaded.

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I'm the most arrogant cunt I know so yes.

My hero was was just a guy who tried his best, more, much more than the deliberating pish that anyone else served up...

Apart of course from Whyte's cosy glee club.

So the sum total of your contribution to this thread is that Paul Murray is preferable to Craig Whyte? Controversial stuff.

Are you The People's Piper?

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My most vivid recollection of the failed TBK bid came just after they had first appeared on the scene. The original lineup was TBK (mini-Murray, Park, etc) backed, unbelievably, by Ticketus and the Rangers Supporters Trust!! TBK seemed to think fans would be swayed by having our biggest creditor on board aongside "the fans' groups", as TBK continually claimed. When it became clear that most fans were entirely unconvinced by a consortium featuring a ticket agancy and Mark Dingwall's puppets, TBK read the signs and acted. Lo & behold, a deal was struck with Ticketus whereby they would accept "only £10m" to walk away. This move was breathlessly announced on FF as "a great piece of business by Paul Murray" onn FF by Grandmaster Suck himself. Great apart from one thing; Rangers owed Ticketus nothing. As per the court ruling two weeks ago, Craig Whyte owes Ticketus the money they gave him.

That's Paul Murray, fellow Bears. A rather misguided, peripheral figure who is so desperate to play a major role in Rangers' future, he'll resort to pretty much anything, however absurd or irrelevant, to get him there. As for his choice of henchmen; the RST? These are the guys you want representing the fans' viewpoint?

Not for me, thanks very much.

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Paul Murray will be on BBC Sportsound at 5.30 this evening.

Should be interesting to hear his take on CG. Did he not mention rumours re- CW in a interview with the Rangers Standard not long ago.

Listened to his interview on the way home from the game and as a shareholder liked some of the things he had to say. Club should be run to break even additional money to be spent from future European runs only. Tell you what, you guys do not need to worry someone as sensible as that has no chance of getting near our club.

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Green shafted him to save the club and they're best mates?

Right you are.

Green shafted him in the end as he's as greedy as Whyte is. If it was as cut and dried as you make out how come old acquaintances of both are jumping into bed with Whyte now?

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