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Rangers win Div 2 - Jon Daly celebrates scenario....


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Why would he run to a Celtic fan for a flag and then take it to us to celebrate ... And why the need for a disclaimer for calling them scum? Have you read everything you wrote there?

Totally off-topic but you have nearly 20k posts and I feel like I have only noticed you over the last few weeks. Did you have a different username previous to the one you have now?

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Who cares? He is Irish and Ireland is his country. He should be proud to fly the flag of his own country.

It's not as if he was born in Glasgow and waves the tricolour pretending to be Irish.

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Totally off-topic but you have nearly 20k posts and I feel like I have only noticed you over the last few weeks. Did you have a different username previous to the one you have now?

Nah mate I didn't post for about 2 years

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Why would he run to a Celtic fan for a flag and then take it to us to celebrate ... And why the need for a disclaimer for calling them scum? Have you read everything you wrote there?

The disclaimer was an obtuse referance to another thread.

I said that he runs round the goals and reclaims his nations flag from a plastic paddy. Its a scenario, not real. In reality he would not go anywhere near the scum, they would lynch him.

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Label the OP a tim just because the the thread provides a bit of debate amongst fellow supporters. Its a forum mate, issues divide opinions, deal wae it.

I've already said i dont think Daly would do it, it was to find out if there were people who wouldnt care if he did, and it seems there is.

Not at all....debate is great and worthwhile but this is not debate it is suggestive and achieves no purpose other than to cause trouble and illicit a negative reaction....

Your username is just missing the 1690 to be the cliche of almost all previous posters on a fishing trip...

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Maybe the OP plans on trying to sell some tri-colours with a big blue RFC and Jon Daly loyal printed on them and this thread is just market research. Then again maybe not as the response is fairly simple as 1st jan put it earlier......

''For the Sam reason McCourt or any of the Prods at Celtic don't pick up a red hand or a Union Jack when Celtic win things - out of respect for their fans feelings be it rightly or wrongly''

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Don't give a fuck where he is from and who his god is, if he plays good and scores the goals I will wave his flag for him, some fans will more than likely be offended but it's about time some moved out of the dark ages.

If players like McCourt decide not to wave a Red Hand flag because off his teams supporters then that's his choice but I strongly believe it's time for us to be the bigger man/team and move on.

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Don't give a fuck where he is from and who his god is, if he plays good and scores the goals I will wave his flag for him, some fans will more than likely be offended but it's about time some moved out of the dark ages.

If players like McCourt decide not to wave a Red Hand flag because off his teams supporters then that's his choice but I strongly believe it's time for us to be the bigger man/team and move on.

The day wee guys like you wave a tricolour at Ibrox is the days our club is fucked ....

Dark ages or not - the taigs say we are a totally different club since the old co newco thing, beginning to dread that they might be right when people talk about happily waving tricolours at Ibrox

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Don't give a fuck where he is from and who his god is, if he plays good and scores the goals I will wave his flag for him, some fans will more than likely be offended but it's about time some moved out of the dark ages.

If players like McCourt decide not to wave a Red Hand flag because off his teams supporters then that's his choice but I strongly believe it's time for us to be the bigger man/team and move on.

TBH I would never like to see a Tricolour waved at Ibrox, even by them, its been claimed by the plastic paddies.
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Knew that would your typical hand wringer response

You can embrace the tricolour all you want if you think it gives us the moral high ground - batter in

I don't want it at Ibrox ever bad enough 7 thousand taigs with it twice a year never mind players whipping it out to celebrate

In saying that there's a valid argument that yous all accepted a signing like him so yous have to respect his flag when he whips it out - a lot of the support have made their bed with this and have no right to permarage over it if they agree with him signing

It is simply the flag of a country FFS. A country that does not care if you exist never mind what team you support.

You are yet again mistaking a country for a terrorist ideology . ROI does not equal republican terrorist.

And as mentioned above the orange bit is included for a reason

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For me its like this, I dont hate Irish people, I dont hate Catholics, I do have a problem with Irish Republicanism, but have friends and family that support these views, so to say I hate Irish Republicans would also be false.

As a Rangers fan, and proud Brit and Scot, I find it laughable that a group of supporters in Scotland pretend they are Irish, identify with Ireland, wave Tricolours and sing Irish rebel songs. When they are Scottish, a small group of them may be of Irish descent, a smaller group may actually be Irish. But the majority are born and bred in Scotland, we simply ask "If you love Ireland so much, then why dont you go live there?"

All this nonsense about Daly is just the media twisting everything Rangers fans say, we have had Catholic managers, captains, players, ex-celtic players, some Catholic players are even referred to as Legends. So if the media were to say we are Anti-Catholic it would of course be utter nonsense, so what do they do? They switch it around a bit - "if we cannae say ra hunz ur anti-cafflik, then we'll say thur anti-Irish" Its just them picking and choosing what suits them.

If we win the league and John Daly has been a part of the squad that wins the league, then he has as much right to adorn his national flag as any other player. We are a British Club, not and Anti-Irish club.

I dont care what country the guy is from, hes a Rangers player. And Rangers means more to me than any anti-irish feeling ever will.

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It is simply the flag of a country FFS. A country that does not care if you exist never mind what team you support.

You are yet again mistaking a country for a terrorist ideology . ROI does not equal republican terrorist.

And as mentioned above the orange bit is included for a reason

A country that has harboured peados, terrorists, war criminal nazis and anti British hate for 100 years

By all means you fly the tricolour then if its just a countries flag on ye go ......

