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One humble lifelong bear's current take on things........

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Getting rid of the current shower i agree with, going back to the AJs, Bains, P Murrays, Kings ect i do not. Surely if we looked around at other clubs say in England we could recruit some new people, there must be some well run clubs in the Championship, whos CEOs, Chairmen ect would love to come to a club of Rangers standing and would bring with them a new way of doing things. If we had a recruitment drive im sure we could find some people willing to come and steady the ship, the problem is i doubt the current board would do this as it would mean stopping their disgracefull vendetas and working as a team for once and they wont have any truck with that sort of thing.

At one time I would have disagreed with this, but not now. The "real" Rangers men don't exist in my opinion. If they haven't showed up by now, then that would tell us quite a lot. Football is ultimately about putting a team on the park that is worthy of the jersey. If anyone can bring that to Rangers without putting the club in jeopardy, then they should be welcomed.

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The sad thing is that most of the Real Rangers men are up in heaven. They are men who would never have allowed our club to get in to this mess, and men who always paid their way. They were men who would have crawled over broken glass to play for our club, such was their love for our club, and men who were proud to own and love our club.

Now when we need Real Rangers men, all we get is people who love money, and care nothing about the damage they do, as long as they make money. The sad thing is, that we are only a shadow of the club that i grew up with, and the days of Real Rangers men at our club have gone.

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At one time I would have disagreed with this, but not now. The "real" Rangers men don't exist in my opinion. If they haven't showed up by now, then that would tell us quite a lot. Football is ultimately about putting a team on the park that is worthy of the jersey. If anyone can bring that to Rangers without putting the club in jeopardy, then they should be welcomed.

We are stuck in a perpetual nightmare being bounced between 'Real Rangers Men' who have let us down and helped get the club here in the first place, and charlatans, crooks and childlike idiots who are tearing us apart from the inside right now. There must be another way, we just have to find it and force those in power to accept that we wont be treated this way any longer.

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We are stuck in a perpetual nightmare being bounced between 'Real Rangers Men' who have let us down and helped get the club here in the first place, and charlatans, crooks and childlike idiots who are tearing us apart from the inside right now. There must be another way, we just have to find it and force those in power to accept that we wont be treated this way any longer.

You would think running a club like Rangers in the leagues we play in would be one of the easiest things to get right. Apparently not.

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Stopped reading after "It turns out Green was a phoney" what evidence of that is there? I bet you were just like the rest of us who were angered that the SFA/SPL and the media jumped the gun on us before all the facts came out, now your doing the exact same thing. Slanderous.

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So this long season has ended. A season peppered by inept performances. A 'squad' a million miles from where it has to be. But it's mission accomplished and so we move on. Or can we?

snipped for brevity

So ST renewal time and fans are giving it 'WE WILL WALK AWAY'. Not very smart if you ask me, simply playing right into the hands of the people seeking to destroy the club.

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The sad thing is that most of the Real Rangers men are up in heaven. They are men who would never have allowed our club to get in to this mess, and men who always paid their way. They were men who would have crawled over broken glass to play for our club, such was their love for our club, and men who were proud to own and love our club.

Now when we need Real Rangers men, all we get is people who love money, and care nothing about the damage they do, as long as they make money. The sad thing is, that we are only a shadow of the club that i grew up with, and the days of Real Rangers men at our club have gone.

My sentiments exactly.

Great post.

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I can at least agree with your sentiment, but not most of your post, Green for me has acted with a great deal of integrity, anyone who can't see that is in grave need of a whyte stick.

Season ticket renewal is not a political weapon, at best it is an act of faith, not in any religious sense but in continuity, at worst it is simple prepayment for entertainment. Some will argue that a refund partial or whole is due for last season, other can see that their actions are being written into the history of our great Club, what other entertainment do you need.

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As they say on Chewing the fat....

"Youve taken that toooooooooooo far !!

