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Looks like more Whyte Shyte to be unveiled tomorrow

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To be honest, it will be as meaningless as the last set of documents.

It's worth noting that anyone can write a letter of objection.

Of course they do say the pen is mightier than the sword..

Your right of course but he is a dangerous bastard. He keeps firing off these stupid documents and all it takes is some prick of a judge or someone with the authority to go in his favour just once.

Thats why the club have to be vigilant against the rat

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This man whyte seems to create havoc.................the press use him as the rihghteous one now , yet ridiculed him correctly but now the story suits them to use as this man of homur.

How many weeks ago was it again he was oin the papers re not paying his mortgage and also a judge refusing him the right to appeal, yet the papers still seem to believe he is a credible person to use to launch more attacks on our club.

Re the CEO of our friends from the east end.....can anyone recall the hounds of the press tracking the lack of the Japan tour, remember the one that gave birth to "Sporting Integrity" from liewell, can anyone recall the press hounds hunting him(liewell ) with regards to his going to seek out those jolly japes(yes japes) for the numerous shall we say indiscretions...............I can't can you?

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Genuinely think shyte could get sectioned. Is Lennox castle still being used by/for deluded, irrational, manipulative cunts that have no place in society. .........?

Like the association with what is now on the old Lennox Castle grounds!

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oh ffs again - given that it is at the heart of all these claims and counter claim just about every parties lawyer involved in this should raise an objection to the company being dissolved until all court rumination's are finished - this is a non story but that won't stop the fear mongers!

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Record are running it front page tomorrow, 'Gogzy is new majority shareholder'

As long as Gogzy isn't on here with an @rangers e-mail address!

my opening statement would have FTP somewhere in it :P
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Completely Off Topic..

I was recording in a famous recording studio, with a fanous musician/producer today.. he asked what my rush was to get finished.. I told him that I was going to the Legends game. He said, "I never found out till a couple of weeks ago that Craig Whye was in my class at school..I rememeber him.. he was my mate" - He told me stories how he used to knick stuff and bully him and others.. clearly a fucking cunt from the off...

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When are some of you going to realise that no matter what he claims or does register with company house or whoever it is irrelevant....he is a fantasist....he has had over a year to do this or that but chooses to do his talking via the media and the likes of mad phil, Alex (top guy according to mcmurdos) Thomson et al lap it up like its earth shattering news....if whyte could prove he was entitled to anything with rangers he would of by now! He is a waste of space and so is any of you getting hysterical about every "story" eminating from the wee prick!

brilliant post. Fantasist in the extreme. How this charlatan ever "owned" our club..........
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Completely Off Topic..

I was recording in a famous recording studio, with a fanous musician/producer today.. he asked what my rush was to get finished.. I told him that I was going to the Legends game. He said, "I never found out till a couple of weeks ago that Craig Whye was in my class at school..I rememeber him.. he was my mate" - He told me stories how he used to knick stuff and bully him and others.. clearly a fucking cunt from the off...

How would he just realise that only a couple of weeks ago Whyte was in his class at school? that seems odd to me.

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This man whyte seems to create havoc.................the press use him as the rihghteous one now , yet ridiculed him correctly but now the story suits them to use as this man of homur.

Wasn´t CW still the main man on here all the way through up until admin. ?

With that in mind, shouldn´t the alarm bells be ringing re. the Green consortium given they lied about dealing with CW ?

Has he shown STV the Dallas Cowboy e-mail ?

If someone will lie so easily and has resigned without too much of a fight to clear his name, why believe anything he says ?

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A further document was lodged at Companies House on Friday registering an objection to the dissolution of Sevco 5088.

Daily Record, you'd better not call this an exclusive! Heard it here first.

Suprise suprise - a lot of rubbish.

Obsessed much.....

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Wasn´t CW still the main man on here all the way through up until admin. ?

With that in mind, shouldn´t the alarm bells be ringing re. the Green consortium given they lied about dealing with CW ?

Has he shown STV the Dallas Cowboy e-mail ?

If someone will lie so easily and has resigned without too much of a fight to clear his name, why believe anything he says ?

So u would believe whyte over green????

That is just crazy. Look through whytes business past and greens. Which one is more trustworthy??

It still amazes me why people listen to anything whyte says. When he owned us....nobody outside our fans believed a word he said....now he is the bastion of truth??


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Wasn´t CW still the main man on here all the way through up until admin. ?

With that in mind, shouldn´t the alarm bells be ringing re. the Green consortium given they lied about dealing with CW ?

Has he shown STV the Dallas Cowboy e-mail ?

If someone will lie so easily and has resigned without too much of a fight to clear his name, why believe anything he says ?

Hows the end of season tour of Japan getting on...

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Hows the end of season tour of Japan getting on...

Why not answer the questions instead of a barb that is misdirected ?

I simply don´t agree with the general line on RM that supports the Green consortium.

I have seen enough to suggest that Green, Ahmad etc are at it and are not in the long term interests of the club.

Neither do I want WS/AMcC in charge of the football.

It´s hardly an ideal situation but I think you´ve got to start by getting rid of the venture capitalists who will suck the lifeblood out of the club.

Then you look at the football situation.

I reckon results by themselves will see McCoist gone because he hasn´t really got it at a managerial level.

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