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For me its like this, I dont hate Irish people, I dont hate Catholics, I do have a problem with Irish Republicanism, but have friends and family that support these views, so to say I hate Irish Republicans would also be false.

As a Rangers fan, and proud Brit and Scot, I find it laughable that a group of supporters in Scotland pretend they are Irish, identify with Ireland, wave Tricolours and sing Irish rebel songs. When they are Scottish, a small group of them may be of Irish descent, a smaller group may actually be Irish. But the majority are born and bred in Scotland, we simply ask "If you love Ireland so much, then why dont you go live there?"

All this nonsense about Daly is just the media twisting everything Rangers fans say, we have had Catholic managers, captains, players, ex-celtic players, some Catholic players are even referred to as Legends. So if the media were to say we are Anti-Catholic it would of course be utter nonsense, so what do they do? They switch it around a bit - "if we cannae say ra hunz ur anti-cafflik, then we'll say thur anti-Irish" Its just them picking and choosing what suits them.

If we win the league and John Daly has been a part of the squad that wins the league, then he has as much right to adorn his national flag as any other player. We are a British Club, not and Anti-Irish club.

I dont care what country the guy is from, hes a Rangers player. And Rangers means more to me than any anti-irish feeling ever will.

You've got an absolute cheek to call yourself a loyalist

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A country that has harboured peados, terrorists, war criminal nazis and anti British hate for 100 years

By all means you fly the tricolour then if its just a countries flag on ye go ......

Most of the world has hated us for longer than that.

If we use that logic there would be no Italian flags

No German flags

No French flags

and on and on

It is a flag which contains a one third segment celebrating supporters of William of Orange after all.


The question is not whether WE would fly one but what would happen if Daly did.

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Most of the world has hated us for longer than that.

If we use that logic there would be no Italian flags

No German flags

No French flags

and on and on

It is a flag which contains a one third segment celebrating supporters of William of Orange after all.


The question is not whether WE would fly one but what would happen if Daly did.

William of orange has never been mentioned when debating that rag ever before but now somecunt like Daly signs and the Rangers fans go into meltdown trying to rationale and justify the flag by bringing that up ....

The debate has move on from the initial point, someone has even mentioned flying the tricolour themselfs and as for the rest of yous if your happy to see it at Ibrox and happy to make all sorts of pish excuses for the country of Ireland itself, then I'm entitled to think the worst

Absolutely pig sick reading the replies in this thread, I don't know this club and its once great fan base of ours anymore it's absolutely tragic reading for someone like me

I can hear some of you snigger saying good to yourselfs

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Im at a loss as to understand why someone flying their national flag is a problem and i see no reasons other than a hatred for Ireland to be the real justification for it.

Who the fuck cares? Is it really that much of a problem? All seems a little sad in my eyes.

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Wouldn't bother me at all. I don't hate the tricolour. I hate the plastic paddy scum who wave it.

Spot on mate.

I've been in Dublin a few times and have a lot of respect for REAL Irish people.

A bar owner wanted to buy my rangers top from me, he reckoned if he hung it up in his pub he would get a lot more trade from locals coming in to see it !

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:bullshit - Copy:

You know what the reaction to this thread will be, yet you continue to post it. You appear to either want to get individuals into trouble or just want to shine a bad light on the entire support.

This........... (tu)

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You've got an absolute cheek to call yourself a loyalist

How does being a Loyalist mean you have to hate Irish people? If you're ok with booing a Rangers player simply because he comes from Ireland then go ahead, to me he is a Rangers player first a foremost.

People all over the country are tarring all Muslims with the same brush, while the media tar all Rangers fans with the same brush, and all British people are being tarred with the same brish. You are just doing the same thing that our enemies are doing to us.

Id like to see how youd react if Daly scores the goal that wins us the league this season. And if us winning the league this year is dampened in your mind by the fact that one of our players is Irish then I feel sorry for you.

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William of orange has never been mentioned when debating that rag ever before but now somecunt like Daly signs and the Rangers fans go into meltdown trying to rationale and justify the flag by bringing that up ....

The debate has move on from the initial point, someone has even mentioned flying the tricolour themselfs and as for the rest of yous if your happy to see it at Ibrox and happy to make all sorts of pish excuses for the country of Ireland itself, then I'm entitled to think the worst

Absolutely pig sick reading the replies in this thread, I don't know this club and its once great fan base of ours anymore it's absolutely tragic reading for someone like me

I can hear some of you snigger saying good to yourselfs

Its once still great fanbase has simply moved into the 21st century with the rest of the population.

It is perfectly possible to despise republican terrorists and their sympathisers without hating a whole country or whole religion.

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A country that has harboured 1)peados, 2) terrorists, 3)war criminal nazis and 4)anti British hate for 100 years

By all means you fly the tricolour then if its just a countries flag on ye go ......

1) That was the leaders of the Catholic Church in Ireland, not the people or government.

2) By no means all the people did that but you carry on believing the tabloid press. You are aware the Garda have had officers targeted and murdered by the IRA?

3) There have been Nazi war criminals living in the UK and other countries, there were even nazi sympathisers in the UK during the war.

4) Again a perception that the whole country is anti-British is as correct as saying Alec Salmond represents the views of everyone in Scotland.

Now pointing these things out to you may make me a handwringer in your eyes but there you go. We obviously can't agree on everything (maybe my forebear who was in the Black and Tans will be whirling like a dervish about now!) but would you really be that offended if someone who is genuinely entitled waves the flag of his country at Ibrox to celebrate his contribution to Rangers continuing success?

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