I disagree with alot of business decisions made by Murray during his tenure but his only real 'crime' was selling to Whyte like a coward.

We all like to get on board with this Charles Green sentiment that a club should have no major shareholder because it's the in-thing, but a ship needs a captain and a kitchen needs a head chef. The old guard was more professional in it's operation of the club than what we've had since. We need to a major shareholder calling the shots with a reliable board in place.

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Firstly, I have never mentioned the old guard in my OP. did I mention. Murray, Bain etc?

I want the model ( and dare I admit it) that the rhats have got. No London investors, just all supporters rich and ordinary with a share in the club and a priority of having the best team possible on the pitch.

So ideally, I would like someone like Dave King ( who in my opinion has little baggage in the old guard - Murray done him like a kipper IMO) with new blood like Craig Mather, the Eastons or their like to step forward and manage us properly but at the same time remember that toppling Celtic as often as possible is THE no.1 priority at his club.

I don't want these English vultures (with absolutely no Rangers background in our club) in the boardroom.

I also like to reiterate that I will never walk way. If I don't renew I'll pay at the gate but like D'Art says sometimes being to loyal can be irresponsible. We all held back renewing last year and there was no harm in that. We got some assurances because of that stand off.

Finally, to the Green Disciples on here. He is a charlatan who would do anything to make a quick buck. He was asked three questions at he recent board meeting at Murray Park and after he 'answered' those questions was asked to leave. He has never shown face inside Ibrox since and for a someone who couldn't keep his trap shut for 5m he has suddenly disappeared. Do you think he is whiter that white (pardon the pun)? Because I certainly don't. He just one of the vultures flying above our great club at the moment and they all have to go! And pronto!

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Firstly, I have never mentioned the old guard in my OP. did I mention. Murray, Bain etc?

I want the model ( and dare I admit it) that the rhats have got. No London investors, just all supporters rich and ordinary with a share in the club and a priority of having the best team possible on the pitch.

So ideally, I would like someone like Dave King ( who in my opinion has little baggage in the old guard - Murray done him like a kipper IMO) with new blood like Craig Mather, the Eastons or their like to step forward and manage us properly but at the same time remember that toppling Celtic as often as possible is THE no.1 priority at his club.

I don't want these English vultures (with absolutely no Rangers background in our club) in the boardroom.

I also like to reiterate that I will never walk way. If I don't renew I'll pay at the gate but like D'Art says sometimes being to loyal can be irresponsible. We all held back renewing last year and there was no harm in that. We got some assurances because of that stand off.

Finally, to the Green Disciples on here. He is a charlatan who would do anything to make a quick buck. He was asked three questions at he recent board meeting at Murray Park and after he 'answered' those questions was asked to leave. He has never shown face inside Ibrox since and for a someone who couldn't keep his trap shut for 5m he has suddenly disappeared. Do you think he is whiter that white (pardon the pun)? Because I certainly don't. He just one of the vultures flying above our great club at the moment and they all have to go! And pronto!

Sorry MH , who are the eastons?

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Firstly, I have never mentioned the old guard in my OP. did I mention. Murray, Bain etc?

I want the model ( and dare I admit it) that the rhats have got. No London investors, just all supporters rich and ordinary with a share in the club and a priority of having the best team possible on the pitch.

So ideally, I would like someone like Dave King ( who in my opinion has little baggage in the old guard - Murray done him like a kipper IMO) with new blood like Craig Mather, the Eastons or their like to step forward and manage us properly but at the same time remember that toppling Celtic as often as possible is THE no.1 priority at his club.

I don't want these English vultures (with absolutely no Rangers background in our club) in the boardroom.

I also like to reiterate that I will never walk way. If I don't renew I'll pay at the gate but like D'Art says sometimes being to loyal can be irresponsible. We all held back renewing last year and there was no harm in that. We got some assurances because of that stand off.

Finally, to the Green Disciples on here. He is a charlatan who would do anything to make a quick buck. He was asked three questions at he recent board meeting at Murray Park and after he 'answered' those questions was asked to leave. He has never shown face inside Ibrox since and for a someone who couldn't keep his trap shut for 5m he has suddenly disappeared. Do you think he is whiter that white (pardon the pun)? Because I certainly don't. He just one of the vultures flying above our great club at the moment and they all have to go! And pronto!

Just because someones English doesnt make them a vulture look Minty, Whyte as Scottish vultures, and i think the point you make about toppling celtic as our only priority sums up whats wrong with Rangers mindset in the last few decades, as long as we beat celtic its all ok, even if we have to break the bank to do it. Rangers must be run as a business and be run responsibly thats why i think if we had a couple of people who know the club inside out on board but have outside people who know about football and business without all the baggage that the old guard bring and without being shysters or con men then we can keep our traditions but expand our business and aim higher than just beating a poor celtic team and aiming for the odd CL or Europa run once every few years.

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I said 'manage us properly' I have never said old guard, break the bank etc. read the post.

Why won't Green come out and publicly defend himself. Surely he's not got a sore throat or something?

Surely some would find that "embarrassing"?

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I said 'manage us properly' I have never said old guard, break the bank etc. read the post.

Why won't Green come out and publicly defend himself. Surely he's not got a sore throat or something?

Just recently most fans were telling CG to shut up, well he has, and secondly if he is not guilty there is nothing to say.

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Firstly, I have never mentioned the old guard in my OP. did I mention. Murray, Bain etc?

I want the model ( and dare I admit it) that the rhats have got. No London investors, just all supporters rich and ordinary with a share in the club and a priority of having the best team possible on the pitch.

So ideally, I would like someone like Dave King ( who in my opinion has little baggage in the old guard - Murray done him like a kipper IMO) with new blood like Craig Mather, the Eastons or their like to step forward and manage us properly but at the same time remember that toppling Celtic as often as possible is THE no.1 priority at his club.

I don't want these English vultures (with absolutely no Rangers background in our club) in the boardroom.

I also like to reiterate that I will never walk way. If I don't renew I'll pay at the gate but like D'Art says sometimes being to loyal can be irresponsible. We all held back renewing last year and there was no harm in that. We got some assurances because of that stand off.

Finally, to the Green Disciples on here. He is a charlatan who would do anything to make a quick buck. He was asked three questions at he recent board meeting at Murray Park and after he 'answered' those questions was asked to leave. He has never shown face inside Ibrox since and for a someone who couldn't keep his trap shut for 5m he has suddenly disappeared. Do you think he is whiter that white (pardon the pun)? Because I certainly don't. He just one of the vultures flying above our great club at the moment and they all have to go! And pronto!

You do realise the club needs up front working capital to budget and function? And can you really rely on yourself to go to the hassle of buying a match ticket every single time?

I certainly never held back last year, I can't speak for everyone but after the CVA rejection no season ticket renewals were being accepted until we had a league to play in, I imagine that had a bigger part in the delay.

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Whatever becomes of Charles Green , I'll always look up to him as the man who stood up to all our enemies & point blank refused to allow these despicable people to strip titles from us.

I shudder to think what wouldve happened if anyone else was CEO at the time.

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Absolutely love this paragraph Muirhead.


Me too d'artagnan . And MB, if we don't all feel like that as rangers supporters, that last paragraph , then we might as well all chuck the fuckin towel in.

Whilst I may agree or disagree with everything you wrote, I won't criticise you for writing it. Who can say you are wrong? Who has the right? Nobody!

Because it was so heartfelt, from a true bear, who's opinion is his own, and the class in which it was written stands out for me from the usual wee childish snipes from those who love to slag others posts on here without as much as a stand out reason why they disagree . I wish more would post like you, then we might have a proper board again, instead of being infested by juvenile quips with no substance.

My opinion may not be of a concern to you or others on here, but I thought your post was superb.

No Surrender


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